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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Whilst braid does have many better qualities than mono, there are a few fish that seem to be caught more on mono lines like whiting, this could be that they are a bit more tentative when they bite and feel more tension on a braided line compared to the higher amount of stretch that mono possesses. Visability is a slight but unlikely issue. Anyone think of other reasons?

  2. Nice dollies mate, yes thats a striped tuna, good bait for nearly anything. The weight issue could be varying between male and female but it may well just be that some fish are eating more than others, happens with most fish, and most humans :1prop:


  3. hey james,how about a little pinky,had a rat chase one up and would no leave it alone.after 3 mins off chucking every thing we had at it we let the pinky go the rat followed,next bait to hit the bottom[prawn]gets smashed by 750 model.been thinking off molding a pinky lead bomb for the downrigger

    regards brickman

    We've had kings follow little pinkies up many times without touching it, once though we had a jew come up and have a go and it ripped most of it off, very unexpected and surprising!

  4. if it was a tiger it should have looked like this (see the tiger-like stripes that run the length of the fish)


    to me your description does not sound close enough to this species...

    dont suppose you have any more info or a pic???

    could have been a gurnard or a goat fish of some sort as they are pretty red in colour


    That still looks a bit more of a dusky. I was under the influence that tiger flathead looked more like this: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recrea.../tiger-flathead , with the slightly more buldging eyes and slighty rounder body shape.

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