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Posts posted by Scon

  1. that's a nice cobe there to start things off, well done. they are good eating, i prefer them better then kingy's, i would happily swap a king for a cobe any day, i am hoping that my first fish Land Based Game is a 20kg cobe, i will be keeping it for the table. is there anyone hear who fish's Land Based or is into Land Based Game fishing??

  2. I am meant to be going to South West Rocks this comming Saturday for a week but i am not sure if it will be on or not, as the trip may be cancelled but i guess we will just have to wait and see what happens closer to when saturday arrive's.

  3. my self and 3 mate's went out last Monday hopeing to get a few marlin. we waited a while until we dropped the lure's in and started to troll, we trolled around one of the FAD'S out there for nothing so we pushed out further and eventually found a few floating log's. we trolled past it and the left rigger got hit, It was a bull Dolphin Fish around the 10kg mark. as we got it to the back of the boat it had another mate with it the same size, damn it no livie's. we lifted it into the boat and as we did unfortunately the hook pulled and that was it for the hole day.

  4. Hi all,

    I was just wondering If you caught kingys in and all through out Feb being 14kg plus, would anyone hear keep them at all to eat or just get the fish moulded? cause i have heard that they get worm's and if so i would only keep a few good one's to get them moulded, or do they not get the worm's and can they be eaten if you choose to eat them?

  5. yeah that will be the interclub comp i am quite shore which start's in a few week's in Feb, all the action is happening there at the moment. I know some skipper's up there and they are doing very well, one of them got a Grand Slam a few week's ago and i read a report of a 400 or 500 pound estimated blue marlin caught there a few week's ago, gee i wish that was me who caught it. I am going to South West Rock's though in about 2-3 week's in Feb for a week and i am really looking forward to it. from what i have heard and read and been told by a few boy's who know not a hell of a lot is going on or happening there at the moment but i have a very good feeling that we will do very well and that the action will start and happen very soon

  6. Hi boys,

    It may be slightly off subject and i apologise i was just wondering Do or does anyone know anything at all or is anyone familiar with any Sabre blank's, basically I am looking at getting a 24-37kg Sabre blank built up and i want to fish 24kg mainline with a 150 pound top shot of quite alot to use it to live bait off the rock's for big kingy's. I am currently looking at getting a 7 foot Sabre GF 670H blank at the moment but it is to long for my like ing, can i get it cut down if need be to the length of what i want it at? all info and feedback greatly appreciated or pm me

  7. No i have not heard of any report's from the peak or the twelve mile. I am not saying that you will not catch anything, but just to be honest with you i think it would be a waist of time personally i won't go jigging now until winter time this year and i only go jigging during winter which i am looking forward to this year and hopefully all my hard work and effort and my long hour's i put in and spent jigging last season pay of this winter with hopefully a 15kg kingy which i have been trying to catch. If you want to go jigging off shore it is at it's best during winter time.

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