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Everything posted by Ragnar

  1. I’ve put the videos on my instagram search Todd Ressler 🤙🏻
  2. So this happened last night... I went out to flick some hard bodies for jews, nothing too exciting was happening, I was just settling into the relentless grind that is jews on hard bodies, cast after cast after cast, twitch, twitch pause, twitch twitch pause, then bang my clackin minnow got absolutely belted. First thing that came to mind was yes finally a Jew on hard body, it took a decent first run, then it started going sideways heading for structure, that’s when I knew this wasn’t a Jew. I was racking my brain, what the hell was this thing that hit me so hard mid water. Couldn’t be a flathead, maybe it was a Dino bream, maybe it was a big chopper. As I started to gain some line on it, the harder it fought, I could feel my 30lb leader rubbing on the oyster covered rocks. I put a few extra clicks on my drag and after a few tense moment I managed to steer it away from danger. I finally got it within the reach of my net, but every time I tried to steer it in it kicked away splashing me in the process. After 3 attempts to net it I said stuff it and turned on my head torch so I could see what the hell I was doing. I was hesitant to do this as I wanted to keep fishing this spot after. With my torch now on I steered the fish up towards my net and caught a glimpse of the last thing a lot of bait fish see, the red flash of a mangrove jack...no f’n way were the first words that left my mouth. No f’n way! As I guided it into my net I let out a scream similar to that of a high school girl at a boy band concert! I couldn’t believe what I had just caught! Now my next problem was I now had a big angry mangrove jack in my net but I didn’t have any lip grips and there was no way I was going to put my hand anywhere within range of his mouth. After a few hesitations and attempted bites from the red devil I managed to pull the lure from its mouth and whacked it on the lie detector. 50cm on the dot. I took a moment and stood back and just admired the fish. Mangrove jacks have to be one of the coolest looking fish. I got it back in the net and swam it for a couple of minutes until it was strong enough to go. I slipped the net away from it and watched as it swam off into the murky depths. When I picked up my lure and leader to assess the damage I realised how lucky was to land this fish. Straighten hooks, chaffed leader which somehow now had a knot in it. I definitely had help from the fishing gods with this one. Much to the dismay of my wife, I will now have to buy a replacement lure as that one will be going on the wall and will never see water again. Can someone please tell me how I can post a couple of short videos I have of this thing! I try to attach them and it says they’re too big. They’re only 17 and 28 seconds long, surely they’re not too big! video-1611208551.mp4 video-1611208272.mp4
  3. Hey mate, where abouts are you located? If you’re in Sydney maybe we can meet up for a night time session.?!
  4. Always happy to help mate, plus it gives me an opportunity to learn as well!
  5. Yea I don’t know whether I had a hot streak or not cos the last couple of sessions have been slow going only landing small fish and very few and far between! But I’ll keep slogging it out, hopefully this rain we’re forecast will fire the big girls back up again! 🤞🏻
  6. I managed to find a place in Australia that has 2 of the black glow heddon crazy crawlers left! I had a good laugh when the first thing that popped up when I searched it was antique lures 🤣 they look similar to the Jackall micro pompadour.
  7. Thanks mate! Tough to take decent pics on an iPhone haha
  8. Haha cheers mate! Hard to beat the surface strike no matter the size of fish! I will always remember the Murray cod I caught off the top, 70+cm exploding clean out of the water, something I would like to spend more time doing that’s for sure!
  9. Thanks mate, they are killer on the bass and I caught my first Murray cod off the top on one of their bigger surface walkers!
  10. Thanks mate, glad you found some inspiration haha I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on one, I’d be keen to find out if a lure with glow is more affective. I think there’s glow stickers you can get to put on lures 🤔🤔🤔
  11. It definitely gets the heart pumping haha
  12. Thanks mate! Always something new to learn and get better at.
  13. Hey guys, Over the past few weeks I have turned a curiosity of top water fishing for bass into a full blown addiction. I knew that catching bass of the surface is nothing new, but I wanted to see what I could learn through my own experiences what bass fishing in particular top water fishing was all about. So I thought I’d do a bit of a report on my recent top water bass sessions and what I have learned along the way. Hopefully this helps some guys who are looking to get into it or who have done it before. session 1: 23rd February 19:30 start Rocked up to my spot while there was some sunlight available so I could walk around and see some locations that would be fishable, due to trees lining the banks and weed patches I was going to be limited to a handful of spots. I found my first location, it had large weed patches on both sides which sort of made a semicircle arch around in front of me. I though to myself, if I was a bass this is where I’d probably be. Being new to the top water bass game my lure selection was very slim. I had a Tiemco soft shell cicada and a Taylormade mini surface breaker. I chose to tie on the Mini surface breaker first. This lure puts out a really nice wake that I quickly found out bass could not resist. I tried a few different retrieve techniques from a slow to medium constant wind to a slow retrieve with pauses. What I found worked best with this lure was to cast it out and when it landed flip my bail arm over immediately and wind up the slack but not retrieve the lure. Let it sit there til the rings disappeared and then 3-4 slow winds to get the lure into action. Then another pause to let any curious bass come and investigate. This was repeated all the way back to my feet. Now I can not stress enough keep the retrieve going all the way back to your feet. I learned this throughout the week as I had a few strikes and hook ups from less than a foot from the bank. Over about an hours session I landed 5 bass with the biggest going 35cm and I had myself a new pb. It wasn’t a record breaker but I was just happy to see some quality come out of this location. The hit from the bigger bass off the top got my heart pumping straight away. I learned just quickly how super aggressive these fish are and he just exploded on my lure. Another thing I learned during this first session was that bass on the surface is going to take some patience and persistence as I had another 8 missed strikes/hits. session 2: 7th March 19:30 start This session was a tough one for me, as there was periods of rain throughout the late arvo and into the night so the time I got to throw lures wasn’t ver long. Due to this I stuck to the spot I found in my first session. With the mini surface breaker tied on again and with the same retrieve techniques. I managed to pull a new pb of 37cm. session 3: 9th March 19:30 start With the rain and wind about over the past few days I was keen to see how much it had affected the water level and the weed patches throughout the area. What I found was that it had pushed weed into the area I was fishing the previous 2 sessions which forced me to move around about another 50m or so to a spot which I could get a semi decent cast away and wasn’t going to get snagged up on some weed. Well wasn’t I in for a surprise! Ended up with 5 fish, the 2 biggest going 34cm and 36cm (so close to another pb upgrade). This night I made a rookie error one which I should know as I’ve been fishing long enough. But we learn from our mistakes. I dropped what would have been an easy 40cm fish at the bank 😢 I had the leader in my hand and as I attempted to lift/slide the fish on to the bank, it kicked and straightened out a stock treble and off he swam! Anyone who has lost a fish due to this will know my pain! This error was caused by me being lazy and not replacing the stock hooks! I figured oh I’m just going bass fishing, I won’t need to upgrade my hooks! Well wasn’t I wrong haha Session 4: 10th March 19:30 start During my lunch break I was able to duck over and pick up some new hooks to replace on my lures. I went with the owner ST-36BC. These hooks are deadly sharp. I just had to look at one and it was nearly barb deep in me! With all stock hooks gone and the bent one kept as a friendly reminder I was back at my local. This time I tried a different spot, due to a parrot with a remote control boat zipping around near my other spot and as we had recently received some rain I thought I would try a little bay where there is a creek feeding into it, and also as I moved around to the other side I found out a storm water drain also fed into this area. It ended up being a relatively quiet night, landed 4 fish with the biggest going 35cm. session 5: 15th March 19:30 start Now that I had caught my fair share on the Taylormade mini surface breaker I thought that I would give another of the Taylormade lures a crack. I picked up a jimmy lizard (from my local tackle store) which is a 4 segment wakebait style lure. I tried a few different retrieve techniques with this but I found the same retrieve with the mini surface breaker to be the most successful. I had to work a bit harder this night and move around to few different spots to find them but I managed 4 fish, going 22, 28, 36 and 37. session 6: 16th March 19:30 start Once again I tried out a new lure haha This time I bought 2 chasebait frilkseekers. These are 4 segment wakebait style lure with a soft plastic tail. One ended up without it hooks and my daughter now uses it as a bath toy haha not the first lure she’s had in there! This lure is an interesting one. I wasn’t so sure just how successful it was going to be. Being 17.5cm long I was hessitant to tie it on and throw it. But I gave it a crack, I found the best retrieve with this to be just a slow constant wind with a few 1-2 second pauses thrown in. Any faster than a slow retrieve and it would dive sub surface, I didn’t want this to happen as it was the surprise of surface crunch I wanted. I managed to land 2 fish which had eyes way too big for their stomachs and weren’t much bigger than the lure haha this made me realise that lure size doesn’t really matter to these fish. They will hit things just as big as they are. I swapped back to the Taylormade jimmy lizard and a first cast special with a 36cm hitting the bank. session 7: 18th March 19:30 start After watching a few videos of a lure fisherman (John Costello) that I admire not only for his skill but his persistence I bought a few packs of the zman finesse frogs. If you haven’t heard of John, I strongly recommend looking up his channel on YT. With all the extra weed around over the past few sessions I rigged these on a 1/0 gamakatsu worm hook. The spot I had in mind to try these out had a small bare section about 1.5-2m in front of me then bout 2m of weed bed the all clear water out from there. I cast as far beyond the seedbed as I could and 5 casts in I found out that these were going to be my new favourite lure! I managed to pull a 39cm specimen through some hairy weed and into my net. The retrieve I found that worked the best for me was I would cast it out, and this lure being a light soft plastic lands a hell of a lot softer than the hard body lures I was previously throwing. With this the surface ripples were a lot less. So I would immediately flip my bail arm over, reel in the slack line and give my rod butt a few taps to send a sort of shock wave through my rod and down my line to the lure. This caused the lure to pulse on the water which puts out good surface ripples. I would wait til they disappeared then I would start reeling at a medium speed to get the lure on it plane so to speak and then slow it down for about 0.5-1m then pause. session 8: 19th March 19:30 start With the zman finesse frog tied on I rocked up to what is now my usual spot. I had high hopes of what was ahead of me. First 5 casts for 5 missed strikes. My confidence went out the window haha but on the 6th cast I pulled a mid 20s out and I was on the board. With this weedless finesse frog I wanted to try a few spots around that I was previously unable to fish due to the weed and using treble hooks. Well it didn’t quiet go to plan. I had easily over 20 missed strikes/hits. Due to using a weedless hook I figured the hook up rate was going to be low but 1 in 20 was something I didn’t expect. On my way back to the car I tried one last spot. I put a cast in to the edge of a weed bed, a silly me goes to check the time on my phone and get a missed hit, so I slowly start retrieving the lure, another missed hit. Cast back into the same spot, as soon as it hits the water another hit but the hook doesn’t stick! I’m thinking wow tonight is just not my night. I put in one more cast just 1m to right a little bit wider of the weed bed and it gets hammered by a 36cm model which gave me some stick, I managed to steer him out of his weedbed and into the net. A few things I have learned over the past few weeks, persistence is key. I guess it’s key to any kind of fishing but fishing the surface at night it was going to be especially important. Bass have big eyes and are excellent night time stalkers but are prone to missing the hooks most of the time. I had tried using assist hooks to no advantage, I still had missed strikes and I found that using such small light lures, they deaden the action. Always, always, always replace stock hooks! No matter the species you are targeting. I found that overcast conditions were best, with the lure contrast against the grey clouds instead of the dark clear sky. I had a lot more action on overcast nights compared to clear nights. No lure is too big for these fish. Well to a certain degree, but they will hit lures just as big as they are. They will hit a vast array of lures as well. I found that lure colour had some impact to my success. The mini surface breakers I fished had dark bodies and the finesse frog I used was a chartreuse colour. I think the thing that has the biggest affect is presence and contrast. The easiest way I found the find out which lure has the best contrast is to hold it up to the sky and try to see from a fishes perspective. I fished a darker lure on the overcast conditions as I found the dark body contrasted better against the grey sky. Presence I found is key especially at night time, when a fish can’t see as good as during daylight they will utilise their other senses and will pick up the vibrations of a lure much better. Also when you’re out and about your local spots, look and listen to what is going on around you. Listen to the insects and other animals that are around, they will be clues as to likely food sources for the fish in the area. There are a lot of frogs around this spot I was fishing and that’s why I decided to give the finesse frog a go. anyways, I hope you get something out of my report. Hit me up with some feedback, I’d be keen to know what you think and learn from your experiences. I’ll try put some pics up soon. regards, Ragnar
  14. Hey mate, weekdays are a bit tough with work and a young family but I’d be keen for a weekend beach sesh... I’ve wanted to fish Garie for a while now! You fish that area much?
  15. Hey 61 crusher, I hope the weather turns out better than it’s forecast down there this week mate, I think it was even looking like snow on Wednesday! I’ll be down there spinning the banks and soaking a few scrubbies over the weekend with my old man, we’re staying at the caravan park near the clay pits as well! Nice to know about the hatchery stock getting released! Be nice to snag a brooder 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  16. Hey guys, Just seeing if anyone would be interested in going out for a land based session around the Jervis Bay area chasing Kings or other pelagics. I’ve never fished there before, but have read a bit about it on here. Someone with a bit of local knowledge would be a bonus but not fussed if you don’t, just be good to get out there and have a crack! cheers 🤙🏻
  17. Hi Roger, Yea I think most of the best ledges have claimed their fair share of lives over the years! Thanks for your concern mate ?? Hey Derek, I'd like to target Kingfish as I haven't caught one yet ? Haha I'm not overly concerned if it's off ocean rocks or inside the harbour. I've been reading a few forums trying to find some land based spots along the coast and inside the harbour. Thats a good Jew mate! ? I've tried targeting them a few times up the parramatta river with no luck! My best is only mid 70's down the south coast! Cheers, Ragnar
  18. Hey guys, I'm relatively new to Sydney and am looking for someone interested in chasing some kings off blue fish or any other ledge around Sydney. I haven't fished blue fish before and have heard it can be a bit dicey but I'm keen to give it a crack! Anyways hit us up if you're keen! Cheers ??
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