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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. :1yikes:

    Geez Dan, I hope you've got a friend who's a chiropractor. I'm guessing it'll take a while to recover from pulling in that monster.

    I'd like to see you try to tie up a twin hook rig for that boy.... maybe a couple of size 22 Gamakatsu fly hooks??

    For some reason everyone seems to have reported catching small stuff over the last few days (except for the odd offshore report). I'm betting all our baby snapper were chasing all your baby squid.

    Cheers, Slinky

    mate i think i got whiplash trying to look away from the nudist sun bathing!!

    The last few times out we have been getting some good size squid just not at the normals spots mate.

  2. Yeah it was, were you the guy that launched solo just after me? I was in the white poly

    I launched at about 5am.

    A couple of cars were parked in those same places when i came in at about 4pm. I was just wondering if you were there when I was coming back in.

  3. Hello all,

    Hit the harbor Saturday with a mate to try and score a couple winter kings. Started out with the mandatory drift for squid at the Spit which again didnt produce. At sun up we cruised into MH for a couple hours trying a couple spots with some fresh frozen squid but with no luck. Once we started running short on Squid we decided to hit the harbor at around 11am to get some more squid. We got to our first spot and after the first cast Steve was on to a nice 1kg green eye. After few more minutes went by and I was retreiving my jig when I noticed a bit of weed or plastic on the end of my jig. On closer inspection I realized that it wasnt rubbish and it was actually a squid.


    Jig was a 1.8g and the squid was roughly a quarter of the size. Absolutely smallest squid ive ever seen, id like to see if anyone else has caught one smaller!! We put it back in the water to fight another day, but I wont like I did think about chucking a hook through it live.

    10 minutes later Steve said to me whats that up there on the cliff. I looked up straight away to a very large very naked old man bending over giving me a vertical smile!! Once Steve stopped laughing and I finished dry reaching we pulled the pick and moved on.

    Unfortunately we had no luck with fish for the rest of the day but it was good to be out there.

  4. post-4021-1214779159_thumb.jpg

    I waited for a few boats to use it first before I had a go. It is very steep and a funny angle, but it wasn't as bad as it looked to use.

    Apparently they are fixing up the drop off on the left side of the ramp. The funny thing is there were 2 other boats waiting to see if it was safe to use, all of us had dropped a trailer wheel off the ramp.

    Here is a pic.

    Hey Slaka, was that pic from Saturday?

  5. Hello all,

    A few people have mentioned that due to the strong aussie $$$ its a good time to buy gear from the US. If anyone has any good fishing websites could you please let me know.

    By PM or post, Cheers.

  6. Id buy 2 big game fishing boats to open up a charter buisness and pay someone to run it. 2 waterfront homes on the northern beaches to rent out to high profile buisness exec's. 35 mil locked up in fixed term with the banks and then I would get every possible visa required to travel all around the world seeing every famous land mark and fishing the top 1000 spots around the world!!

  7. great fish Ray, well done.

    Can you tell me where you launched from please? We were up there for 3 days a couple weeks ago and left from Nelsons bay on a big moored boat. I was looking to get out there in my 5m but was just wondering what the closest ramp was.



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