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Kiwi Dan

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Posts posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. Hi Dan, they are technically called cable ends-not very technical I know. Problem is with the age and stlye of your engine if you could still get them they cost over $50 each. Ring around wreckers mate and say you have a Japanese Mariner and you need the cable end that thread onto the control cables.

    You should be able to pick up cheaply, if not let me know and I can see if you can still get them new.



    LEGEND thanks Huey.

    Ill give them a go, if I need to try get one new how long do you think it would take you to get one?

  2. Hi raiders,

    Im hoping a few of you knowledgeable fishos will be able to help me.

    Last night while dusting off my engine I was a little rough and broke a piece connected to my forward and reverse cable on the motor end. I have no idea what the piece is called but it is connected to the cable on a spring and looks like it is made of some kind of ceramic. Luckily i checked again today and the other one is well on its way out.

    So does anyone know what these are called and does anyone know where I can get another set from? I am desperate to get out on the water this weekend so any help is appreciated. The motor is a 40hp Mariner, probably made sometime in the 80's.

    You can call me on 0422276974 if thats easier.





    I was at the Leagues club supporting the lads yelling out of control along with the thousands of other people at the club. The atmosphere was unbeleivable and the 40 point score line made the beers fall even faster by not having to sit there nervous until the final whitsle, it was all over by half time!!!

    Now we have 6 in the world cup squad, well deserved!!

    Cant wait till 2009.

  4. if were lucky enough to have enough left in the petrol tank after the last couple of bruising battles(freddie is trippin the way he has them goin kamakazi style) and if we dispatch the warriors then we may have to have something on the side eh Dan... go you mighty chookies.. we still have a little paybacks to do :tease: ..

    isnt it amazing that up there the size and numbers of kings is soooooo different to syd but not really that far in the grand scale of things, thats why s..... is booked well in advance eh....

    maybe you should of left the last one hooked and done a scenic route via MH let the king and enterage loose and then headed back to terrigal (just in case they didn't know the way to syd) :074:

    see you out an about ...


    Will have a little side wager for sure mate, ill let you concentrate on Friday night first though!!

    It was amazing how many boats were out there at this spot, there were at least 12 boats all drifting and jigging the same boat and everyone was catching. People were literally pusing each others boats off one another, it was a carpark!!

  5. hi Dan,

    well what can i say :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:

    look at that deck :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    well done,bet you feel abit tender after an effort like that...

    i hope you told the ones that went back about what a lovely harbour we have and they should come down for a visit with all their friends :074::074: .


    Hey Steve,

    mate when i was putting them back i made sure i was tossing them towards the harbor.

    Looks like your lot will be up against Manly if you can get past the warriors!!

    Hi Josh88

    Got through that much fish easily, there were a lot of friends and family hanging for king fillets and cutlets by the time we got back after not having any through winter.

  6. Kiwi Dan that's an awesome report! Great photos too! :thumbup:

    That's the sort of session I dream about. I noticed that your smallest king was bigger than my pb!

    I saw a jacket or two in the photos. Did you lose any rigs to the pesky little blighters?



    Hi Peter,

    I caught the jacket on one of the jigs funny enough. We only lost 1 jig for the day, and that wasnt to a jacket either it was a little miscommunication when a fish was dropped back over the side.

    Salmon Hunter.

    we were about 30km mate.

  7. Hello all,

    I havent been fishing for months but I booked a jigging charter for Saturday with 2 mates the father in law and the brother inlaw and we weren't disappointed.

    We set out at 6am from Terrigal and made our way out to the first mark. The skipper was telling us how well they have been doing catching 50 the day before so on and so on. At first we didnt know what to think, was he just saying that because thats what we wanted to hear or was he for real. Well I can honsetly say now he was FOR REAL!!

    We arrived at the spot and he instructed us to drop the jigs. We were fishing 3 at a time in 100m of water and the very first drop we had a triple hook up within 30 seconds of fishing. From there on it was the most amazing fishing action I have ever seen. Kings were hitting the deck 1 after the other for at least 2 hours, every single drop produced at least 1 king with double and triple hook ups regularly.

    The average size would have been high 80's, biggest of the day went 96cm, none of a meter unfortunately. There were a heap of fat kings and not 1 undersized king, the smallest for the day went around 73cm. We brought home 30 kings, boated more then 60 and would have been hooked up to over 90. At one stage I thought I was into my first hoodlum but it turned out to be a massive seal which had latched onto my king. I got it all the way to the boat but before it finally let it go. We were getting that many hook ups you could tell if you had a contender for the 1m mark or you thought you might have a chance at biggest fish of the day and were a little disappointed if you new it wasnt.

    It was an absolute top day on the water and to cap it off Mighty Manly won as well as my beloved All Blacks!!









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