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faker last won the day on February 17

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JEWFISH (10/19)



  1. I will keep that in mind, will try again with luderick
  2. Was the bait available at spot or i need to bring my own?
  3. Have been wanting to go there but fishing Wednesday for luderick and drummer at North curl curl
  4. Yea but just not consistent at moment I want size
  5. What jig were u using can I see pictures? Nice catch btw
  6. So was messing around more kelp beds in the early hours of morning. I really should take a break from squidding since this and last excursions yielded small ones. Although these ones are bigger then last week and worth eating. Calamari Squid spawn once in winter and spring. So I am guessing the big ones spawn recently and died contributing to small ones I am seeing. I think it's really time to try harder for drummer and luderick for another 2 weeks
  7. Thanks line is fixed
  8. But what type of bottom? I was hanging around curl curl doing it
  9. Yea I have been trying where I know people caught them in past but 2 trips donutting. Not sure if bad luck or doing something wrong
  10. Hi guys, I had a couple of attempts on drummer now and no success. need some ideas on when to fish them in the area. Really want to see if its the tasty fish people rant about. have been using standard float iso rig.
  11. Thanks will give try tonight
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