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Everything posted by hawksburydave

  1. what was the tail like? i think i have something [EDIT 1] Could be a black drummer? Luderick? (doubt it) Coral trout looks like it would fit the descriptions but it has a larger mouth.. Could have been a baby emperor just needa know the tail shape
  2. haha when i entered this thread i was expecting a flathead is that a goanna? tonnes of goannas always ambush us down in the lower cowan creek
  3. Got this when up at harrington on the same day as we caught some other fish we weren't sure of their identity note, three pics, two different fish
  4. awesome fish mate! did you weigh it? my uncle says he has the third best world record for yellowfin bream. 5.5lbs, dunno how long though
  5. Haha yeah exactly. Thats a really rare find. I reckon the one i caught wouldve tasted terrible anyway so i put it back in. Originally i thought it was a black bream crossed with a luderick keep up the good fishing mate
  6. that's explosive mate, great job there!
  7. originally my setup was the handle on the left of the reel although im a righty. After suggestions from fellow fisherman i changed it to being on the right Now I've changed it back as I realised what one of the raiders said, you need your strong arm to control the rod
  8. good job champ! I was just there from the 27th nov to the 3rd of december. The breakwall has really HUUUUUGE flatties near the life saving building. Have you seen the trophy above the counter at the baitshop at harrington Crowdy head is a good five minutes drive and its worth it. caught a parma polylepis there
  9. rents gave me a 25L esky and a good fishing handbook. uncle gave me some old fishing books "Australian fishing encyclopaedia" volume 1, 2 and 3. these books are huge, and I'm stoked. got some great advice too on fishing in my local area
  10. i remember a packet of crisps when i was a youngen in kindy or yr1. the pack was one of those novelty ones with the cartoons and stuff, and on each end it had the instructions - open other end so i popped it
  11. Haha. the bad face was a joke between me and my younger sibling & step sibling to represent my disappointment with the day's fishing results. The whole day was shocking weather, sunny then storming. Inbetween the boats tied up there are many mullet, tidlers, bream and other interesting fish Under the forster - tuncurry bridge there are some good bites, my uncle says inbetween two islands next to the bridge near the prawning or oyster place there are good flatties. Some in his logbook were quite large On the way to iga or bi lo i can't remember which one it is, we drove past a guy with a really big fight on his hands, but were stuck in traffic and couldn't stop and have a gander. can't wait to return there hopefully with a boat and land some flatties (hopefully)
  12. Apple tree bay is accessible via car from bobbin head, from either Turramurra or Mt Colah. Beware on the way down as there are alot of cowboys who drive quickly around dangerous corners, plus multitudes of mad cyclists. edited original post so theres abit extra info about the location
  13. Had an early start, arriving around 4:30 am at a good fishing spot near bobbin head in the lower hawksbury - cowan creek system. With our hearts set on Flatheads, bream, tailor and whiting this trip turned out to be interesting Were constantly bombarded with tiddlers and snapper just not big enough, returning them with a disappointed look on our faces. To break the chain of disappointment, my mate eddy_7 catches this monster whiting! a good 30cm modelwhich puts us to shame (photos at bottom) correction! 36cm After catching many good sized leatherjackets we decided to use them as bait. I managed to get some good fillets from them but decided it would only be the fish who would feast on these tasty critters. Was an effective bait, because it sticks on to the hook well, is moderately attractive to the fish and also because it keeps for a long time. After an hour or so of C&Ring baby bream, catfish?, whiting leather jackets, and other small tiddlers we were givin some nippers from a kind stranger. This is my first time using live nippers and mate they were good. Caught lots of 20+cm leather jackets and a 25cm bream. When returning to cast to where there are generally bigger fish, we found we had run out of these "nippers" and so had to go back to the prawn supply. All in all a good day, a solid 6 or 7 hours of fishing. Lots of annoying kids about but its all good, saw one of them catch a 28cm bream and accidently let it go! too bad for the kid hey! Decided not to eat most of the fish caught in that area over time as i'm pretty sure there might be a sewerage or storm water run off close by Does anyone know if it is safe to eat catches from close to the jeti / boat ramps? WILL ADD MORE PICS SOON
  14. okay, thanks for identifying it, your a champion
  15. i dunno? look at the tail its different
  16. caught up at forster near the bridge
  17. since i cant post my sorry i'll just edit this. soz if i offended anyone, good catch, i am truly jealous
  18. Good job mate. Was that in the main system or was it off in any sub systems such as cowan creek. where abouts. P.S those are some really good healthy fish
  19. I was fishing on a trip at Harrington/manning river/crowdy head region and had little success for the week but on the last day got a rare catch (aside from the 10+ puffer fish) Caught some strange wrasse, had some really and i mean REALLY big fights from some flatheads. On the last day I managed to catch what has now been identified to my mate eddy as a parma polylepis or a Big Scaled Parma. It looks like a dying bream that swam through sewerage pipes After reading up on the species i discovered that the maximum size is supposed to be twenty cms... now this one was about 23 cms, so that would make it both a FRaider record and also a requirement for the species info to be changed. Caught it with 3-5lb ugly stick with Penn light reel, longshank hook and a defrosting prawn JUST FOR THE RECORD I RELEASED IT. it doesnt look all too tasty afterall Here is a pic next to a tacklebox lid Has anyone ever cuaght these? how big? has anyone eaten one and most of all, HOW DO THEY FAIR ON THE PLATE? any recipes or reasons i shouldn't have thrown it in
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