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Posts posted by bobfish

  1. When spinning I work my lures both in the wash and in the clearer water. I have caught fish in both although kingies seem to like the clearer water whilst tailor and salmon generally congregate under the wash.

    Pelagic fish roam constantly, so I feel the longer the cast the better. It means you cover more area, have less casts and your lure stays in the water longer per session. I've hooked mackerel on the instant my lure hit the water 80m out and looked down a big kingys mouth at my feet whilst it was boofing at a popper. Anything can happen.

    When its overcast or raining keep your lures close to the surface but if it's a sunny day you may have to present your lures deeper as the fish are generally shyer.

    Next time you catch a pike, regardless of the size, and if you have suitable gear, send it back out on a two hook snell rig 6 foot under a float. If there's any thumpers out there its a great way to find out.

    Cheers, Bobfish

  2. Hey mate,

    I've been doing a lot of rock spinning and live baiting on the northern beaches in the past month, using metals of all sizes, chug poppers, skip poppers and minnows.

    My best bet is the poppers, metals don't seem to be doing it at the moment but I've caught three mid sized kings in my last three sessions, all at different times of day (one at midday) on chug poppers. Specifically, the new saltist version that looks like a pilchard and a yo-zuri one that looks like a slimey.

    Find a nice safe ledge with a good wash, most of these are frequently fished and talked about, so it wont be hard. If you fish the ledge regularly you will work out when the most productive times are. I fish my best ledge on a low in the afternoon, as this seems to be a more productive time by a long shot.

    Good luck mate, Bobfish

  3. hey steve

    1 never tye the balloon to braid it will snap the braid

    2 tye the balloon to the leader using balloon stub this acts like a spring

    3throw the livey out like a hand line[no circles]use the back wash off the rocks to get it out the back

    as mentioned in pre.posts the tubes is a very hairy spot and only the very experianced rock hopper should attempt to fish there

    there are many good spots that are a lot safer to get to

    were do you live i would be glade to give away my rock hopping spot x es as i'm to old to go to these spots anymore

    yes to old and to lazy lol


    Hey Brickman,

    Are the tubes on the north side of newport headland? I went down for a look last weekend, but the only way i could see to get down was a dodgy rope... I wasn't too game to try it...

  4. Anyone interested in a trip from Roseville ramp (or Pennant Hills) tomorrow. Sorry for the short notice but the weather looks good.

    Plan 1 is to launch Roseville about 6am try the harbour, downrig & troll, berly for trev. or if that is quite whiz out to DY wide to see if the flathead are there yet. Return to the ramp about 11.30am.

    The alternative would be to start about 3pm, and stay in the harbour fishing for trev. & tailor until about 8pm. The tailor are pretty dependable this time of year.

    Company only wanted no expenses or work required.

    Give me an email or call me on 0412 898 778


    Pm sent.... fingers crossed

  5. Hey Raiders,

    I've recently taken the plunge from full time employment in mechanical engineering to start full time study. Im starting to feel the affects of a very minimal income (I just looked in the fridge, its not looking good) so Im after some part time work on the north shore. Im good at everything, punctual and reliable. I have experience in hospitality and manufacturing and have a heap of references who would be happy to recommend me too. Can anybody help?

    Thanks for listening Raiders,


  6. I can say specifically that there are swarms of slimies ranging from 10cm - 35cm at little manly point this wek. I got sick of catching them whilst spinning small metals. Although the bigger ones really go off on light line :thumbup:

    Good luck


  7. Nice brace of bream there Pete :thumbup:

    I had a poke around the entrance to deep creek yesterday arvo. Hoping to find some lizards. I was especially hopeful after the influx of fresh, but to no avail. Im guessing with the ammount of fresh water moving around they shifted closer to the front of the lake. Or to deeper water. I was amazed though at the ammount of mullet up there, they were packed in like sardines (mind the pun).

    Before leaving I whacked on a stick bait and managed two very healthy, very silver bream though. Did you find those beauts near the caravan park?

    Cheers, Bobfish

  8. Nice one bobfish!!!!!

    Where you at south or north????

    I have fished south a few times with not to much luck but might have to give it another go soon..... I have caught a few squid off the rocks at south though so im sure there would be kings around as well from time to time!!!!

    Hey fishlexic, I was at the north end mate, once i get this picture posting sorted il put up a pic

  9. Hey Raiders,

    I got out on the weekend to try my hand at "land based game" for kings. This is a first for me, so I was a bit doubtful about my prospect for success. I dropped into manly early on sunday morning to try and find half a dozen livies or so. Once I burleyed up there were so many yellowtail, ten minutes later I was trading all the larger ones for those of a more perfect size. I was off to a good start!

    Half an hour later and I was setting up on curl curl rocks, there were a few other guys already live baiting but without any luck. Out goes the first livie, and I settle in to enjoy my surrounds. Sunday was a pearler of a day to be fishing.

    After the sun came up i was starting to get a bit lethargic so rod in hand I closed my eyes for just a moment. I felt the livie going off below my float and opened my eyes to see it skipping across the surface....king in persuit! I would give 100 bucks to see my face at that moment. haha!

    After a quick tussle the king was landed and my first LBG effort was a success. I was stoked.

  10. Hey Raiders,

    Ive recently bought a new spinning outfit for the coming kingie season, but I have no idea what plastics to equip myself with.

    I know surface poppers are sometimes the go and some softies work too but im after the specific types.

    So it would be great if the king pro's out there could rate your top five kingie lures, so I can get amongst em asap!

    Thanks in advance guys,


  11. Too right Sails, it was a beautiful day :thumbup: Nice work with the sambo! Mate, where do you put your yak in at longie? Ive been thinking about it for a while but the entry always looks too daunting, any tips would be appreciated!



  12. Fishfillet,

    I joined in February this year and haven't looked back. It is a great site but be careful... you will becomed ADDICTED :1prop:


    If my memory serves me right ceph, it was actually march you joined..... was it the fifth? :074:

    :1welcomeani: fishfillet, feel free to take the mickey outa everybody as well, and that includes yourself!




  13. jump rock???? along there???

    never fished it myself anyone got any tips???

    Thats the one mate. I just use a bit of burley to get the yakkas and slimies going then use standard kingie/game gear and livies, watch out though, big fish and territorial locals abide there! It can get pretty crowded in summer, to the point of being ridiculous.

    If i had to give you one tip, go there after a still friday night. All the wannabees dump they're unused bait before returning home and this creates a nice food filled scenario for the next morning...... ;)



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