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Posts posted by Hooky.

  1. I'll be out there looking for a feed of winter whiting and flatties etc. :thumbup:

    I'll be in my tinnie with a mate and two other mates will be in another boat.

    Launching from the Cooks at around 6.30 - 7'ish and going to my usual haunts. :biggrin2:

    You'll know me when you see me by way of stickers on the side of the old tinnie and 'leccy on the front. :1prop:

    I haven't fished since the end of May due to an injury but now I'm on the way back just in time for the bass season and summer bream tournament series. :yahoo:

    Less of this :beersmile: and more of this :1fishing1:

  2. Lyell has been shut down to all power driven boating since the 31st July.

    Only paddle power is allowed.

    Camping is restricted to the main camping area and all the gates at other entrances are locked.

    I spoke to them again today to find out if I can take my canoe and tinnie on the lake and just use the electric motors to get around on but they said no can do, only can do if I paddle and no engine on the boat. :05:

    If I take my motor (combustion) off the rear of my tinnie and paddle with oars, no problem. :1prop:

  3. Good punting to you today Mick and any other Raiders who are having a flutter :thumbup:

    Cheers Swordfisherman

    Thanks Stewy :beersmile:

    Good punting to ya Mick, I'm on my way. :beersmile:

    BTW, only 4mm here at my place since the 25th July. :(

    cheers :thumbup:


  4. G'day Mick

    Winter time in Melbourne is always good punting due to the fact that there are so many claiming apprentices riding.

    Should be an OK day but gee it's wet at the Valley. :05:

    Anyways, I'll stay in Adelaide and Belmont with one or two on the side in Doomben, most notably Race 6 #2 Western Brace.

    A short priced favourite in Sydney would be Race 3 #6 Rosecutter.

    Good day and good punting to 'ya Mick. :thumbup:



  5. As many are aware the forums have been offline all morning. Sorry about that but I was in the process of installing security updates on the forum software & my PC had a dummy spit closely followed by my satellite connection having a dummy spit also. Those dummy spits were followed by a spit from me at Optus trying to get a connection happening :wacko:

    Bottom line is that it's 7 hours later & my office floor is covered in dummies & the forums are up again :yahoo:

    Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Thought I felt some tension in the valley. :biggrin2:

    I knew there was a reason why I didn't turn off the forest road on Saturday but instead kept going straight ahead. :unsure::1naughty:

  6. I've had enough of soccer.............actually, I didn't even watch it. :074:

    I did read about it in the papers though. :1prop:

    Is the world cup still been played or is it all over? Who won?

    I must have missed it. :biggrin2:

  7. G'day Evil

    Why not just post the whole letter here for all to see. :biggrin2:

    The Premier

    Hon. Morris Iemma

    Parliament House

    SYDNEY 2000

    Dear Premier

    I am writing to express the deepest concerns of the members of the Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing about developments in consultation on the Batemans Bay Marine Park. In particular they are concerned about the possible impact of erosion on Recreational Fishing Havens by Marine Park Sanctuary Zones.

    In 2001 the recreational fishers of NSW undertook lengthy and detailed negotiations with the government on the introduction of a general recreational fishing fee. The government’s proposal to charge a fee for all recreational fishing was underpinned by rock solid promises to swiftly introduce a number of measures to improve recreational fishing. Recreational fishers accepted this promise and the fee was implemented with little opposition and has been well supported.

    The key platform was the introduction of Recreational Fishing Havens along the coast to improve fishing in estuaries. To its credit, the government followed through with a comprehensive public consultation phase resulting in the creation of 30 RFHs. The RFHs were funded by a loan which is being repaid using money from the recreational fishing fee from the Saltwater Trust. Recreational fishers are paying for the RFHs. Subsequently research has shown the benefits to recreational catches from these areas.

    The Council is therefore extremely worried by the recent proposals for the Batemans Bay Marine Park that would see Sanctuary Zones that ban recreational fishing imposed on a number of RFHs. If this occurs, they believe that the contract between the government and recreational fishers will have been broken and support for the fee will plummet. There is all likelihood of a campaign against the fee with dire consequences for the programs funded from the Trust Funds.

    If recreational fishers see RFHs being turned into “no fishing” zones, a wide scale, concerted and vigorous anti-fee campaign run through tackle shops across the state can be expected. Not only will the fall in revenue undermine the many research, compliance and fisheries enhancement programs funded by the fee, but the public disobedience campaign will create a compliance nightmare for the government. If fee revenue collapses, the government will still be liable for the $2 million per annum repayment on the loan that funded the RFH buyouts in the first place.

    The Council therefore respectfully ask the government to ensure that the RFHs remain untouched by the Marine Parks process and capable of delivering on the commitments made by the government in 2001. To do otherwise would prejudice the many benefits that recreational fishers have derived from payment of the fee to date.

    Recreational anglers are becoming increasingly disaffected by the size and complexity of the Sanctuary Zones in Marine Parks. The first Marine Park to be proclaimed in NSW, the Solitary Islands Marine Park was agreed after extensive community consultation. With12% of the area Sanctuary Zone, this park has been acknowledged by all as a sound model for management of a multiple use Marine Park. Throughout that consultation the Minister for Fisheries recognised the need to accommodate all users, especially recreational fishers who were impacted most by the zoning rules.

    Unfortunately the current Minister for the Environment appears to be ignoring the needs of the recreational sector in the negotiations on Marine Parks. It is clear from the negotiations on the Batemans Bay Marine Park that interests of our major stakeholder group have been compromised by the Minister for the Environment through the abbreviated consultation period and an unwillingness to engage with recreational fishers. The perception of a “green” bias is undermining public confidence in the Marine Parks process.

    In the Marine Parks proclaimed after Solitary Islands up to 80% of productive fishing areas within the parks are, or are proposed, as “no go” zones for recreational anglers and there has been no scientific evidence provided to prove this action will have any conservation value. All fishing methods are prohibited within these Sanctuary Zones. A more reasonable solution would be to permit certain methods of fishing to occur within the zones, such as trolling, or catch and release using lures. This would alleviate the increased fishing pressure that will now be placed on the areas outside the Sanctuary Zones and these fishing methods will have no adverse effect on resident fish populations. Recreational fishers support wise conservation measures and biodiversity objectives, and will accept restrictions based on sound science. Simply locking areas up without scientific justification to meet a green agenda is not acceptable.

    May I remind you that more than 1,000,000 people recreationally fish in NSW each year, and conservatively expend more than $500,000,000 directly on their sport. A recent study showed that recreational fishing generated regional economic benefits of more than $36 million in Port Macquarie and $34 million in Narooma and Bermagui alone per year. Restricting access to fishable waters to the degree proposed by the Sanctuary Zones within Marine Parks will lead to many people giving up fishing as a lost cause and will have profound social and economic consequences for regional NSW. The resulting economic impact on the services and industries that support the angling community will be disastrous. This is especially true for small coastal towns where good recreational fishing opportunities are what attracted most people there in the first place and are essential for tourism.

    Recreational fishing methods and anglers catches are highly regulated. Bag and size limits are reviewed every 5 years with bag limits lowered at every review and more species subject to minimum legal lengths. Fishing fee money is spent on research into better methods of releasing fish to maximise survival, fish habitat rehabilitation, fish propagation and stocking, promotion and education of the ethics and conservation principles that should apply to their sport. The recreational fishing fraternity is pro-active in preserving the resource their sport and recreation relies on.

    Most recreational fishers are passionate about their sport and recreation however they also appear to be less demonstrative in support of their activity. They would rather have a line in the water than putting pen to paper. The simple solution for them is a tick in the right box at the polls. The government that offers them positive, reasonable management will get their vote.

    Yours sincerely

    Bruce Schumacher


    Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing

    (Bold type is our emphasis. Ed.)

  8. When I've had enough of flicking plastics on my "SP" rod (is there really such a thing?) and feel the need to throw a bait, I just leave the jig head on and throw on a prawn or what ever. Saves time re-rigging with a new sinker and hook. :1prop:

    Nothing better than a #2 or #4 jig head and delicious piece of Hawkesbury prawn to entice Mr Whiting. :biggrin2:

    I usually do this if I don't have my other "bait" rods with me and I'm fishing with the boys. :1fishing1:

  9. G'day Hooky,

    I've got a few of those in different colours, silver, gold, purple/white and green/blackstripes.

    I bought them cause they were cheap (and had "Berkley" written on the pack :1prop: ).

    I should give them a run sometime - they're far more likely to catch a fish if they get wet!!! :wacko:

    G'day Motty

    You probably already know this but never think a cheap lure won't catch fish 'cos it ain't true. Sometimes the cheaper "no name" ones are a bit dodgy but even with a bit of "tweaking" they come up perfect. No prob's as far as I'm concerned. :thumbup::1fishing1:

    Thanks Guys, I might give both a go and see how they go. :1fishing1:

    What speed are you both using them @?

    Cheers, BJ

    I owe you one. :beersmile:

    G'day BJ

    With the frenzys', I troll at about 4 - 6 knots, depends on what I'm chasing. :biggrin2:

    Good luck. :thumbup:



  10. I've been using the 3 1/2" Berkley Frenzy Firesticks a lot lately.

    They dive to around 3-4 metres and I've caught everything from Kings to Chinaman Leatheries to Trout on them whilst trolling and at $4 a pop they are great value and to me are proven fish catchers. :1fishing1:

    cheers :beersmile:


  11. I'm wondering if people will actually become less active now that the opposition government has announced that they will look at reversing the decision on marine parks if they get elected into government at the next poll? A sort of wait and see approach :1prop:

    Hopefully people won't be so naive as to think that this may happen.

    Problem is that when it comes to election time people have short memories and can be easily influenced by last minute policy changes or handouts to take ones mind off the issues of the past. :wacko:

  12. he also tells me the lake will be closed to boating in 2-3 weeks if no more rain comes in due to low water levels!

    very sad news

    Blessing in disguise I reckon.

    Takes a bit of pressure off a popular fishing hole.

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