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Everything posted by faker

  1. Nice Mike, it took months of messing around before I caught first
  2. 2.5 is good enough. But need to up leader for sure to at least 40
  3. U and I need to have a rock fishing session or shore jiggingsession. But 15lb is dodgy on rocks. I run at least 20 for light perlagics and go to 50lb. Hope you have gear.
  4. Oddly enough I was at both spots except Rushcutters but was early in morning
  5. So the swell was 2m south, although I know ledges that are possibly safe off the rocks that face north. I don't want to chance it there and not be able to fish. So it's been a while since I fished harbour but back to places in mosman. I am not normally a squid fisho and I only catch them opportunistically ,also I want to try new spot. Initially I tried @DerekDadvice of float and squid jig due to spot being snaggy but I found not being able to work my jigs uninteractive. So instead I tried at first the Japanese style then switched to my variation of @DerekDwalk the dog with double hop instead and letting it sink 5 seconds. If squid sees it it will swim up to middle water column for it. During one of my flicks I felt a weight on rod and thought it was a large clump weed but it turned out to be calamari when I only have caught arrow heads squid previously. After nothing for a hour I switch to blades to cast clear of Kelp beds and see if new spot has flathead but caught nothing but main aim of prospecting new squid spot was done.
  6. Definitely not, ideal i do a lot of shore jigging these days and have gotten quite good at it. my rod casts 20-80 g and i use PE 3 line but will switch to PE 1.5 with second spool to compensate for lost in casting distance when using 40g jigs For bonnies 40g to 60 g is fine but sometimes fish are really finicky and i have to use 20-40g jigs to cast far in which case i switch to my light shore jigging rod that i use in the harbour which casts up to 48g jigs. Off the rocks PE 1.5 landing a king is a scary prospect and depends on ledge fyi. DM me if you want to want to chat on it
  7. dumb question, would this work for fishing the washes off the rocks?
  8. Hi guys, want to sell reel with braid for $50 since I don't use this reel. Spooled with 8 lb noeby braid
  9. I remember hanging around on balmoral beach and catching them on 6lb great fun but definitely get snipped easy or break off on bigger specimens. Could you just increase leader size to avoid snipping but still fish 6lb?
  10. I love catching tailor but don't like what they do to Soft plastics.and my jigs. I normally switch to metals when chasing them or big hard bodies. Is the reptide a surface stickbait?
  11. Hi guys, got a question about the 3x, 4x and 6x strong on trebles/single hooks. Are they just a marketing ploy or some type of actual measurement
  12. I kinda of always bring a flathead rag all the time. It's kinda of a must when fishing
  13. Hi waza is the first or second photo south whale or the ovens proper? My friend sent me them after our session
  14. I am going to need to.work harder on my bream technique after reading this. Getting complacent doing too many things at once
  15. I will do, so far from my 12 trips so far since Feb, I have found that pre-planning has made it safe most of time and visiting the rock on high swell while not fishing and examining how waves hit the rock in location is very useful. I always have either my beach rod or light rod in car if things look crazy I go to Pittwater for flathead.
  16. very well done. i struggle to get similar results on land. boat fishos make me drool at some of the stuff they catch but i will have to be content hanging around rocks for now
  17. Nice chill session. Oddly enough I have not seen a single tailor off the ocean rocks. This is abnormal for me, I have seen endless bonnies
  18. No fish worth my neck to go that far out to get chains. I haven’t fully evolved to that state yet to be climbing stuff like that and I gotba home to return to.
  19. thanks waza. They are probably at south whale then. i was just curious watching headlights move that direction .
  20. I was fishing in the area and saw people fishing in the ovens spot. Pretty sure it's being built on so you can't use a rope any more. Does anyone know how they get around it? I am well aware it's risky but this is more of my sussing place out exercise. If it looks a bit hairy ie middle head cliffs I am out of there
  21. Might be a bit light for what I am wrestling with
  22. Hi guys, Bagged 2 bonnies off rocks. Lost 3 fish 47 and 48 cm 1 literally destroyed my clip and took my slowblatt when it jumped out of water. Lost 2 allblue jig to snags because I got greedy bottom bouncing. Then 2-3 boats parked/trolled and drift past our rock constantly. Pretty bad mannered.
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