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Posts posted by Trouble

  1. Are there any indications of when you should replace your fireline beside's it being brittle and breaking easy ?

    One other thing not relative to fireline - when i use the bubble pop 35 it sinks about 5cm under the surface.. is this normal ? im using 6lb leader..

  2. We got 25 in about 10 mins.. :1tongue: most people pump quite close into the shore..but if you walk out abit ( knee deep even at low tide) you will pump up good numbers at a time..thats if your quicker then the tiny whiting about..such a pest.. :ranting2:

  3. Yeah, it just may of been us, there was 2 of us pumping nippers and one younger one having a fish on the drop off..would of been latish in the day 3-5pm..

    Yeah it was great fun..could'nt turn his head for a while..dad was telling me to bring the bloody thing in after 2 mins but not much you do when your hearing zzzzzzzzz zz zzzzz...love it.. :thumbup:

  4. On the 27th collected some bait for 3hrs (long story :risata:) :1yikes: 20 or so nippers and 2 mullet(30+cm) that took un countable attempts to catch..they where to be kept for a jew later on that night as Alex belismo caught a 20kg specimen off the beach earlier that morning..Well the bloody S easter hit hard and we where stranded with bait so decided to ruff the beach for 30 mins an then let the mullet go :ranting2: and kept the nippers for a bay session early tommorow..

    next morning we fished the pittwater for 5 bream to 37cm (my Pb) for this year and 3 fat whiting to 36cm which where caught on hardbodied lures..

    We decided to try the spot again so i could try and show some evidence that i wasnt telling fibs as i didnt have the camera the day the fish where caught..well all we got was a small bream and friggin cold.. :thumbdown:

    Can't complain though as i have fished the past 10 days out of 2 weeks..and as soon as the weather clears up ill be back out there.. :1tongue::thumbup:


  5. Headed up towards tea gardens on nice hot day when the air con friggin stoped working..everyone was sqerming and bitching while ill was itching real bad to wet a line..

    On arrival i had a flick off the jetty where the weed was rediculous but i foul hooked a mullet on a sp which was later on kept for the prime target of the trip JEWIES :1clap: ...

    In the arvo we tried our luck with some worming which was quite successfull with dad pulling out 8 worms to my 0..they where all small though with the biggest going 30cm :thumbdown:

    Tried our luck at night for a jew with a slab of mullet and big ball of worms for no result...

    this is what we did every night and arvo for the next few days except with a few trips over tp jimmy's beach where we got four bream to 34cm and a feed of whiting.. :thumbup:

    Tried sp's and hardbodied lures for probably 3km stretch on jimmy's for NOTHING not even a bloody flathead..

    It wasnt the most succesfull trip but still good get some solid fishing hours in..the high light of the trip was of the fella next to us on the beach fishing with PILCHARDS landing a estimated 8kg jewie..i had the mega $hits as we had prime bait so we thought.. :ranting2: but happy for him :-rolleyes

    Had a mate on the other side of the bay around fingal trying his chance off the rocks for kings and snapper..he ended up with 4 snapper 50cm and heaps of port jackson sharks.. :thumbup:

    sorry no pics as i was too lazy to pack the camera each trip :thumbdown:

  6. You defiently have a lot of determanation i cant tell you that..thats gonna be a huge assigment but defiently satisfying one..im still putting the finishing touches on a 17 1/2 ft cedar strip canoe which has taken up around 300 hrs over the past 12 months..keep at it mate :1clap::1clap:

  7. I have been out in the surf with dolphins but not with that many..was very scarey at first as they would go at you full pace then turn off at the last moment as if they were using us as cones to go in and out of.. :thumbsup: ..those guys would be checking there wetsuits after that wave..

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