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Posts posted by Dreamtime

  1. Monday 22 September 2008

    National Marine Safety Committee CEO Maurene Horder has thanked the 3,500 boaties from around Australia who have volunteered for the National Boating Usage Study and has called on more boaties to take part to help the study reach the 4,000 volunteer milestone.

    Ms Horder explained that Australia does not have detailed information on boating behaviour and high risk boating periods. The 18 month study runs to May 2010, and will allow the NMSC to collect a comprehensive set of data on boating behaviour.

    ”We have had a great response from the boating community and this demonstrates the wonderful community minded spirit that is alive and well amongst boaties.

    “But I would like to invite more boaties from the Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia to participate in the study and help us reach our goal study sample.”

    The NMSC is aiming to attract 4,000 study volunteers and has extended recruitment to 31 October 2008 in order to attain a representative sample of the 730,000 recreational vessels registered around the country.

    “This is the first diary study of its type in the world that includes such a large number of volunteers.”

    Volunteers will receive $100 off boating insurance with Club Marine and 40% off subscriptions to Yaffa Publishing’s marine publications. They will also be provided with regular study updates, boating and fishing prize draws and exclusive product discounts.

    Participants will be asked to briefly fill in a boating diary with details such as the number of hours spent on the water, the location and purpose of the trip, the number of people on board, and whether the boat was involved in an incident.

    The study is open to owners and operators of all types of recreational craft including runabouts, ski/wake boats, cuddy, half or full cabin cruisers, sailing boats, jet skis and personal watercraft.

    What’s involved?

    A one-off anonymous survey on boating behaviour.

    A Boating Diary to be filled in on-line or in hard copy. All information is confidential and personal details will not be identified or released.

    If you would like a registration form please call the NMSC (02) 9247 2124 or go to www.nmsc.gov.au to register on-line. The NMSC aims to achieve nationally uniform marine safety practices and is made up of the CEOs of Australia’s marine safety agencies.

  2. They're hardy little buggers and don't mind a bit of fresh either.

    As above, water temp is critical and would pay you to buy an aquariam type heater to maintain water temp.

    In a small volume aquarium, the temp can drop quite a few degrees on a cold night and the fish will then start to develop fungal or viral infections due to the immune system struggling with the "non - optimum" water temp.

    Much the same as you and I would be prone to disease when out of our comfort zone.

    Good Luck

  3. Hey guys, just after some details about this ramp? i live fairly close to it, but haven't actually had a look at it..

    I am planning on launching there (first time).

    just some questions

    - does it get busy during the week?

    -is there plenty of parking?

    -sand either side? wharf?

    -is the ramp slippery? i drive a ef ghia rear wheel drive which has trouble with traction as it is, and will be towing a 16ft half cab


    This might help

  4. And interesting enough - as a swimmer, you have right of way over them.

    Mind you - hard to argue that when you're sitting at the bottom of the harbour.


    Isn't it a requirement not to exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of swimmers, wharves, moored boats , or what is construed to be a built up area.

    Those guys rock at speeds of 10 + knots I would imagine.

  5. I use these to catch groper =D...these are the red rock crabs right? But what are the crabs that are red that look similar to green and black crabs that run really fast?


    Justin :1fishing1:

    We have those crabs pictured here. During certain times of the month, possibly moon phases, they are everywhere.

    They run across the road and are easily collected.

    Fresh dessicated coconut stuffed in their carapaces, make a delectable morsel.

    Average size here is about 150mm.


  6. Maybe,

    today's morons


    tomorrows Olympic Champions???

    These guys were morons, apparently doing circles round the ship MV Tomoko


    Tomoko hits boat, slices it into two

    Wednesday, 17 September 2008

    A 19-FOOT bray boat powered by a 15hp engine was hit and sliced into half by MV Tomoko on Monday night – throwing all three men into sea.

    Reports reaching the Solomon Star on Tuesday said the incident happened after 10pm when MV Tomoko was leaving for Ranoggah through Gizo harbour.

    Reports from Gizo said the three had been drinking and partying in the boat since Monday evening.

    A man in his early 40s received head injuries while two others received minor injuries from the impact of the clash. The three were immediately rescued by another canoe and rushed to the Gizo hospital.

    Gizo police yesterday confirmed the incident but declined to comment and give details, saying it’s under investigation. Informants in Gizo said the three deliberately raced against and circled around MV Tomoko as the ship heads out of the harbour.

    “The driver must have lost control during one of their next turnaround strips resulting in MV Tomoko ramming the bray boat in half,” one informant said.

    Dr Allen Alepio of Gizo Hospital said two were discharged after treatment, the third was admitted. De Alepio said the one admitted got head injuries and a fractured jaw.

    MV Tomoko was on a special trip to Ranoggah to bring Adventist members for a weeklong camp meeting in Kukudu when the incident occurred.


  7. And this one.

    The patterns are used to test the level of stress a person can handle.

    The slower the pictures move, the better your ability of handling stress

    Alleged criminals that were tested see them spinning around madly.

    However, senior citizens and kids see them standing still.

    None of these images are animated - they are perfectly still.

  8. Hi all,

    With the season opening I'm going to start trolling (kingfish, etc). My question is: say, I rigged the yakka, deployed it on the downrigger and started trolling. Assuning I don't have visble bites, how frequently should I raise the bomb and check is the livebait allright? Don't want to waste time and trouble the livebait too often, yet don't want to troll with dead livebait (or no livebait at all). Anything changes if I use a live squid?


    Have you thought about buying the Walker Strike Vision Downrigger?

    With the camera you can see the condition of your bait and record the strike also.

    Check this link


  9. not a supporter of either team - difficult to get excited about them.

    I think that Melbourne will win if they take Friday's form with them. Reminded me of a State of Origin type of defence. Poor Sharky's got so close to the line but couldn't get over.

  10. STOP TEASING.........................................Peter they better be there! Sounds like by gone days!

    And possibly a few :beersmile::beersmile:

    Maybe also too much :1fishing1: and the :wife: dissagrees

    We're all grown men, we can keep a secret - trust me, I'm a doctor.

    Love to see some photos of that carnage Peter - you're amongst friends. :wacko:

  11. Congratulations on your first Blackies, Dicko!! :thumbup::yahoo: Well Done!!

    Welcome to the Blackfish Brigade - a word of warning tho - this form of fishing is seriously addictive! :1yikes: You can't just stop at ONE!! It is not uncommon for Blackfish addicts to be found scrounging around ponds & creeks, looking for their 'special' weed & are very secretive about where they do get it. This sport may also affect your bank balance, as you will probably be on the lookout for that 'perfect' blackfish rod, just like the one that Roosterman was using & may even feel inclined to buy a Centrepin Reel, to see how the 'professionals' do it. Eventually, you will find yourself continually thinking & dreaming about your next blackfish session, so much so, that your partner will begin to feel neglected & may ask for a divorce! Or worse - they may even join you on your Blackfish Outings!! :1badmood:

    NAH!! Only kidding (sort of ......)

    For 'little' fish, they pull like a steam train - just wait till you get one over 40cm! Then you really know how 'they go'!!!

    Sounds like you had a great session with a great teacher & I know "YOU'LL BE BACK''



    G'day Roberta,

    For other Raiders, Roberta hits the nail on the head.

    I can reacall fishing for hours after the "downs" have stopped - but just in case, you must present another bait - much like the "last cast" that lure fisherpeople talk about.

    Have a look at my favourite spots - give them a go. Sorry, not very clear but look for the two red marks

    Good luck

  12. Hmmmm.... an item of tackle I don't own!! Nice one.

    Cheers, Slinky

    True one Slinky,

    But you're in Australia where most fishing is done in salt water, the rod is made , and designed, in the USA where most fishing is done in fresh water.

    I concur with Jigholio - unless you are going to thoroughly rinse the outfit after every use, it may just come back and bite you on the backside.

    Rusty gear trapped inside - very difficult to remove and cleanse.

    But hey - I think you should buy one or two of these rigs! :tease:

  13. I must still be in the imperial units days.

    Spider & bimini have served me fine for the last 20 years or so. Really can't recall too many, if any failures due to knots in that time.

    Still willing to learn though - if what I have been using is less than "meets the mark".

    Still need a little convincing - honestly can't remember failures due to these knots.

    Maybe the new type of knots that are being quoted relate more to braid than mono???? - or braid to mono?

  14. today was the best day i have ever seen and the most fish caught ive ever seen and all healthy and fat :1yikes:

    i think roughly about 50or60 fish were taken in 3hrs by 15 people peter :1fishing1:

    Well don't keep us in suspense Peter!

    Some photos, methods and baits would be nice viewing. :wacko:

    Were you land-based?

  15. You could possibly check your tide charts and organise your day around them to ensure you are not left "high & dry"

    Here's the tides for the next week - PM me if you would like to have the tides for the rest of the year, however I would think that the charts should be available from your local tackle store.

    Hope this helps.

  16. I had similar concerns on a much smaller engine a few years back, and when I took the engine to the dealer he marked the engine with a marker similar to a crayon. If the engine overheated the marker would change colour, which it did, to indicate that it was overheating. Obviously with that result, further investigation would be necessary.

    Maybe you could purchase this device and test the engine yourself with the flushing ears attached.

  17. A young Scottish lad and lass were sitting on a low wall, holding hands, gazing out over the loch.

    For several minutes they sat silently.

    Then finally Margaret looked at the boy and said, "A penny for your thoughts, Tom."

    "Well, uh, I was thinking' … perhaps it's aboot time for a wee kiss."

    Margaret blushed, then leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

    Then he blushed. The two then turned once again to gaze out over the loch.

    Minutes passed and Margaret spoke again, "Another penny for your thoughts Tom."

    "Well, uh, I was thinking' perhaps it's noo about time for a wee cuddle."

    Margaret blushed, then leaned over and cuddled him for a few seconds.

    Then he blushed. Then the two turned once again to gaze out over the loch.

    After a while, she again said, "Another penny for your thoughts, Tom."

    "Well, uh, I was thinking' perhaps it's aboot time you let me put my hand on your leg."

    Margaret blushed, then took his hand and placed it on her knee.

    Then he blushed. The two turned once again to gaze out over the loch before Margaret spoke again.

    "Another penny for your thoughts, Tom"

    Tom glanced down with a furled brow. "Well, noo," he said, "my thoughts are a wee bit more serious this time."

    "Really?' said Margaret in a whisper filled with anticipation.

    "Aye," said Tom, nodding.

    Margaret looked away in shyness, began to blush, and bit her lip in anticipation of the ultimate request.

    Then he said, "Dae ye nae think it's aboot time ye paid me the first three pennies?"

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