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Posts posted by AlbertW

  1. 12 hours ago, DerekD said:

    Overachiever!! Ha ha ha. Well done.

    Did you make your parents happy and did you keep it this time?

    Nah I still released it as we still haven’t finished eating the salmon my mate bought/caught

    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, Volitan said:

    Also, you didn’t answer me on if you are going to the canals.

    I reckon it would be no more difficult to get a fish out of the canals then to get a fish out of the kawarau in the middle of Queenstown. Less skill required and probably less persistence.

    Yeah I already visited the canals for around 2 hours and the current was too strong so my mate who’s travelling with us visited the salmon farm and caught one of the farmed salmons and bought it.

  3. Hey Raiders,

    Went down to the same spot again in Queenstown and fished from 10-12. Casted out tassies and got a bite and a hookup but then it spat it out. Following tradition I returned at 3:30 for another fish and by this time I have already found out the secret of this place. Drift Fishing. I drifted out my tassie and as I was retrieve information my rod suddenly loaded up and hooked onto a good fighting trout which was pulling some line however I lost him as I snagged onto a sunken tree. Two more drops on some good fish and I switched lures and casted out to the middle of the current and as my rod loaded up I immediately knew it was a big fish after a good fight and then wondering if I snagged on because my rod was so heavy  I managed to pull out a 50cm  brown trout, unfortunately I couldn’t get a photo as I again jumped into the freezing water to collect my fish, it was almost identical to the fish from yesterday but much longer and fatter.



    • Like 17
  4. 33 minutes ago, DerekD said:

    Hi @AlbertW

    Just realised this morning why you are probably losing so many lures. If we'd covered bass fishing you'd probably be having less issues.

    Not sure if you will get anymore sessions over there but if you do...

    Most of what I taught you is rod tip down due to the wind and the nature of the areas we normally fish in Sydney. In shallow water at distance try starting with having the rod tip high (say, way above your head). This will create a slight upward trajectory on the lure and keep it above the snags. As you wind the lure closer and closer you can gradually lower the rod tip as the lift becomes less important.

    This method allows you to fish shallow waters of say 50cm to 1m deep. A lot is by feel - if you start feeling bumps against rocks or similar then lift the rod tip higher and or wind a little faster. With the Celta spinners we try and wind it back as slow as possible without hitting the bottom. It is a balancing exercise and this is what we would have been doing for bass.

    Hope this helps.


    I’ll practice this method with Celtics and the tassies as I’m going on a session right now and I’ve gotten use to the area and know where the snags are and where the fish are after some aerial reconnaissance.

  5. 10 hours ago, DerekD said:

    Hi Albert.

    I'm really proud of you on multiple levels.

    • The effort you put in to learn how to cast more effectively from our first lesson,
    • That you think about what I'm trying to teach you about lure fishing and come back with well thought out questions
    • That you give everything I been teaching you a go (even when I push you that little bit further).
    • That you used what I said for this trip and then did the research
    • That you persisted for the trout and rescued the lure.
    • That you didn't get downhearted and learned just as much from what wasn't quite working
    • That you weren't afraid to ask for a little guidance.
    • That you caught and released that beautiful fish.

    Well done and looking forward to seeing your fishing knowledge grow even further.


    Aww thanks Derek, I wouldn’t be here without your mentoring and help 

    • Like 1
  6. On 6/4/2022 at 6:45 PM, adamski said:

    Hey folks!

    Just got back to Australia last Friday after a 3-year hiatus, so I've been dusting off the light soft plastics gear (hello Z-man grubz, long time no see!) and just about remembering how to cast.

    On Tuesday and Friday I hit up Middle Harbour land-based an hour or so before high tide. Three casts in and I got a solid "thunk" on the line and felt that long-lost, pant-wetting excitement you get when a fish takes a decent run and the drag starts singing. After a bit of to and thro, I got a decent Trev to the bank, which promptly decided to spit the hook. Damn! Fortunately, in the next hour before the tide started running out I managed to pull in a few wee bream from around the oysters and, just as I was about to call it quits, got another solid take. This time the trev behaved and I managed to get it up onto the bank for a measure. 

    On Friday I headed back to the same spot, but it was tougher going: a couple of little flatties and a bream were just about all that were willing to take the lures.

    Then today, my partner was off to meet some friends at Narrabeen so I hopped in the car with her and walked up for a flick around the estuary. I'd never been there before and there was nothing much doing apart from a little flatty to begin with, although there were heaps of bream visible from the bridge. Then I walked a bit further round closer to the ocean and had a cast into the fast run-out water. Two casts in and "ping", I felt a good take. The fish started running into the current so it was difficult to gauge the size, but as I got it to the bank I realised it was a decent whiting. In fact, it ended up being a PB for me by a country mile: just over 40 cm! A shout out to the guy fishing with his son nearby who took a photo. I didn't have a knife or an esky with me, so they took it home for a feed. 

    After a few years of only catching little redfin perch in the UK, it's nice to be back and into a variety of fish.

    Cheers for reading!IMG_20220604_130914.thumb.jpg.2e38b3d3c7cf07d4804903d93595ccb6.jpg

    Welcome back home mate hope you get onto some big fish

    • Like 1
  7. Hey Raiders,

    im currently in the car on the way back to the hotel, this report is going to need a bit of context as this is a very memorable moment for me.

    ( So I’ve been fishing since Tuesday and then donuted two sessions by myself and then surprisingly a charter which focused on softbaits, soft plastics, I fish underneath a bridge usually and there is a strong current and lots of shaggy areas, perfect for trout. My mates caught two trout on a tassie devil and I lost a bunch of lures)

    Back to the report, I fished in the morning around at 10 till 11-12ish and then left for lunch. Came back with two new 20g tassies and had a few casts. Some snags that I freed but then it got tangled in a tree right next to me and I snapped the line and the lure fell in the water. I tried to get it a couple times but failed. I then switched to the other tassie which was the pink panther  colour and sadly after a few casts I lost it as well. I had a long and “mature” thought and decided to **** it and jumped in to the water which was knee deep I was wearing my long pants which got partially wet and my shoes were absolutely filled to the brim with ice cold water I slipt and after grazing my arm on the rocks I regained my balance for a successful retrieval. First cast nothing happens. Second cast and something nails my tassie as it hits the water it drags me towards the snags but I pulled him to the left- underneath the bridge and then into the shallow area it fought pretty well and after letting it run a bit I successfully lifted him out of the water for a quick photo. I have sort of a rule which is releasing the first fish of every species that I catch whether if it is legal or not. This brown trout was so beautiful and I decided to not break my rule and released him back in the water after a “thanks for playing little guy”. I’m sitting here in the car with my wet clothes and I think my parents are a bit pissed that I let it go.:mfr_lol::banana:

    Anyways I’m pretty proud of this moment as  I only started lure fishing a while back and I did this solo, just by myself with my own instincts. I’m very happy that my first trout was a big one :)

    Brown Trout was 45ish cm ( Measured with shoe)

    Signing Off,




    • Like 23
  8. 2 hours ago, Volitan said:

    Does the situation otherwise match my description ?

    If not then I would be inclined to throw some fish egg imitations at them - being that this is spawning season and trout that aggregate like that are probably spawners. Because rivers generally don’t provide enough food to maintain large populations of trout, then aggregations of big fish are usually lake-resident fish on their spawning run up the nearby rivers. Trout generally don’t feed on their spawning run, but stress levels are high and they will snap at things out of reflex - especially little clusters of fish egg. It makes for frustrating, inconsistent fishing.

    if I were there I would use a fly rod, cast an egg fly upstream on a floating line and let it drift back through the group. Keep going gently so as not to alert the fish to your presence, and you might get a response. I don’t know what the spinning rod equivalent of that is these days - maybe an egg fly under a little float with a couple of pieces of split shot.

    Generally though, s9metimes we just have to accept that there is a lot of luck in fishing - and keeping on trying the same thing without result is generally not the best way to approach trout fishing.

    The fish are biting volitan, I just lost a good sized trout which jumped out of the water

    • Like 2
  9. 11 hours ago, Volitan said:

    Are your mates actually catching fish in that particular spot?

    what I’m thinking is that you’re in Queenstown I presume, and you’ve lucked upon a spot with a bunch of very confiding fish somewhere within the city limits or very close to it. There are lots of places in NZ like that - good spots for tourists to see trout but not to catch trout. The fish basically won’t touch anything. They have probably seen dozens of people try to catch them, so as soon as they see an interruption on the skyline they clamp their jaws shut and stay that way no matter what - it’s how they stay alive.

    overthinking how you are fishing the Tassie devil won’t change anything.

    my suggestion, give it a brief try very early or late in the evening to see if that changes anything. Or get out of town and find some wild fish.

    apologies if I’ve read the situation wrongly.

    Yeah he pulled out two 45cm rainbows in front of me in probably about 5-10 minutes of arriving there with me, I was fishing spinners and soft plastics which didn’t even get touched.

  10. Hey All,

    the place I fish is very snagged and I have lost a lot of lures so should I use the lighter ones? Here is an image of the place I fish there are a lot of snags and the water varies from shallow to id say 3-4 meters, the main trout have been caught in the red circle area and that’s also where you can see the trout from the bridge above the water.





  11. Hey Raiders,

    Anyone have any tips on how to rig and retrieve tassie devils for trout? I have two 13.5g ones and a 7g one. I’ve been donuting so many sessions and my mates been catching big ones consistently on these so i bought a few just then to give them a try. *Will try them tomorrow*



  12. Hey Raiders,

    I arrived in New Zealand Christchurch this morning and after a quick snooze I went down to buy some soft plastic sand some gulp trout nuggets to prepare for tomorrow where I’m going down to the canals on my way to Queenstown. However my friends dad wanted to fish the saltwater beach and got us to go down for a donut session and now my reel has saltwater on the line. Should I clean the line for tomorrow or is it fine?



  13. 1 hour ago, leonardgid said:

    green point reserve is a known trevally, salmon  spot, not many bream during the day there,  fish the rocks  where you see others fishing , theres always someone there


    Ahh alright, do metals work there? I want to try to hook a salmon 

  14. 18 minutes ago, maccapacca said:

    Hey mate,

    Although I don’t do much lure fishing now, my friends and I have landed a few decent fish at five dock bay, it’s a shallow mudflat area filled with flathead and bream.

    My friends frequently catch 40cm bream there on cubed pillies but I’m sure lures would work to, If you want to go the soft plastic route for them I’d think of 2.5” Slim swimz and Grubz on a light jighead and that should go well.

    There’s this YouTuber called Shroom who makes videos fishing lures and he has a podcast on Spotify going through techniques,lures and everything you’d need to catch specifically bream.

    Cheers, M



    Cheers Macca, I've been watching shroom for some time now and I've seen him go to five dock bay in his videos but I wasn't able to find the name of five dock bay but now I have thanks to you.



  15. Hey raiders,

    I'm looking for any spots that are in the sydney area, (I can probably do up to an hours drive) that are good for bream or trevs on soft plastics, since it's the holidays I'll be able to fish a little more frequently and I want to develop my lure fishing as I'm getting pretty comfortable with flatties and the general basis of how to work lures. Any info like what lures to use or the general location is appreciated as I've never caught bream on lures before.



  16. 1 hour ago, lastworm said:

    Look up Marling Baits on YouTube. Some of his lire videos involve making molds for soft plastics which he pours himself.

    Some really cool lure making videos on his channel too.

    Yeah i've been watching him for a couple years now that's how I developed an interest to try and make lures, he sells soft plastic moulds online but they're a bit pricey and the lures are more "american" based because the lures are meant for bass, thanks anyway

  17. Hey Raiders,

    Does anyone have any experience in making soft plastics with moulds? I know there are the two types of injection and pour moulds but haven't really found any suitable designs on the websites I've been on. I'm just looking for any website recommendations or tips on how to start making soft plastics as I'm tired of having to throw out soft plastics that are no longer usable because a flatty took a bit out of the tail. I'm looking to make the most basic lures like paddletails and grubs.



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