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    Winston Hills

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  1. Thanks for the feedback. We did not want to take a chance with the weather so we chose not to go. Cheers clem
  2. Hey all. I have a freind who has his dad on holiday from South Africa who is a keen beach fisherman. I was wondering which beaches are fireing at the moment as he is based in Balmain. We would like to wet a line tomorrow sometime. Thanks in advance and cheers. Clem
  3. clem

    Lake Windang

    Thanks for the responses. Change of plan though. No longer going.
  4. clem

    Lake Windang

    Hey fellow raiders. Just wondering if the lake at Windang is still producing any good fish at the moment? Cheers clem
  5. Yes I was "SPEACHLESS" hence the blank reply.
  6. Will do.Should be in the near future as the weather is coming along nicely.Have not been out for 'yonks' due to work. Cheers Clem
  7. "I've been to the moon and back." Locally if the family goes with but if I go with a mate we go where ever our mood takes us.I do not have a favourate spot as I make the call on the day/night I go.
  8. Hey there Barredup. I am in Winston Hills as well and if you fancy a session feel free to let me know.I am available most weekends and have my own gear and can reverse a boat.(manual or auto) I have never chased Kingies but have caught them as a bycatch.I mainly do landbase fishing with a few boat trips behind me.I am your above average fisho and do not take chances while on the water.Do not have a problem with smokers and I am 39years YOUNG Look forward to your response. Contact Details:0406625552 or send me a pm. Cheers Clem
  9. Hey Newcastle Raiders I am just double checking again if there are any raiders in the mood for wetting a line on Saturday the 11th.Fezza has mentioned to me that he might be able to help me out but with his shift work it is pretty hard. I look forward to more possitive feedback. Cheers Clem 0406625552
  10. I like the fact that you can still find the funny side of things when they go wrong but at the time I bet it was "NOT." "Here goes another adventure" Made me enjoy it even more after reading this. Cheers Clem
  11. Hey there Leo For sure I am up for it.Look forward to finalizing the arrangements 2weeks prior to the Saturday. Cheers Clem
  12. My apologies for the confusion with the dates for those of you who have previously red this post. G'day to all Newcastle Raiders I will be in your area from the 10th till the 12th of September for a break with my soccer mates.I am hoping to hook up with a fellow raider the Saturday as the guy's are going to the races and I would wrather wet a line .We will be golfing the Friday when we get there and leaving Sunday so this only leaves me with Saturday the 11th.I will have no time limits and have no problem with fishing all day.Landbased is perfect as my sea legs get a bit wobbly with rough waters .I am fine with the average to low seas. Planning to bring my own gear but hopefully the raider I hook up with will be kind enough to loan me his.Will have no problem with covering any costs involved should I be so lucky as to get a spot on a boat. I will be staying at the Mercure Apartments in hunter street so it is within walking distance to the water. Feel free to contact me on (0406625552 Clem) and if I miss your call I will return it asap. Cheers and I look forward to possitive feedback. Just some quick info on me.I am 39 and very responsible as I have a family to think of so there is no way I will be taking any foolish chances.Don't have a problem with smokers and having a beer as well.
  13. I tried at Balmoral warf and at the island and could not get any.They were just not around. We moved around a lot and only managed 2bream and 2trev's.Some usefull info by the way. Will give it a go when I manage to land a spot on the boat again.We launched at Tunks as well and did not do to badly with it being our first time.When we returned however it was busy but we just followed what everyone else was doing so we managed not to cause a seen. Cheers Clem
  14. Yes I have done something similar to that but at least I went home with "A" fish. and yes I was out all day as well. Cheers Clem
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