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Trapper Tom

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Posts posted by Trapper Tom

  1. Hey fishraiders

    Forget the Jackets!!!!

    Extract from post by "Jimikin" in the aquarium sect under "What is it"

    "Silver Toadfish, This tropical species is often found in more southern waters of Australia's east and west coasts, usually in schools. Best recognised by the silvery stripe along the side, and greenish back with dark spots. A fearless predator well known for its attacks on humans. Its teeth are shaped like a parrot's beak, and can easily bite through bone. In a feeding frenzy, it is as dangerous as a shark, attacking everything in sight. Like all members of the Toadfish family its flesh is poisonous, also known as the Northwest Blowfish and Silver Pufferfish. Max length 97cm." :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:

    At 97cm Sounds like these guys would make the jackets look like a goldfish in comparison.


    Trapper Tom

  2. Hey Fisherman 1994.

    Mate Burley, Burley and Burley.

    Especially for brimbos and trevors.

    Note bait should be chicken guts and do not forget chicken breast works a treat on bream.

    If you don't have a bigger type boat and burley pot on the back, get a normal bucket, fill with fish bits, bread crumbs from woolies , sand, tuna oil(smelly and I don't use) mash and mix it all together. Get a big spoon and dish up over the side once every 5 minutes. If you need it to go deeper squash into a ball with your hands and do a depth charge thing.

    Will PM a spot for you not to many people go to that should help, haven't Pm,d before so bear with me for a day or two.

    When you burley, try to fish floaters and add a really small amount of lead if tidal movement is strong, your aim is mid water in the Bay when doing bait and burley. Caste bait up current, let slowly sink into your burley trail, feed line out whilst keeping a feel on you line and bingo. There are good fish out there and some damn big torpedo kings as well. But thats another story.

    Try this first, get it right, post a success story with pictures on FR and I will then post the Trapper Toms how to catch kingfish in the Bay thing to you. Same based on the teachings of the Famous Paul Rumsey.

    Good luck and go for it, but do pick your weather and be safe and May:-

    Rod be with you.


    Trapper Tom.

  3. G'day Ray

    Mate interesting reply.

    Chopper 75 started a topic in the boating section a short time back and I added this post:-

    "Not quite a boat ramp one, but anyway.

    20 years ago we used to go down to Pretty Beach and fish and dive out of Bawley Point in a 14 foot quinnie.

    Any one who knows the area will know there are stacks of roo,s around. Anyway Just retireved the boat, jumped in the car and took off down the road. Roo appears, andrew brakes misses roo.

    Next thing the right hand trailer wheel passes us still doing the original 60klms and continued down the road.

    Absolutely cacked ouselves laughing, one of those things that "you had to be there to be funny" thing."

    We didn't even think about sabotage then or since but now you have said what you said, I'll be buggered.

    Was your incident around the same time, because the more I think of it, a wheel just does not fall off on its own.

    For Dhutchy

    Im a little older now and every time before going out and after retriving do the simply little 30 sec safety check thing as a habit now.

    Just walk around the boat and trailer before you take off and look, poke, ,prod, pull and kick all necessary bits. Once this becomes a habit you will really quickly pick up anything you have forgotten to do and or if someone has god forbid it tampered with your rig.

    Cheers Trapper Tom

    PS Ray also Glad you got into the Reddies this weekend. Had a Reddy session planned with my mate because we new they,d be on this weekend but he got "Wifedyd" at the last minute. Bugger on that but thats fishin.


    Trapper Tom

  4. Hi Fishraiders

    Just realised I am now a "Bream"

    I Reckon I deserve a beer for that so!

    Gotto go now, heading straight for the fridge :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:


    Trapper Tom

  5. Holy Hell

    Aus has now got a 97cm version of a piranha :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:

    Better not tell the tourist, their scared enough with crocs, sharks and jellyfish.

    Never new that about these criitters, have seen leatherjackets do it though.

    thanks for the info


    Trapper Tom

  6. Hey Jimnicdusty

    Great photo's

    Im just sorting out our groups next adventure in November.

    Haven,t decided yet.

    Youve provided a really damn good arguement for our group of guys to follow your lead though!!

    Just quitely, nobody has raised it yet, but have a quick look in the FR records section.

    You may have nailed a couple of records.


    Trapper Tom

  7. Hey Fishraiders

    I'll be heading to Kiama.

    Looks like seas will be down.

    The Target will be SNAPPER.

    Mind you at this spot their not real big, just damn good plate size eating fish.

    Yum Yum Pigs Bum.

    Have a good long weekend


    Trapper T

  8. Hey Peter

    Absolutely love your posts they are brilliant.

    I look for them all the time! And yes you do have Wayeeeee to much time on your hands

    One thought though, where's the rocket launcher on top of your rig.????????????

    Could you add and re-post. Suggestion only.


    Trapper T

  9. Hey Jewgaffer


    But after spending that much on the outfit I reckon I'd want "EVERYBODY" to be looking at me. :thumbup::074:

    Gerg Can't wait for your next video please don't let us fishraiders down. I'm not that computer savvy myself, I only just worked out how to post a damn Picture!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:


    Trapper T

  10. Im with you Jewhunter

    Not only were they not "collected" they were not in "Possession". No more said.

    UUmmmmm bugger it, will add

    Noted oysters are not an endangered species and on my last count last week there were 15 Trillion of the little suckers in Syd Harbour.

    Fishermangreg Thanks for the effort in posting the photo, I thought it was good and well spotted.


    Trapper T

  11. hi fishraiders

    For anyone fishing tonight please keep in mind

    JAWS 2 is on.

    Just a courtesy note for when your reaching into the water to get that fish or wondering what that massive swirl in your burley trail is.

    As for the Landbased guys.

    Do not laugh and think you are safe

    See attached photo. Straight up out of the black depths and!!!!!!

    Cheers Trapper

    (No and I am not fishing tonight)


  12. Hey BFB

    Now you have hit a nail on the head!!!

    Very interesting question "Has anybody been booked for creating to much wash?

    That would be very interesting to know, also the when where and under what circumstances.

    As you raised it, suggest you start a new topic or the moderators.

    Reckon there would be some :074: and :ranting2: and :05: replies.


    Trapper T

  13. Hi Pelican

    Thanks for the reply

    All I can say mate is do keep in mind that this law is primarly a Environmental law to prevent shoreline/bank erosion everything else is secondary. If ya big cruiser upsets a some other water user, guess what, its the same as on the road ie "Shared Zone".

    And if you do get booked, and with a 3 foot wake, make it worthwile, get ya moneys worth and do 3 x 360's around the buggers. Just joking. Ha Ha

    Cheers Trapper T

  14. Hey Pelican.

    You are definately fired up over this one!!!!!, so before you read on I am not having a go at you at all and I do understand your fustration, this is merely a statment of fact.

    Definitions! Not every little thing can be defined by a law.

    Unfortunately as with many laws in many different fields there some that are termed "Judgemental".

    That is, it is up to whoever the Officer that has the jurisdiction in that law, to make the experienced decision on whether the law has been broken in the individual circumstances of that case, and, then what action should then be taken. You and I can do nothing about that.

    Yes it is judge, jury and executioner but that is the world we live in, and yes in judgmental matters most officers in any field of regulation do excersise caution because it is an area that is most likely to come back and bite them.

    That will never stop the fellow who got out of the wrong side of the bed that morning nor will it stop the gestapo's of the world.

    Just do your best at what you think complies for the individual circumstances of the case and apply a level commonsense approach. Thats all anybody can do in this case.


    Trapper Tom

  15. Hey slinky

    Don't you just love it when you see that.

    Filed straight away into the old grey matter and you don't even have to write it down.

    And bingo when the conditions are repeated.

    Top photo and top spotting.


    Trapper Tom

  16. Hi Guys

    Didn't go for a fish this weekend.

    Thought I'd post this photo of our Shady Camp trip.

    Flatout down a 15ft wide creek. Awesome fun. Note not dangerous as you actually had to get up on the plane to be able to get out.

    Also did not post very many barra photo's from the trip and have stacks, if anyone wants to see more please advise and will post. Say on the lure section as they were all lure caught.


    Trapper Tom


  17. David

    Rule of thumb. If the fish eats creatures from the bottom, ie that grow and live in the contaminated sediments, then they will accumulate the toxin. Its the food chain thing. Limit your eating of these fish to fisheries standards recommended, although I prefer/choose not to at all. Pelagic type species I have no problem with.

    Co-incidentally see my post in "No wash Zone" by Stan in this forum today on the subject.


    Trapper Tom

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