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Everything posted by Hooky.

  1. The field assembling for the weigh in. The weigh in begins. cheers Hooky
  2. Some Chippo social pics: Snag with the winning two bream. Two bream with red couloured fins. Rare colour but probably not rare for Chippo'.
  3. I also notice in this months NSWFM that ABA have all Berkley models for $6.50 per packet. EDIT: And Jackalls for $25.95 each.
  4. 'Ya can't beat the good old hand line, especially when fishing for whiting from a boat. The feel for bites is just so much more noticable than a rod in my opinion. I've never tried using SP's on a handline, although I suppose a little 2" bloodworm minnow jigged up and down from the side of the tinnie could be a good thing....maybe I'll give it a go next time I'm out in Botany. cheers Hooky
  5. Hooky.


    I put the basic unleaded fuel in my 25hp Suzi which is about an '85 model. Mixed 50:1 which were the directions I was told by the boat joint where I got the motor from. For an "old" motor it goes well and does the job with this fuel mix. cheers Hooky
  6. Sorry Mick, I only just read this report. I haven't heard anything from up your way, probably because of the fact I haven't spoken to any of my family since mid January. If I do hear something I'll let you know. cheers Hooky
  7. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    Good one Joe, and it is one of many excellent coastal lookouts.
  8. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    I'm prepared to get clobbered. You're at Bulli Tops overlookin Sandon Point and that could be Bulli greyhound track in the foreground.
  9. You get some good sized trout in the Coxs River, I have found this to be the case once you get to Kanangra Creek. They usually do the spawn run up from Warragamba Dam, that is when there is enough water. In saying that, anywhere along the Coxs and it's tributaries seems to produce the goods. cheers Hooky
  10. G'day troutboy, a 5-6wt fly outfit should do the job. Not wanting to blow bubbles but when I was in ABA at Penrith on my last trip they had some good quality "start up" combos in stock. I'm pretty sure someone there could help you out as well. Good luck at the lake, I've only managed a couple of small trout on fly in there in my time although my brother had good success when he was still living up there. Give Lake Lyell a go at dusk, it is one place where I have always enjoyed success on the fly rod. cheers Hooky
  11. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    It's a winery Joe, they sell wine and port etc, and cheap. It is just up the road near the bridge going back to Cobbity. Like Andrew said, the Camden Gold isn't a bad drop. It costs $6.60 for a 2 litre flaggon. They also have wine tasting cups where you can help yourself. Most of the grape comes from S.A. If you didn't pass the winery you must have been at the bridge on Macquarie Grove Rd which is closer to Camden.
  12. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    My bet is he stopped in at Cogno Bros and filled up on plonk samples.
  13. Hooky.

    Where Is....

    Don't suppose it's the Nepean River looking up from under the bridge when you first come into Camden. Pic was taken from on the river bank near the van park on the northern side of the bridge. But then again the bridge in the pic doesn't quite look big enough and the river not wide enough.
  14. Good stuff there Chris. I'm hopefully heading out of Hacking with "the boys" on Saturday morning to similar spots. Here's hoping we can do the same but being a Saturday I think it could be a little bit busy. cheers Hooky
  15. Great report and pics there Jethro and a great looking feed. BTW, I keep my finger in a jar in the cupboard, where does one keep ones toe. cheers Hooky
  16. It certainly is an interesting technique. Ozy had a few he made up and used when we were at the Hacking social, they were quite productive on the day but not with the bream unfortunately. I believe DaveW actually wrote the article, if it's the one in the ABT guide. cheers Hooky
  17. Thanks Mick, I'm home sick..........again All I got today was a dozen+ beers and a wayward stripper at the pub. Save some action for easter. cheers Hooky
  18. G'day Joe, I usually buy pellets that have a good concentration of corn, only because my chooks lay better coloured eggs. They all work the same and once wet they soon sink but like Heck said, add some tuna oil to make a better burley. I notice you're from my region, I bought a 40 kilo bag two weeks ago at the stockfeed joint at Leppington near the cemetry on Camden Valley Way. Cost $18 for the 40 kilos which is quite cheap, in fact the price has come down from a high of $23. cheers Hooky
  19. Pics of the field at the end of the day. Sorry about the distance off and the quality.
  20. G'day Chris, good to meet you on the water today. We ended up with a mixed bag as well, mainly flatties and whiting.....a nice feed. Towards the end of our trip we headed over to Bonna Pt and scored a half a dozen whiting to 33cm. Catch 'ya later. Hooky
  21. Joe, New England/Northern Tablelands region. BTW, good report Coasty. It's always good to get some freshwater content on the forum boards, thankyou. cheers Hooky
  22. Good luck in the the comp Joe and also to MickC. cheers hooky
  23. Hooky.

    Sydney Jew

    At least you can laugh with 'em Joe. Nice Jewie, some good lookin' steaks on that bugger too!! Well done. cheers hooky
  24. G'day Rick, I was with Ozy on his new boat, no way my old tinnie would have lasted in the chop, straight to the bottom I'd say. I remember Ozy saying you went past whilst we were there. Mark and Nicko were in the other boat, I think they pulled out two bream and missed the EP's. swoffa, I had a feeling the regular locals would know where it was without mentioning it, that's if it is the same spot. Not a bad spot either, just quietly. At 36cms it put up a good fight on a near locked drag, I'd love to have a 54cm model on and feel the difference. cheers hooky
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