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Posts posted by BUSTER 1

  1. Got to the fad about 9/30 this morning tried bait and lures not a dollie in site and nothing showed

    on the sounder , water temp was 25.5 ??????????????? :05::mad3::mad3:

    I trolled up a few bonito and mac tuna but that was at the northen end of Bate Bay once out side

    the heads never turned a reel all the way to the fad and the Peak and back??????????? :mad3::mad3::mad3:

  2. Went for a fish in the Botany Bay this morning ,conditions were great light breeze from the west ,got to the spot just on sunrise got the berley going the was not much run so the berley trickled out nice and slow first fish hit like a train and felt a lot bigger than it turned out to be, it was a snapper ,more like a squire it went 34cm good eating size after that is was one after another finished up with 7 & or 8 all around the same size threw back 3 or 4 just under 30cm ,

    also mixed in with the reds were some bream one went 36cm and some trevaly ,got busted off a couple of times think it could have been big trevs felt a lot of head shaking and strong runs

    Things slowed around 8/30 so I went for a spin with S/Ps

    2 hours later all I had was 2 small flattys and a good bream that looked like he had been in a few battles [see pic ] well that’s about it got back to the ramp at 11/30


  3. Hit the Bay again today the plan was go for snapper & bream early and spin for flathead later got to the spot just on first light the conditions where great run out tide with just a very light westerly wind ,got the berly going and put out the baits first hit came after about 20 minute it was a just legal red 3 more came soon after but were under sized 29cm any way got a couple more 30+ cm and 2 trevally ,then things went quite I thought they gone off the bite when I got a big hit first I thought it was a rat king but it was not fast enough , it made 3 big strong runs ,the 4kg mono was starting to feel the strain when up comes a 80cm flathead ,it was panic stations as I was on my own and did not want lose this fish ,missed it on the first pass but got it on the second I did not realise how big it was untill it was in the boat ,took a few picts and sent her on her way ,went for a spin but could raise a thing , post-571-1143434265_thumb.jpgpost-571-1143434283_thumb.jpg

  4. Got a call yesterday arvy off a good mate of mine with the invite of joining up with him and his brother for a late arvo/evening session at his brothers secret location.... after initial baulking i eventually agreed with the solemn promise off his bro that i wouldnt regret it.

    After a erratic drive ( which i believe was a deliberate attempt to disorientate me :1prop: ) we parked and set sail. The walk in was a slight pain but we got to SPOT X to be greeted by reasonably calm conditions.

    After my last outings effort i was not very confident, but as if the gods were shining on me my 1st cast was met half a minute later by a solid :bump0ee: and soon a nice 40cm bream was flapping around.

    Within the next 30 mins i had landed another 2 bream going 34cm and 37cm.

    I decided a change of tactics was on the cards so i floated out a lightly weighted whole pillie sprayed with some ultrabite spray, as it lay in waiting i started to rig up a rod to throw some metals out. Just as i was about to cast out the metal ZZZZZZZZZZZ line starts peeling off my light raider stick, quicker than you could say YOU'VE GOT ONE i had the rod in hands and was fighting a very solid fish. I had no idea what was on the end but the fish was pretty keen not to let me find out, all sorts of calls were being made for it , even the hallowed " K- word" but eventually as the fish started losing his battle he showed his face with a trademark leap and a few pump and winds later Mr Salmon was landed and measured at 64cm ! MY PB!

    For some unknown reason my mates brother loves eating salmon so we kept it for him.

    Fighting temptation to throw another pillie out i settled back to my metal rod and after a few casts was met with a strike and a undersize tailor, gradually hooked into a school and another 9 were landed ranging from

    30-40cm. As it was near dark i decided to go back to bait for a final shindig..... and my efforts were rewarded with a few bust offs from the choppers(bastards!) i whacked on a 30lb leader and a ganged pillie as my last resort while the others cleaned their catch, was met soon after with an absolute wolfing and a wonderful 5 minute battle before a nice 46cm chunky tailor came to shore and was released

    the final numbers between the 3 of us were : 7 bream, 1 salmon, 20-something tailor and 3 trevs

    being the conservative type we only kept 5 bream, the salmon , 4 tailor and a trev. Even tho most were easily legal..... no point taking more than u need

    NOW- if i can only get the spots location proper to tee up for fellow raiders... all i know is it was down south and the drive was about 1hr 10 mins .... will try get more info

    ALL in all a top day and a great warm up and appetiser for this weekends SOCIAL :yahoo:

    see u guys there :thumbup:


    Well done mate hope you can do the same on saturday :1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1::1fishing1:

  5. Went for a fish in the Bay this morning thought I would try for some

    Kings at Molinoux Point so I picked up some yakkas in Yarra bay

    Got to the point about 7am there were already 10 boats there, put down

    The lives one up one down and floated out a philchard head witch got

    Smashed straight a way, turned out to be a salmon 2 more pillies 2 more

    Salmon and then the slimes moved in bloody big ones,but sill no KINGS

    The lives never got hit left there about 9/30 went for a spin on the s/ps

    Picked up 4 flathead kept the best 2 back at the ramp at 10/30

    Looks like the flathead coming back on the bite [hope so]

  6. Went for a fish in the Bay this morning bit of a late start ,well late

    For me about 7/30, the plan was to have a fish for bream earley and

    Spin for flathead later on ,got to the bream spot around 8/am ,thought

    It was probably a bit late and the bait I had was a bit ordinary some old

    Prawns and salted stripey and some pretty good pilchards ,the prawns

    And stripey got no interest at all .But the pilly tail got smashed straightaway

    I thought it was a good bream but turned out to be a nice snapper [33cm] put

    Out another pilly bang another snapper after that things went a bit quite so I

    Flicked out s/p two turns of the reel and bingo solid hit ,I felt head shacking

    Thought it might be a big trevally turns out to be a rat king under sized of

    Course [check photo he has broken 1/0 hook in his gill] any way back to the

    Snapper got 3 or 4 solid hit but no hook ups ,set the baits again a flick out a s/p

    It gets hammered bigger fish than last time big jump it’s sambo and bust off

    ,next the snapper rod goes off and another nice snapper comes in just Finnish

    unhooking him when the other rod goes off and snapper number 4 comes in

    after that things went quite so started flicking out s/p’s 3or 4 casts and bang

    solid hookup another sambo 3 big jumps and 5 minutes later he is in the boat

    quick photo and he is on his way ,after that it went dead so time for plan B

    spin for flathead , not to confidant as the last few outings have not been very

    successful ,tried a couple of spots no luck went over to Bonner Point the wind

    had dropped to nothing and the drift was slow ,after a couple of drifts with

    the dreaded bass minnow and a very slow retrieve I managed to snag 3 reasonable

    flattys. By this time it was midday and very hot so I called it a day

    The snapper went 32cm to 35 cm not bad for the Bay the salmon 65cm


  7. I do not think trim tabs will help ,tabs mainly bring the front of the boat down having had a couple

    of Haines Hunters with tabs fitted , if traveling in a following sea with the tabs down the boat would

    try to broach or bury the nose, the way to fix the problem was to trim the motor up use some power

    to drive the boat .Boats with a fine entry [deep vee] need to be pushed in following sea ,it takes a

    bit to get used it ,but when the boat starts to broach use more power and never throttle off

    hope this been some help

  8. Just spent 4 days down the south coast at Greenwell Point the main aim

    Was to catch snapper ,so on Thursday armed some great looking blue tail

    Prawns and some fresh stripey fillets we set off, first stop was the close in

    Reefs ,first drop was hit with 2 minutes things were looking good until

    A good sized sweep appeared and then another and another ,so we changed

    The rig to smaller lead this worked we then started to catch slimey mackrell

    They were monsters so went up in lead that took us back to the sweep so we

    Moved to another reef 3ks away but the same thing sweep and slimes so a run

    Out to the Banks was called for we got there about 10am there were about 6

    Boats, and 2 pro trawlers which picking kings 3 at time one guy was poling them

    It was something to see most fish were undersize and went back,anyway we

    Thought we might asswell try to get into the action,when school of bait fish

    Exploded right be side the boat guess what they were bloody sweep ,they were

    About half a kilo, we were not happy ,anyway we tried the prawns got sweep

    Tried the stripey got sweep found a packet of frozen squid and bingo every

    Squid was a KING not big fish most around 58cm the odd one 75+ but good

    Fun ,we ran out of squid and the kings lost interest

    Day 2 after buying all the packet squid in Greenweel Point and pickimg up

    Some live yakks and slimes back to the Banks we went and sure enough the

    Sweep were still there but so were the kings they took the lives straight away

    And were a and better class of fish most well over the 70 cm mark and a

    Couple we could not stop before they reefed us ,when we ran out of lives

    We went back to the squid and although most were under sized they were

    Great fun ,It was a top day the water was 26 degrees and flat

    Hope this post is not to long will try post some pictures


  9. Sorry to have missed meeting all you Raiders at Kograha Bay but Chris and I where having

    Hard time trying to catch some live bait at Molineaux Point ,anyway we caught bugger all

    And pulled the pin early just as the storm hit ,the night was not a complete waist I got home just

    In time to see the mighty SOUTHS beat the DRAGONS

    We will have to do it again in the day time

  10. Help needed going down to Greenwell Point for 4 days next week I have not

    Fished down there for many years ,plan to fish for snapper kings and

    Flathead,any info from raiders down that way would be great ,I have the marks

    For the Banks but would like the marks the Mud and any spots that could be

    Worth a try thanks for any help

  11. How about a social in Botany bay , there are plenty of spots to fish, boat and

    land based,and plenty of places to meet up (Kurnell beach Brighton beach)

    Which are easy for family and frends to get to

    Any RAIDERS got any other thoughts on the subject


  12. :thumbup::thumbup::yahoo:

    I purchased a brand new boat in August 2003 and have kept it at the marina in Akuna Bay.

    The cost and hassle of maintaining the boat (not to mention tackle and bait) now far out way the enjoyment gained fishing Pittwater and the area encompassing West Head, Lion Island, Box Head, Barrenjoey, across to Whale Beach, and sometimes a little further south.

    You don’t need to be marine biologist to confirm that fish aren’t there in the numbers anymore. Unfortunately it’s all over and the environment will never improve. To be able to catch reasonable fish you now need to travel to more exotic locations which are not over fished and polluted.

    Referencing this site regularly during this time I noted many postings promoting recent catches. Understandably people generally don’t want to advertise the not so good days.

    It is my opinion that less than 1% of people catch 90% of the 5% of fish that are left. Most of the people on this site (which is fantastic) fall into the 1%.

    It’s a sad sad day.

    Breeze :thumbup::ranting2: You sound pretty depressed Breeze ,but if it all relates back to dollars and cents

    then mabe you should give it away,Or try and enjoy you time on water, relax the fish

    will come .P/s try dessperate and boatless ,some smart deckies there :thumbup:

  13. Question - in the mayhem that has been Sydney Harbour kingfish fishing over the past month, with all the boats and the thousands of fishermen hitting the water, have any Raiders seen Fisheries officers out there checking catches?

    I've been checked by the water police (not fisheries) at Rose Bay ramp twice, but both times they only asked to see my licence, not my catch.


    I would like to ask the same question where are the inspectors in Botany Bay

    I would like to have a dollar for every under sized KING caught and kept

    at Molineaux Point IN the last few weeks , has anybody seen any inspectors?????????

  14. Went to Molineaux Point this morining to try for some kings on the way

    Picked up some yakkas at Yarra Bay got to the point about 6am there was

    About 10 boats there allready put down the first yakka it got smashed

    Half way down ,after 3 strong runs and about 5 minutes up comes a 63cm

    King ,down goes yakka no2 same thing only this time not so big around

    58cms,this goes on for about an hour most yakkas lucky to last 5minutes

    got 9 kings 6 over 60cms kept 3 .

    By this time I have runout of yakkas so switched to the flatherd spining gear

    And strips of squid got a few more kings but only small 45 to 55cms

    Also picked up a trevally around 45cm, Molineaux Point now has about

    30 odd boats on it so it is time to leave

    Plan to spin up some flathead on the way home first drift at Bonner Point

    Gets me a nice flatty but my right arm as turned to jello after the Kings

    So I call it a day


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