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Everything posted by eastwood1980

  1. not worred about the wind?
  2. hi guys just need some advice.... On saturday the swell seems to be 3.2m and wind seems to be pretty high as well, you guys think i would still be able to fish in palm beach the calm side on a boat? i think its the pittwater... no to sure.
  3. Nice Bonnie Ray ..... so jealous Thanx for the bonnie that you gave me for my friends mum... lol well that's like while back
  4. Hi guys, I will be going to hinchenbrook with some mates of mine on a bareboat. Just wondering i will be targeting barra, GT, and muddies, what should i know about them and what gears do i need? Does anyone have the GPS points? First of all if i am going for barra, which i have never caught in my life..... what do i need to use and which area do they live in? lures only? while trolling? or can i stop the boat and just chuck the lure out. what kinda lure do they go for? or bait? what type of surrounding they live in? mangrove? For muddies what would be the best bait and what time of day? i know that they live in muddy areas. And of course GT's.... same thing have never caught one in my life, what lures or bait do i need to use and location? Oh what kg line would i need? Is there are good website for hinchinbrook for fishing?
  5. So when are you suppose to yank? i been having the same problem
  6. Is whiting good eating? never tried it...... not enough meat on it, i reckon
  7. must have been really fun..... i wish i had a boat
  8. seriously that's really low......... how sad can the guy get?
  9. aren't there any rangers to stop people from throwing rubbish away? or they just hang around the car park?
  10. few years back... i watched rex hunt show, he was fishing in darling harbour.... i was told you had to ask the counsel before fishing there.
  11. nice catch there..... i've never caught a jew before, lucky you
  12. Hey guys just came back from Avoca beach..... man the waves are so huge...... Anywazzz i managed to catch 3 bonitos and i got to meet few raiders including RAY I might go there again next week. Thank you everyone for helping me out with all the information.
  13. I was hoping Ray would reply to my post LOL I'm a fan of his...... just by reading his posts and pic's.
  14. i've check the weather as well... friday... is just too crazy... saturday low tide is at 11am.... so i guess the waters werent come up? perhaps? and check teh wind as well... dies off at 12pm. Anwyazz.... i'll go check it out tommorrow... if its too dangerous i'll fish off the beach for some salmon. Once again thank you for all the info and the tips.
  15. Thank you guys for all the info..... must be really dangerous....... How about off the beach? is there anything there? I wonder if Ray is going there this saturday =p Ya i been always checking out Ray's posts.... always wanted to check out avoca.... But.....hmmm.... shounds like its a really dangerous place.... I usually fish in Palm beach and Whale Beach...... usually lure fishing off the rocks....
  16. Will be going to Avoca Beach on Saturday.... Just a few questions. 1.just wondering is it dangerous there? 2.Do i need spike shoes? 3.Wanna fish off the rocks.... which side would be the best? 4.What kinda fish can you catch there? 5.Does it really make a difference when its low or high tide there?
  17. Will be hiring a boat. Do you know any good locations? tips? bait or lure? ( what kinda bait or lure should i be using?)
  18. Hi guys, I'm going to Hamilton Island next week and i was just wondering if anyone knows any hot spots up there, perhaps if you can give me name of some nice spots, that would be great.
  19. Just wanted to say thank you everyone for you reply. I thought parra fish you can't eat..... Isn't cooks the same?
  20. Thanx for the tips!! Just another question do you know any other locations like brooklyn bridge etc. I once ready here on the site about brooklyn bridge. Any good landbase around that area?
  21. Hi, I've been on this website for sometime now but i never logged on etc, i just wanted to check out the pic's people catch etc and read some stories, until the website changed few weeks ago i weren't able to look at the pic's anymore, so i have to log on again. Anywazzz sorry for my boring story, going straight to topic. I wanna learn how to catch a jew fish. I fish landbase. i don't know how to rig up a jew line but i know they like squids from the stories i've been reading Can anyone teach me where to go and what would be the closest place to catch some bait etc what time, what tide, how to do a line up for a jew.
  22. Hi, If you wanna join the next social do you have to have a boat? what if you don't? can't join?
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