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  1. Hi All, For those that don't have facebook... We are the Balmain Fishing Club, a social (not for profit) group of fisho's who have a standing charter on the First Saturday of each month (weather permitting). We leave from Thames Street Wharf at 5am and back at the wharf by 2pm. The boat takes up to 12 fishos. You need to bring your own gear, food and bait Including sinkers. To supplement the cost of the boat we sell raffle tickets at the Gladstone Park Bowling Club each Saturday afternoon, and take it in turns. I usually spend 1 out of 6 Saturdays selling tickets. A small price (time) to pay for a seat on the boat for $55 per trip. If you don't want to sell tickets or if you only want to be a casual member, the cost is $80. We are looking for new members. A heavy sinker weight has been lifted from our shoulders as we go back to normal following lockdown. Raffles will resume this Saturday 16th October at the Gladstone Park Bowling Club in Balmain. There will be also be a club meeting at the Gladstone Park bowling club on Saturday 23rd October. On the 30th some of us will be travelling to Evans Head for our annual fishing trip, returning on Friday 5th. If you would like more information let our Club President, Danny know on 0412 766 735. We are due to fish with Captain Rob on his brand new boat on Saturday 6th of November. This will depend on how many numbers we have. Thats all for now. Hope to see you at the meeting. Tight lines, Orangefin
  2. Apologies, With lockdown I haven't even been fishing (ahhhh!) or visiting the page. We are are back to fishing with a new boat due to be launched on Saturday 6 November. See the Club.s page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/923903114813286/ Let me know if you have any questions. I have also added a new phone number, so you can also PM me. Tight lines, Orangefin
  3. Hi Savit, Membership is free however we do ask that members assist with the raffle every so often. i.e. we take it in turns to run a prawn raffle at the Gladstone Bowling Club and we use this money to offset the cost of the trip. Members pay $55 per trip, and you need to bring your own bait and gear. If you are not sure that you want to join, the first trip is still $55, and we can supply gear. If you want to be a casual member the cost per trip is $85. It is an a large timber boat and we take a maximum of 10 per trip. Plenty of space, buckets to keep your catch or bring an esky with ice. I have attached some photos. Let me know if you are keen and I can give you further details i.e. contact details, time and departure location.
  4. Hi Everyone, Apologies to the moderator if this is not appropriate. Happy to take advice. I am a member of the Balmain Fishing Club, one of the oldest in Sydney. We fish offshore from a Charter boat on the 1st Saturday of the month (weather permitting), bottom bashing for sea bream, flathead snapper etc, however we do catch the odd pelagic. Our membership is dropping and we need some new faces. We also meet once a month (usually the Saturday before our trip to catch up and have a drink at the Gladstone Park Bowling Club, in Balmain and run a prawn raffle to supplement the cost of the charter. We also have a trip booked in October to South West Rocks for 4 days. Members pay $55 per trip, and you need to bring your own bait and gear. If you are not sure that you want to join, the first trip is still $55, and we can supply gear. If you want to be a casual member the cost per trip is $85. Out next trip is this coming Saturday 6 February. We leave the wharf at 5am, and return at 2pm. It is a great day out. Let me know if you are keen and I can give you further details.
  5. Hey Joey, I have a Landrover with towbar and fishing gear and a boat licence, Bait is the easiest part. Love to fish Botany Bay. Happy to split fuel. I would be available on Sundays with a week or so notice.
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