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AlbertW last won the day on June 26

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    Northern 'burbs

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  1. Get the ones that come on a wire chain, they are soooo much easier to put on. You just thread your line through the hole and slide the stopper on.
  2. Cheers James, where exactly is Munna PT bridge? I had a look on google maps but couldn't find anything
  3. Hey Tom, if you're just after a setup for landbased bait fishing I'd suggest going after a spin setup, whats your budget, the we can go on from there. In the meantime have a look through this article written by @DerekD, he'll probably be onto this post sooner or later haha.
  4. Iso fishing is basically fishing a naturally presented bait under a float in a burley trail, I've done it once before with an old timer from clifton gardens and we just set up a berley trail and dropped suspended baits in it for trevs. A quick google search should set you up
  5. Yeah, you can give iso fishing a try, trevally are a popular target for iso fishos
  6. Hey mate, I don't fish middle harbour so I've got no spots but just fish around structure where bait would be. Like other predatory fish the trevs will follow the bait etc yakkas, mullet, prawns, crabs etc. You can work a plastic harder for em, like a couple small twitches off the bottom instead of one or two slow twitches for bream. I like plastics around the 2.5inch mark but they also wouldn't reject a 3 inch or larger presentation.
  7. Hey All, I will be heading up to Noosa this weekend for 5 days with my parents and am keen to terrorise some more fish with the new setup. Catching a GT has always been a dream of mine so I'll definitely be targeting them as well as all of those exotic species up north. Any advice would we appreciated. Cheers, Albert
  8. Thanks James! Cheers Mike, hopefully some big bream will be caught haha Cheers Bob, I've retired my nasci to the 2-4kg rod now haha, the certate will definitely be living on the rod
  9. I would say a stradic fm paired with a rod like the tcurve or jewel, the zodias is also very nice.
  10. The new setup is absolute mint edit: changed file to JPG so it would display
  11. Hey All, I was able to finally get out after a long 4 week break due to assessments. My mate had also finished uni the week before so I was able to organise a session with him. During the long weekend I had sold some rods and managed to spoil myself with a flagship ultralight daiwa setup for my birthday. I got a 712 infeet 23 ex for a crazy good deal on facebook and ordered the new 24 certate in the 2500S size off a Japanese website. We managed to get on the water by 6:30 on Sunday and the main plan of the day was to chase some bream but first we tried to sound for some jew as my mate had been getting onto some for 6 sessions in a row. We found them at a deep hole but they weren't feeding so we moved on. First stop was a sandbank in which we flicked a couple of soft vibes around, I wasn't able to land anything but my mate had landed a couple legal flathead. Then we decided to go have a flick at some boat hulls, I tied on a rudie's ebi on a 1/20th jighead and finally had a couple flicks with the new setup. We both had a couple hits and takes but the bream just weren't comitting that day, I had some trouble learning how to skip lures under boat hulls and structure at first but by the end of the day I had definitely improved a lot through my mate's tips. After a couple of more hits and a single hookup for my mate which resulted in an instant cut off on oysters we decided to fish a little island made out of sandbags that had a lot of birds nested on it. I changed to my now favourite plastic - the sprat 75 on a 1/12 jighead and finally got stuck into some fish. A flathead was the first fish to hit the deck for me and was shortly followed by two legal bream, one for me and one for my mate. After a couple more flathead we decided to go fish some pontoons in the canals. Again, the fish just weren't committing that day and even after hours of flicking into the cracks and slips of pontoons and moored boats, we were only rewarded with a couple of bites. We finally had enough of flicking structure so we decided to hit up a sandbank as our last spot. After a few more flatties and a horde of tailor cruising around, I landed a nice trev that had tricked me for a good flathead. Again, all of these fish were hooked on the sprat 75. Finally on the way back we decided to have a quick flick for some jew, my mate sounded up some bait and I tied on a micro jig, not expecting anything as I haven't caught anything in the estuary on them. I lifted it a couple times off the bottom and to my surprise hooked another flathead that had tricked me for a jew . The cool thing was that I felt the flathead come up to the middle water column, eat my jig and then turn around to swim down. We had a quick stop at my mates house as he helped me change out the stock knob on the certate for a SLP works one then he dropped me off at a nearby boat ramp as he had work and I had tutoring. The new setup is an absolute beast and with the certate being my first daiwa spin reel and the infeet being my first daiwa rod I think I've set the standard quite high 😅. I can't wait to get more sessions in with the setup as it's a complete game changer for light game. Thanks for reading! Albert
  12. Theres always a couple of old timers there fishing for luderick haha, popular bait is cabbage or string weed but flies work well too.
  13. I haven't done baitfishing in ages but a running sinker rig with no swivel dropped right at the breakwalls produced a feed of snapper and bream for me. Of course this only worked when the current wasn't running like crazy 😅
  14. Cheers Yowie, i guess they'll eat anything if the actions right haha Cheers BN, personally I'm a bit jealous of the murray cod fishery there haha, looking forward to your next trip down to the city
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