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Posts posted by Hooky.

  1. Thanks Hooky, I've driven past there but thought it was an automatic one for cars only. I might give it a closer look.

    No worries but you may be right in it been an auto drive thru for cars.

    I've never seen a real lot of the type of car wash you're after on the north side but over here on the south side, they are everywhere.

    Good luck. :thumbup:

  2. IMHO squidgys are the best flathead SP on the market, especially in the "black gold", "gary glitter" and "mullet" colours.

    Just my opinion, but, I don't waste my money on buying "gulp" for flatties. Flatties do take anything and if there isn't something in the cheaper range of SPs' then I'd be very surprised.

  3. Didn't mean to be critical Mick but the wrong info could have cost that dude money :1badmood: .Good info is what this site is for so we all should double check on stuff like that before we post it. :05: Thanks for the clarification too Chris and Ross,you guys are on the money with your info. :thumbup:

    OK, I'm buggered if I can see where Mick gave out wrong info which could have cost that dude money? :(

  4. Bob

    I think if one issue parties are to win election to the senate they need a damn big issue and unfortunately fishing isn't big enough to make the whole of NSW take notice.


    Totally agree with that statement.

    Whilst I enjoy fishing and am mighty pissed off with the way these marine parks have been thrown upon us, there are more important issues which effect me and my family which will decide how I vote.

    Creating marine parks and the like isn't going to take precedence (sp) over taxes, water, roads, education, health, employment etc.

    I'll vote for what's best for my family, not what's best for me.



  5. SP's win hands down for me over bait. They catch fish of better quality and size and also don't attract the pickers.

    Pete, did Kingy "chop and change" his plastics? Use different colours, profiles and types and techniques etc?

    Did he use an SP that was an imitation for a whitebait? Did he use Gulp?

    Anyway :05: and I'm sure either way it was good to be out casting a line. :thumbup:

    BTW, I still use bait on the odd occasion. :biggrin2:

    cheers :beersmile:


  6. Good punting to ya Mick. :thumbup:

    I haven't even checked out the form guide yet. :(

    I'll head down soon for a few, no hurry today, been busy cleaning out the garage and was supposed to start on the shed until the red belly that was sun baking on the step decided to venture in to the shed and hide. :074:

    Darn thing can stay there now, I'm hangin' for a beer!! :beersmile:

    Dad tells me you've had a good drop of rain near the coast.

    Top day weatherwise here and I know I should be somewhere else than here. :1prop:

    Oh well, all good things take time. :biggrin2:

    cheers :beersmile:


  7. G'day Mick

    I snuck in to the Manning region yesterday, business to attend to at Wingham. :biggrin2:

    Up in the morning and back in the arvo. :thumbdown:

    I dropped in to see the old man and found a nice muddie crawling around in the sink that John dropped off for him about a half hour before I arrived.

    Seems there's more than just jewies on the chew. :thumbup:

  8. I think it is about 3 metres at it's deepest point may go to 4 metres if it's lucky.

    Back in the days when you were allowed to swim in it, I think I touched bottom in most areas without any dramas.

    Troutboy, it would be good to get some feedback off re the depth, you when you get a sounder for your canoe. :biggrin2:

    cheers :beersmile:


  9. G'day Mick

    Just headin' off to the "drinking parlour" now myself. :beersmile:

    Our Smokin' Joe is a good horse who loves a damp track and has every chance of winning today. :biggrin2:

    Good punting to 'ya. :thumbup:

    cheers :beersmile:


  10. ...............there have been plenty of times when I can't get a touch on a lure but as soon as I drop over a live nipper the bites go mad.

    If you are fishing with SP's slow your retrieve down for bream, especially more so if using anything from the gulp range.

    When using a live nipper you aren't retrieving the nipper back, it's just sitting there bobbing around twitching his tail and attracting an inquisitive bream to him. The same needs to be done with a plastic lure. Give it time to get in the strike zone, it may take 5 - 10 seconds or sometimes more, depending on jig size, to sink to where the SP is effective after casting and hitting the water. Once you feel the plastic is where you want it, then start to "work" the lure depending on the type, it may mean just little twitches in the same spot (for worm types) or it may be a case of bigger twitches and small jerking actions as is the case with minnow type plastics.

    Most importantly, most of the time, is to slow down your retrieves when using most plastics for bream and even when using some HB's as well. :biggrin2:

    I'm no expert but I do find that this has helped me along the way when bream fishing.

    Hope it helps you out. :thumbup:

    EDIT: You can watch DVD's on fishing till the cows come home but time spent on the water using that info in a practical sense is much better.............obviously. :biggrin2:

    cheers :beersmile:


  11. Here's an enlarged pic. :biggrin2:


    I also use these ones on HB's after removing the split ring.

    They are "Norman Speed Clips", a bit pricey but effective.


    I don't use these two types of clips exclusively as I also use other types but these to me are great for the smaller 2" - 3" SP's and smaller HB's.

    Everyone has differing opinions on using or not using clips, I have no problems using a variety of clips in different situations and sometimes I don't use clips at all.

    Give it a go for yourself, no other way to find out than giving it a go. :thumbup:

    cheers :beersmile:


  12. not making much progress

    purefishing australia emailed me to say "i should be supporting my local tackleshop"

    no reply from berkley

    the seller reckons he is not aware of the problem yet continues to market gulp to australians on ebay. Credit to the seller he responded to my email and said he will look into with berkley.

    what a pain in the ass :thumbdown:

    Berkley and Purefishing are the same "company" here in Oz.

    Purefishing are the distributors in Australia.

    To me it's not worth the hassles anymore when it comes to importing SP's.

    Good luck with sorting out your problem but you are in the same boat as many others unfortunately. :(

    cheers :beersmile:


  13. Should make for good listening and it's good to see the likes of John Dunphy going into bat. :brucelee:

    I think it's about high time a lot more tackle shops, tackle distributors and rec fishing industry types got involved in this marine park issue and really get stuck in and make it count with a huge effort. :04:

    If anyone will show support against what the state labour government messes with it would have to be Jonesy.....hopefully. :biggrin2:

  14. Sounds like takle shop owners could help new comers by letting them know a few more regulations than just telling you how to catch a fish. handing out the guidlines booklet to new comers and out of towners might make things alot easier and ensure our great native fish numbers keep growing.

    There's a job for 'ya fresho. :thumbup:

    Lobb into the local tackle shops in your area and give 'em the run down on educating newcomers and those that aren't sure. :biggrin2:

    cheers :beersmile:


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