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Posts posted by Trouble

  1. Yeah we buried the old girl down the back next to the one that died a week or two before..It had two men in absolute tears..one of the hardest things i have ever had to do is cover the old girl up... :(

    I havent replaced them as yet as i dont know if i want to go through it all over again..but im sure the day will come where i want another furry mate by my side..

  2. What a great looking dog mate.. :thumbup:

    Yeah i had the same thing happen to me knappers..the dog was there when i was born and it passed away just 3 months ago at the old age of 18, so yeah it was there my whole life and my other dog died suddenly just 1 week before the 18yr old one at the age 9..Cut me up BIG time :( ..Man best friend for SURE :thumbup:

  3. If the young fella wants to give the shark fishing ago..Take him down to sth newport and throw out a slab of mullet !!

    One of dads mates got 6 dusky whalers to 4ft in 2hrs while trying for jews over the weekend..Where caught around 10pm , this may be alittle late for the young fella?

  4. Gday riders they where thick as hell below our whalf on wobby shoreline and it was easy as working the Sabiki bait jigs really quickly..they wont huge herring but PERFECT flatty and bream size with the odd bigger one for jews..We where just using bread to get them on the bite..caught at least 15-20 every night :thumbup:

  5. Good report mate and unlucky on those jews!!

    Lizard_1 and i where down there for a 4 or so days targeting jews, just maybe 5-6 jettys up from you we had plenty of runs but half the time we where eating dinner and heard a zzzzz and it was too late.. :(

    Run.1. i couldnt do much as it was halfway through its first run and just kept taking line and before i knew it had taken me around the whalf two houses up.. :ranting2:

    I was quite distraught as it was a big fish but if i wasnt too busy munching down dinner i would of had a better chance :ranting2: !!

    At around 6:30pm the next night we had a decent run and where connected to a decent fish but it went north and rapped us around the next door neighbours lines and took a bit of untangeling but we where still onto the fish and it was tiering rapidly and it was matter of seconds before saw the fish but then pop..gooooone...distraught jew fisho no#2..i reckon it was a jew as it had those big distinctive tail thumps..We only had 20lb leader on which was our problem as the line was only a little bit serated but obvisouly enough for it pop with some pressure...

    The same night we went out in the boat around 100m off the shoreline from wobby and tried the channel for a big fat 0

    But we did here your wife going nuts over the big flathead :thumbup: then around 10pm the next door neighbour had a decent run where he set the hook and the thing just kept going and then when he tried to tighten the drag and it went even harder.. :biggrin2: he got spooled but im preety sure he had only 75m line on the reel :wacko:

    During the days we headed out to juno to try a chance of daytime jew but had no luck..Didnt worry us as we had a ball on the huge cowan young on bream gear..Also heaps of flathead where caught :thumbup:

    That was all the action that i witnessed and enjoyed :thumbup:

    I had to leave the next morning so i will leave the rest of the report to shannon to finish

    P.S sorry for stealing your post :1prop:

    oh also there was a 16kg jew caught a few house down from you on the thursday or friday night.. :ranting2:


  6. Havent done much fishing there myself but know a few of the older fellas who live down at mona and they target mainly luderick down around the pool but have had success with snapper at the nth end of the basin but not to that size

    The basin is usually fairly clogged with seaweed but at times it is clean of it and id say you would be most succesfull when less of it is in there..The basin is allso known a dusky whaler breeding ground with countless numbers off these little fellas 2-4ft sharks cruising the area..fishing for jew at mona can be a real hassle with these little suckers..

    There are some deeper holes up around the nth'n head of the basin/ sth'n head of bungin.you can usually see these area's on small swell days where the water is crystal clear..hope this helps

  7. Yesterday morning we where picked up nice an early from our hotel from the fishing charters mini bus with not much enthusiasm from dad and I as we had a few beers the night before and the wind was allready from the SE..

    As we got down to the Marina we where greeted by an enthusiatic deckie who was telling us how there where plenty pelagics about and the catch rate would be high, my walking speed doubled as soon as the sentence had barely finished and i was on the boat before he knew it..

    As the winds where up and about 10-15kms the conditions where not favourable for offshore fishing so we decided to head out around 10km to a inshore reef..

    Using double hook rigs the punters on board droped to the bottom(40m) and all proceeded to bring up fish- trevally,trag jew, small snapper and plenty of good size tailor..all i could catch was a few horse yellowtail...

    The skipper took the horse yakka off me quick smart and through it out the back under a balloon and before we knew it got smacked by speedy little mac tuna and a young fella had a bit of fun with the fish before being landed..

    Another horse yakka was put out the back in the burley trail and this time i was given the rod and was onto a another mac t but a bit bigger then the last..gave me a bit of curry but wasnt the challenge i was looking for.. :1naughty:

    We where out of yakkas so we bottom bounced for a while and the punters came through with the goods and we filled the tank with 4 or so big yellowtail..Sent 2 out the back under balloons again..one shallow and one deeper...Things where getting quite until all hell broke loose and the rod and reel went nuts..The skipper jumped up and let the fish run for a few seconds to then pull back hard on the rod and let the hooks set in...and then fight went a little something like zzzzzzzzzzzz x10..lol

    The rod was then passed to a yound japenese fella who was quite scared to hold the rod so i put my hand up and was given it..I couldnt believe the rate of which the line was coming off :1yikes: the thought of gaining line didnt come into mind until 30 seconds passed..The fish did heaps of deep diving and we had to chase it around the boat and the rod was being passed around like a hot potato as the fish circled the boat, the worst was feared when the line got caught on the barnicle prone burley box but was shortley pulled off as the fish went to the horizon for one more run...It was then we saw what was on the end " a f#@$ big mackeral" came from the skippers mouth, after that remark from him he decided to take a dig at the fish with the gaff and missed :1yikes: but then to redeam himself with the next shot..The fish was brought on board and it was smiles and high fives allround...

    We tried our luck with a few more livies under balloons and one livie on the bottom which dad did tug of war with a submarine but could not stop the fish..it was called for a shark or big cobe..

    The livie under the balloon was taken aswell and was faught for around 5mins but only to be bitten off metres from the boat..

    The mackeral bottomed out the 20kg scales and was estimated to be around 23-25kg

    Was caught on 15kg threadline penn and 50 lb mono trace :1yikes::1yikes::1yikes:


    Rob :biggrin2:



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