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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Lots of fibre between 2 buns

    By Sports and Outdoor - must be a naturist thing

    Since Hey Hey it's Saturday there is just no outlet for great signs and newspaper clippings.

    What The? on Rove Live maybe...

  2. Might sound a little bit primal, but nothing beats knocking a sashimi slab off a whiting you've just pulled in. Fresh - as in minutes fresh.


    Only problem is your not supposed to knock fillets off when you're on the water.

    You are allowed to fillet on the boats if it is for immediate consumption i believe.

  3. I like grunter, coral trout and pearl perch. I can't see how flathead can possibly compare! but i gues it is a matter of taste ay!

    Yeh i thought the same about flatties, i mean its a nice tasting fish but its not in the same class as melt in your mouth type reef species.

  4. Well done mate,

    they're some awesome fish, nice work unreefing the king and getting some chunky salmon, how big do you reckon they were? Bummer about the flattie, most of them are released ok so i'd imagine that flattie stocks aren't looking too bad.

    Great work overall, did 100x better than me....


  5. You don't even need the frames or burley a lot of the time, we've got heaps that we've just seen around wharves that we've scooped up for the sake of it. They would be a good fish to spear, get a fair bit of satisfaction out of it :thumbup:

  6. There are quite a few fish which are very good as sashimi. The most common ones are tuna, salmon (not Australian Salmon), kingfish, mackeral, silver trevally and even flathead (according to Tetsuya). Squid i believe can also be eaten in this style. I'd have to say my favourite is probably kingfish with a bit of soy and lemon, closely followed by tuna, with mackeral in 3rd place.

  7. never tried sashimi, have no real idea what it is, guessin raw fish? anyone got a easy, tasty recipe to give it a shot next time i catch a kingie?

    Sashimi is raw fish, the best piece of fish for this is usually the belly area which is what surrounds the guts, cut this out and wash it in icy water. Leave it in the fridge for a few hours and eat with soy, wasabi and lemon. Tastes great

  8. Freshly beaten carp fillets, preferebly from the upper, dirtier reaches of the hunter river, salted for a day or two and fried in chilli-infused olive oil.... ten points for imaginiation? Haha, No seriously the tastiest fish i recall eating was some bbq'd spanish makeral steaks a few years back up the whitsundays, but nothing beats the old whiting. Bring on the weekend.

    You had me going on the carp for a second :wacko: . The mackeral as sashimi is great, add a bit of lemon and its right up there, different texture to tuna, kingfish, salmon etc... but the taste is great.

  9. Coral trout or Red Emperor both up at the top.

    Mind you some people call me strange as I love good fresh Nannygai. I'll take that over most Sydney fish.

    With all due respect to other members tastebuds but the only way I could put a Kingy in my top ten is if you include the fight they put up as part of the rating. Each to their own though.


    Kingfish are pretty damn good as sashimi.

    Have you tried eating them roasted? I reckon the texture is much better when its roasted compared to fried.

    (Those fish aren't my top 10 by the way, just the ones i thought of)


  10. :ranting2: Dang I feel your pain!!!! I only catch fish off the rocks every time I`ve gone on the boats it has been unsuccessful on the kings,plenty of yakkas and the days over :(

    Atleast we know we aren't the only ones. Hopefully things will MAJORLY :1yikes: improve in the near future!

  11. Has anyone noticed different results in regards to amount of hook ups with braid and mono in both bait and lure fishing? With bait then the line is just sitting there and is quite easy as previously mentioned for a fish to see braid over mono.(Has anyone noticed this when using smoke grey coloured fireline? Is it less visible?)

    Whereas with lure fishing, the fish are more likely to be following a lure or rise once seeing it usually seeing only the mono trace, not having as bigger effect when using braided line for lure fishing?

    Anyone got anything to add?

  12. Sorry guys, its not i don't rate whiting i just forgot to put it in there! And i don't mean to be comparing other reef fish with coral trout, just saying if it is in that category.

    Has anyone else actually had fresh fingermark, i had it a couple hours after i caught it and it was just unbeatable in my books :biggrin2:



  13. Hi all,

    Just thought i would do a poll on what everyones favourite eating fish is. I've listed a fair few options, if your favourite is not up there, press other and post what fish it is.

    My favourite is Fingermark by a loooong way! :biggrin2:



  14. Mate if you got it new then thats an absolute joke. I know that just about all boats have some minor teething problems, but what you're experiencing is absurd.

    Definitely get in touch with the Dept. of Fair Trading, see if they can help.

    Send us a PM of the who the dealer is if you don't mind, it'd be nice to know.

  15. Agree with that. They interrupt every type of fishing :thumbdown: , trying to catch yakka's, the yakka's outnumbered jackets in a ratio of about 30:1 but still we caught twice as many jackets as yakkas and we got 15+ yakkas. Thats one fish we shouldn't be concerned about how much of it is netted, and seeing as they taste good the work is done for us! :biggrin2:

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