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Posts posted by Scon

  1. Daniel,

    Yes i have seen that photo on the Nomad website allready :thumbup: .

    i have also watched the video, Mr Mogi is an awesome fisherman and i know he is one of the best, it look's like to me that the reel used is a Shimano Torsa.

    I would say when he hook's up solid to the monster doggie he boat's it in what i would say is less then 5 min's.

  2. Le Pasha,

    have you used a Ocea Jigger 5000P?

    I honestly have no doubt about it and no questions about it either, it would handle anything wouldn't it?

    If i get one i could take it to NZ jigging for monster kings, to Perth for the big Samson's, it would handle anything even big dogtooth wouldn't it no problem's at all?

  3. Scon, out of those probably the Blue Heaven, but you will pay for it! Next choice would be a Saltiga or Trinidad. Another really good reel from Shimano that is really hard to find here (I think its a Japanese model) and would definately give the Blue Heaven a run for its money is the Shimano Ocea Jigger range, they are Japans version of a Trinidad.....but better, designed solely for jigging, heres a photo of the 5000P



    thanks for replying back, much appreciated.

    the photo of the reel you have put up, is that a Blue Heaven or a Shimano Ocea Jigger?

    Thanks again Sam.

  4. I am hoping to get out this weekend to see what is around, the kings should be at the off shore reefs now and hopefully there are some small samson fish there to.

    a quick question,

    I am into jigging no question about that and i am thinking of getting my self a overhead.

    I am tossing up on which reel to get out of a Shimano Trinidad, or a Saltiga or a Blue Heaven overhead,

    which overhead reel for jigging is the best quality one to go with out of the above mentioned reel brand's,

    or if someone know's of a better one and it is not mentioned can you please mention it or pm me.


  5. Hi raiders,

    over the last week i have been thinking of trying a few different things out to see what the end result would and could possibily be and wanted to get all your thought's as to if you think it would or would not work on big Tuna which i do not see why it would not work myself.

    first thing,

    I've been thinking about trolling a skipped slimy or gar around for a while or for a few hours to see if it produce's a strike or raise's a big tuna, what are your thought's on this?

    second thing,

    I know and i am sure many of you know that they use to use nannygai as livey's which would produce big and jumbo yellowfin, what are your thought's, e.t.c on if nannygai would work either dead or live off shore at Brown's for big yellowfin?

    and third thing,

    has anyone used or tried squid at all for big Tuna, what are your thought's on this?


  6. Hi Flatty Hunter,

    For yakkas you can get them at West or Barrenjoey Head without to much hassle. For the Dory you then want to find a spot that has a deepish hole or around reef/structure that would attract them to the area. Before you send the yakka down though, trim the tail fins back just a little bit so that it doesn't kill the yakka but rather slow him down making him easier prey for a slow moving fish like the john dory.

    Another trick is to sent your rig down to the bottom (baitless) set at the depth you want and then retrieve the line by hand, pin the yakka and drop it back over the side. This way you know you're bait will be at the right depth and the yakka won't trick you depthwise on the way down.



    I have heard that before when fishing for John Dory, trim the fins.

    is it just basically trimming the tail and do you trim both top and bottom?

    cause i am not sure.

    how much of the fins do you trim off the yakka, do you just a little bit, or take a few mili metre off?

  7. was the big fin that got sharked caught on the troll or on the cube?

    it is a real shame that it got sharked, :wife::mad3::ranting2: if that was me i would not of been happy at all and i know the anglers would not be either.

    what did it end up pulling the scale's down to?

    when was it caught?

  8. Hi Raiders,

    I am a young fisho, (but i wish i was younger, don't we all) and just wondering if anyone or if any members can give me some helpfull info and please tell me,

    what are thing's to look for to know where and to see current line's and tempreature break's?

    and what is or what are sparklers? and what is or what are crystalites?

    your help and info is appreciated.


  9. i've heard that they taste great to and have been out a few time's hoping to get 1 or 2 but nothing.

    does anyone know do they actually taste great at all?

    reason i asked the above question is because about 2 year's ago i was at Port Stephens and all though i am not greedy and not saying other people are either, i would really like and i would love just to catch 1 big 20kg Bull Dolphin Fish but i got one about 3kg.

    i kept it as it was dinner that night, and i heard that Dolphin Fish taste unreal as i was yet to eat one, blah, blah, blah.

    so hear i was with expectation's not really high but expecting it to be awesome, come dinner time i ate a bit and honestly nothing like i thought it would be, it honestly just tasted like fish, fish is fish to me to a degree cause i know i have eaten and had fresh fish which i mainly and mostly like which i am sure other's do as well ( meaning you have gone out caught some dinner, and eaten it that night it was caught).

    2 fish i have had and which tasted how i was expecting them both with the taste, flavour, e.t.c was a nice snapper estimated about 2kg, that was unreal, and a nice cobia at 20kg which was bloody unreal, awesome eating.

    now Cobia is one of my favourite eating fish and it would be there no doubt in my mind in my top 5 favourite eating fish. and I am hoping that i will get a nice 20kg Cobia off the rocks next year as my first good catch when the LBG season kick's off again next year cause it will be kept for the table.

    so i am not sure if John Dory taste's like it sound's, or as i said above, and i admit i may or could be wrong which i am not affraid of saying, but it would not surprise me at all if a John Dory just tasted like normal plain fish.

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