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Trapper Tom

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Posts posted by Trapper Tom

  1. G'Day Tan

    Don't quite know about the 2000 range.

    But be very conforted.

    My primary weapon is a Daiwa 4000xa with a Okuma precision PXT 702 DSM rod.

    Mate have caught 1m + kingies with it and got a 1m + barra to within 15 foot of the boat with it.

    10 ball bearings, smooth as a babies bum, beautifiul beautiful. Run 30lb braid off it.

    Above fish were no contest for it, so suggest your 2000 range for $65, absolute bargain and top of the line gear.

    Go forth young "Tan" and enjoy.

    Dammit another corney line mate, can't help myself.


    Trapper T

  2. G'Day Tan

    When ever I load up a reel with new line (not braid) I chuck the shop spool into a bucket of water.

    I then load from there. If there is any twists etc then the spool in the water keeps revolving around and lessens the eventual twists that might end up on your loaded reel.

    With a alvey you should be OK even putting it on directly as, as you have said, there is no oscillation, its a straight line transfer.

    Even so the benefit of the bucket of water is that:-

    1. As you wind the line on, use thumb and first finger to hold the line, water on the line = does not burn your fingers.

    2. Thumb and first finger work back and forwards to load the line evenly on the reel.

    3. Keep medium pressure on the line when loading with your thumb and first finger so that it beds. Note too much pressure is just as bad as to little pressure. To much can actually affect the reels shape and squash it, to little and yes the birds nest.

    4. The water over the whole length of line going on to the reel helps bed the same.

    Hope the above helps.

    Don't know quite why I don't do the above with braid.

    I have this probably outdated and dinosaur thought that it is a fabric type of product and if loaded wet will shrink when it dries (fully loaded) and affect the reel. I know this does not make sense, as you get a big run from a fish that strips stacks of line off, the braid dries on the reel and I have had no probs here. You also rinse reel etc on return from a trip.

    Its a question that's been in the back of my mind for a while now so has any FR a answer to the above, would love to know!!!


    Trapper T

  3. Hey Greg

    That first GT is the most awesome damn creature I have ever seen.

    Its not a horse, or even a buffalo its a damn MACK TRUCK :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:

    How the hell did you manage to get it in!!!

    That storey would be worth reading on its own.


    Trapper T

    PS, still looking at my next fishing adventure for Nov, do you mind If I Pm you and ask for the details of your trip??



  4. Hey Fezza

    Still a mystery as far as I know. Not much is known about them.

    They appear sometimes in all sorts funny places ie Botany Bay had a extraordinary run at one stage a fair few years back.

    I do fear that the trawlers have figured out their run into the Hawkesbury and have thereby compromised total numbers and breeding stock etc etc. I did do a post on this about, errrr ????????? maybe 4 months ago, ie why a migrating species of any animal may not appear at a particular point in time that they are supposed to. Suggest click search on hairtail. Hopefully it won't come up with a picture of my cats tail :1prop::1prop::1prop:

    All the above is only anecdotal though, except for my cats tail, that's real.


    Trapper T

  5. Tan

    Have to concede you have done me here mate. Doggie in water v/s boat fire no contest, bugger didn't hear about that one.

    Happily eat S%$#. :1prop::1prop::1prop: :1prop: after my jest to you.

    Reckon I better concentrate on work now, got a bit to do.

    Thanks for your responses/e-mails and for the banter, really does make life so much more enjoyable.

    Signing off till tomorrow.


  6. Tan

    Tan and FR

    Imagine the slime that guy got on himself for the shoot!

    Should have double marketed the photo and sold it to a personal Lubricant company.

    Just imagine the fun a advertising guru could have with that! :074::074::074:

    I do however recall one of the the first attempts at prawn or yabbie farming up near Port Stephens a while ago.

    All was going good till they realised that eels can actually travel overland.

    They got in and ate their whole stock. End of buisness.


    A little bit of quick thinking and they ended up farming the eels and shipping to China as a delicacy.

    Don't know if they are still going though.

    And yes smoked eel is really really good!! Don't ever dismiss it.



  7. Hey Tan

    yeah have to agree with you.

    Was a "Dog of a storey" anyway. :074::074::074::074:



    Hey Tan

    yeah have to agree with you.

    Was a "Dog of a story" anyway. :074::074::074::074:



    Also just realised I stuffed that post up didn't I


  8. Hey guys.

    Have you heard the news. Somebody found a little dog swimming around in the middle of pittwater.

    Apparently owner had put it on his yaucht and walked off.

    Rumour has it it jumped off chasing the catfish :1prop::1prop::1prop::1prop::1prop:


    Trapper T

    PS Tan the Man, your letting the side down here, I thought you would have been onto that one like a rocket :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


  9. Hey Roberta

    Boy have you bought back memories their!!

    Family had a waterfront place at Mannering Park for like ever and yes thats where the fishing bug got me from the age of, who knows, lets say knee high to a grasshopper.

    We knew the tubes as the "Pipes" and because of the warm water got all sorts of strange creatures there.

    Your photo in the mist reminds me of many a morning fishing in the bay in a really peaceful atmosphere.

    Its a little bit more populated now though.

    None the less, my pop used to take us down to the creek there and being originally from Mudgee, taught us to fly fish in the creek, that was before the days of SP and wacky do HB's.

    Suggests next time you are there give the flies a go!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We did crack the brimbo's on them.

    Also further up this Bay going out towards Chain Valley bay, will PM the spot if you like, at times you can get Gaint Herring, Yes the Northern Variety. Late Summer season only but they are there occasionally for reasons that are obvious. Again try Flies, awesome fight.

    Thanks for your post and photo's, loved them. Hope the above enhances your fishing experiences on the great Lake Mac in the future.

    And yes your yak does now need to be named "The Predetor".


    Trapper Tom

  10. Tan

    Sorry to hear mate, no offense meant, just a off the cuff comment that, well, usually means I put my foot in my mouth which I obviously have done.

    My Buisness is 50% down as well, but now looking up.

    Our trip is not forgotten either, just need to get a few more $$$$$$$$$$$, so working hard.

    Cheers Mate


    Trapper Tom

  11. To Tan the Man

    Mate you really gotta get a life!! Where do you find all the stuff that you do? I don't get time to scratch my b##^s.

    Seriously your posts are great, read em all, your a budding Ray R, keep them coming.

    I Always remember the fishing trips to Bawley Point we did years ago. Fished morning and snorkled from the boat after. You would dive down, do ya thing, and the next thing a dirty great big stringray the size of a billard table would be over the top of you after your abs or lobbies. Really scarey stuff, really agressive buggers to, had to drop your catch to escape. All on one breath to.

    As for the squid, I don't think I would be doing what the divers did, thats a big chunk out of your arm or leg or other bits :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:


    Trapper Tom

  12. Hey Mondo

    Totally agree with you.

    Wearing a life jacket is just asking to get picked up and smashed back onto the rocks, that is the most dangerous part of actually getting washed in.

    Have done a lot of snorkeling and it is amazing how close you can get into the rocks ferreting for different things and providing you are submerged and dive down, zippo and nothing happens, all is safe.

    Part B for anyone who does hit the drink is "Get the Hell" away from the rocks, swim out, once the waves are not breaking, get as much gear off as you can and either tread water or if beach is close try to swim/paddle around to it. (sort of the same principle as getting caught in a rip on the beach, don't fight it save energy hitch the ride out and then come back around to the beach). I don't believe re-entry onto rocks should be attempted unless swell subsides. As most of the fatalities occur in big seas this just ain't gunna happen.

    Once you get away from the rocks immediate danger is over and it then it becomes a unfortunate survival waiting game of being immersed in potentially really cold water/night! but at least you are not unconscious and already drowned.

    And yes I also agree the sad fact is, alot of Rock guys cannot swim.

    No 1 rule, same as diving, never fish alone.

    No 2 take a lifey with ya, if you do go in and make it out past the breakers, as Mondo has said, sometimes it is only a 5 metre throw from your fishing buddy that will save your life.

    Also anchoring yourself, have seen it done, but again if you have to do that you should theoretically NOT be there!!!

    What may be a good idea here is that, the same for us having a fishing license to fish and a boat license to boot, to fish the rocks you need a "Rock fishing" License instead of the normal one. A sub category or Dual. Mods could you expoloe please.

    To get that say, eh I don't know, but for arguments sake a 1/2 or 1 day course with fisheries, could be on-line or otherwise on safety, tides, building swell, survival techniques etc etc.

    I know I will get smashed by the Rockies for this post but hey guys the death rate from rock sports fishing even exceeds the poor old Jockeys injury and death rates. Our tool of trade is generally a boat for which we need a license and education, your tool of trade is the rocks! Reckon Ditto

    And yes I know, how do you police a rocky isolated headland at 10.30 at night. You can't.

    But at least it is something and creates awareness!!!!

    I had better go now and hide from the flak and the fallout.

    Mods, I don't know if I have been inappropriate here, if I have, it is unintentional, please be gentle and don't ban me, I do love the site. Just my thoughts.


    Trapper Tom

  13. Hey Fishinnik

    My family had a waterfront Holiday House on Lake Mac I think they first got it in the very early 1900,s

    Got it from the Vales Family, their house being the little green one on hill in Scott St Vales Point, or so the storey goes, Pop built ours just down from them.

    Pop taught Dad how to fish, dad taught us little buggers how to fish. I had no hope, was addicted to fishing by the time I was ?????, lets just say forever.

    As a young fella always remember Dad sitting in the front verandah (68 foot wide!!!!!!! one at that) overlooking the Lake and when a southerly blew up he'd just say in all his wisdom.

    "Hmmm, boys never fish the first day of a southerly". Pop taught him the saying.

    Guess what, to this day I never intentionally fish the first day of a southerly.

    However these days I suspect it mostly has to do with the comfort factor.

    Was sold about 7-8 years ago dammit dammit dammit.


    Trapper Tom

  14. G'day archilles

    Suggestion only.

    To start with, try using one rod only. Nothing more pleasent and relaxing than walking up and down a beach with your fingers on the pulse (Line).

    You will remain focased on that and not be distacted by other rods and having to run up and down the beach like a blue arsed fly and potentialy achieving nothing.

    Try not to just pick a time of day for the sake of it, but pick a time of day that reflects the beaches working structure and how the tide affects it. Ie gutters sand banks etc, thats what its all about. But to add yes, Morn and Late Arvo are good, just pick your tides to the beaches current structure. I say current, because beaches are dynamic and constantly changing as you will find out.

    Good luck buddy there are some really good whiting off there and heed Tumra's advice, it is spot on.


    Trapper Tom

  15. Hey Guys

    Coral Trout, no contest. In the words of Rex Hunt "Absolutely Magnificent".

    Next, Mud crabs, particularly Singapore chilli crab, and don't ever forget straight out of the pot, no flavours added and just eaten with fresh bread and butter.

    Third Sashimi, any sashimi!!!, we even take wasibi and soy on the boat, the first decent Trevor or kingy unlucky enough to fall foul of our lures/bait is promptly dispatched and devoured raw on the spot, preferable with a few :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile: Almost makes us sound like feral primitives. I'm kinda guessing we are.

    Was going to stick to the three but just had one other thought and one which I think hasn't really been addressed on FR before:-

    "Canned Sardines"

    in tomato source, on toast of a weekend morning. In the words of "Con the Fruitier" "Beeeeeeuatiful".

    Note not recommended for newly weds or under 7 year relationships as Wifey will not come any where near you for quite a while, or come to think of it, if you need Wifey to go away, eat sardines by the truckloads. :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:


    Trapper Tom

  16. G'day Ray.

    Absolutely beautiful pics as usual. Particularly the first 2.

    Your getting to be a bit of a Icon on this site arn't you mate.

    Rightly so for your continued efforts and I always look forward to your posts

    Had a Job today on the Northern beaches area and took my rod intending to, believe it or not, catch a few leatheries at the spit bridge, I love eating the buggers, only had 30mins and no burley. Burley = Leartheries there in 5 secs flat usually. Therefore Zippo. In the words of Ned Kelly "Such is life".

    When job finished drove around to Curl Curl and the sea was really up as your photo's reflect. Had to forget the flick off the beach, back to work, bugger. Yes I am self employed, my own buisness, so I have freedom to do what I want.

    Except catch fish at the moment.

    Bring on my next fishing Hol in Nov up north, can't wait. GregL (also legend status after his last posts) look out, mate, (I wish!) if I can't beat your records for biggest fish, will post for smallest fish, mind you Slinky may have a significant say in that matter. He He

    Cheers Trapper Tom

  17. G'Day Gee


    Its a top site mate stay tuned to it and you'all be catching the big ones sooner than you think.

    And personally I always eat my Calamari. Yum Yum Pigs Bum.

    Only ever keep the heads for Kingies and the wings for other fish, they are just to good to not eat.

    But then I don't target Jewies.


    Trapper Tom.

  18. All fishraiders

    Have you heard that something is attacking and killing these wonderful little creatures at their rookery at Manly.

    Two were discovered mauled to death a few days ago and more have now just also been found.

    Total breeding stock 60 pairs, deaths to date now 9.

    Colony loss in a week = 7.47%. Thats a big hit on any small colony of any animal.

    Also heard they have now put 2 shooters on the site to carry out a vigal and eradicate the offender.

    Hope it turns out to be a fox (and prob will be) and not somebodies dog.

    They are great little creatures and have had them flying underwater next to our boat on many occasions.

    For those non boaties they literally look like a bird flying underwater next to your boat. A truely awesome sight.

    On a more positive note its always fun when your fishing in the middle of now-where with a newbe on board and you hear their little "Bark" (yes they sound like a Chuawawa and yes I know thats not how you spell it) and you say to Newbie:_

    "What the hell is a dog doing out here?"

    Better go find him eh. Always gets them and its worth motoring around looking for a dog for 10 minutes just for the fun of paying out on the Newbe.

    As Fishraiders I know we can't do anything, its up to others, but I hope the Authorities get it right and I know a damn lot of resouces go into protecting these beatiful little guys.

    Good luck to the Fairy's,

    Trapper Tom

  19. G,day Hotty.

    Reckon this is one very under rated achievement.

    All us Aussies are great at sports and when you consider our population base compared to other countries I reckon we are the best sporting nation in the world.

    We only have Brabmen and Jones in our countries history who have ever done this.

    Now we have a third being Webber :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

    The other two have always been held in God status by Aussies and now, well.

    Mr Webber will be too. We now have another Aussie Icon and legend.

    Also did you hear the audio replays from his mic when he crossed the Line.

    He went ballistic!!!!

    Equivilent to catching a 450 tonne Marlin :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

    Here is hoping he gets more.


    Trapper Tom

  20. Hey Bender

    That is bloody disgusting.

    Its a public ramp and public recreation area and is in-excusable by any standards.

    The persons are obviously non carers to their impacts on the community or other caring fisho's.

    Launch from their sometimes so I know the area.

    If undersize fish frames are in evidance cantact Fisheries together with your evidance ie time and photo's. This actual event cannot be counted but it will alert them and their data base to be on the look out for the the greb thats doing it.

    They will set a occasional watch post on the ramp, culprits will be eventually DONE LIKE A DINNER.

    Other Fish Raiders who frequent Oatley, keep your eye out and report to Authorities as appropriate.

    I will also look up Legislation relating the dumping of fish frames in waters around public ramps as this is obviously a exceesive discard of frames.

    I'm cranky now and on a mission!!!!


    Trapper Tom

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