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Everything posted by gd5

  1. gd5

    Bull Sharks

    I bet your old man was surprised to catch a bull shark with his catch.Apparently this catch attracted alot of media attention. He must have been famous after this. ay chopper 75 yeh m8 he was on the news and in all the papers. this 1 got the most medea attention because of the location an the fact ther were people swimmin and waterskiing in and around da nets as we were hauling it in. thats why it was not released because they figured if they let it go and it attacked someone it would be on them. kept 2 in the time they were fishing both making the news and papers the other being a 4.5m bronzie caughed in rushcutters bay a few yrs before this 1. biger sharks werenot uncommon but were released becsause they are not worth the risk and hassle of bringing them to market for what you get for them.
  2. gd5

    Bull Sharks

    Found this on amonline:- Dennis Reid and Marcus Miller visited to work on the 2.8m long Bull Shark caught on 18 February 1999, in a commercial fishing net near Grotto Point, Middle Harbour (Sydney Harbour). The image shows Dennis and Marcus examining the fish's teeth. Apparently this shark was caught in water only 2 metres deep.Same shark as above. this shark was caugh by ma old man i remember i was 10 at da time wen he got home with he tail hanging out the back of the 1tonner. also seen them as far up the para river as silverwater rd when workin on da prawn trawlers all u gota remember were theres water theres sharks
  3. how do u prawn off a boat??
  4. good fun having a few crabs crawling round on deck well done.... where were u crabbing?
  5. i have been stung through two pairs of socks, long pants dant full length waiders while hauling in sydney... i dont think anything can stop them, once u step on them
  6. goood stuff mate jst wondering what plastics u were using and if u dnt minde me asking where abouts in the harbour?
  7. gd5

    Members Boats.

    this is my boat being a shipwright apprentice i did lots of work to it over the summer cant wait 2 get a king onboard
  8. gd5


    hey all ive been stung by 7 stingrays and the worst ive had is a swolen foot 4 a hour guess i was a lucky 1
  9. im headin to iron cove today might see u there
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