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Posts posted by Braidbuster

  1. I did indeed Roberta ! And thats why I dropped a bigger bream & trev :1prop: silly me ,and I HAD a net in the car ! I had a rod the same as this before. It was a motza to hook the biggest fish in the place,called it the mighty-giant.Kings/Sambos loved to play me like a violin string on that rod,but I had it stolen so I know how you feel about your bad luck :1badmood:

  2. Gee just went to the library to look on a large screen instead of my phone.......the fish look soooo tiny

    The females were about 40-50cm and were making their stripes more prominant by changing their colour from bronze to v pale grey,and turning sideways and arching their bodies so that they looked bigger & fatter!

    The males (I assume) were more numerous darker & smaller,they were trying to rub up against the sides of the females

    An interesting side light was that a school of yakkas was following under,and at a discrete distance behind. I think they were hoping for eggs for breakfast!

  3. They let me out early today,so off I trot for a quick fish. Only took a loaf of bread as bait,just as the fish were starting to fire a Black Labrador snuck up behine me and ATE THE ENTIRE LOAF!

    I was so depressed I nearly had to seek help from .......

    Anyway although my session was ended early it was a productive one,see pics to follow.The Blackie was 37,bream 32cms. I lost what felt like a nice Trev through pulled hooks and dropped a 35-40cm bream on the surface as I had no net. :(

    I was using 3lb flouro line and this was why I did so well.The rod in the pic cost less than $20,a perfect match for thin line and the soft tip of the Ugly Stik is a necessary shock absorber for this style of fishing :1fishing1:

    A word of caution here as the steps at the wharf have been fenced off by barricades,this means that if you are lucky enough to hook a big fish you will need to have a good landing net. :thumbup:

    A warning for Roberta,before you go any further,these pictures are pretty graphic (Unlike the 'artistic' ,"Yeah Baby Yeah",pics).So you my want to look away........ :1yikes:


  4. For proper Prawnographic Photography, you need special sea-through specs to get all the wiggly bits Roberta.I have a spare pair that have only been lööked through twice,$99.95 for you ! The boy Blackies are a bit dissapointing ,they claimed that the water was too cold,but I think it was just an excuse! :Funny-Post:

  5. Have to be careful when you whip out a camera-phone at Balmoral Baths these days.But I took the risk to snap these of about 30 big Blackies 'going for it 'in broad daylight ! So enjoy ,and go back to the age of Aquarius with my "Prawn-o-Pics"

    More smut! :1prop:

    :thumbdown: They just were shamless!




  6. Live bait is key for Kings. In order of choice they are squid,gar,slimey,yakka. You can sometimes get away with dead baits eg v.fresh squid,gars,but the presentation is critical.eg skipping the gar on top. :1fishing1:

  7. Marty is right on the burley,bread (white) & tuna oil always works. Use a light line and longshank hook with a bit of pilly or prawn soaked in oil.Best caught at night under lights,or very early in the morning before the suns up. :1fishing1:

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