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Everything posted by James

  1. mate awesome fish i take my hat off. did you leave your boat at juno all friday night and saturday morning cause i seen the blue lady down there?
  2. well done mate. bluefish does it again
  3. that area of the hawkesbury is shocking at the moment, sounds like you didn t go to bad, but to be honest from pittwater to parsley bay i would, t even bother. it s disgusting!
  4. as a local of the hawkesbury fishing system living in dural i have seen a massive decline over the last 6 months with catches from brooklyn to pittwater, and even the closer reefs such as west reef and so on. its poor management and something really has to be done.
  5. mate to be honest i wouldn t be wasting my money on bait jigs of any type, purchase a packet of size 10 long shank hooks with a 6lb hand line. i normally run two hooks with the sinker at the bottom, seem to never have a problem picking up yakkas. was out earlier this morning managed to pick up 8 yakkas in know time. the water was like a washing machine through middle head so retreated to the spit. not much luck but a couple of boats had some luck with a couple of rats on fresh squid, which i didn t have. you can t get em everytime good luck mate
  6. hey fellas planning a camping trip, and was just wondering if i could get a some opinions on the better choice of location. the boats going up and the week will be dedicated to fishing, so base your answers purely on fishing location. thanks port stephens vs south west rocks
  7. sorry bout the late reply i ve been on the water basically all weekend. im not going to tell you exactly the spots although im willing to tell you the vacinity. it was in between berowra and bar point. mind you there were three spots which we fished, and one was very accesable as a land based fisherman. let me warn you thoough when fishing the land based spot you will need very heavy gear as the jews there are renowned to get quite large and even the smaller ones are a struggle, as the bottom is very reefy also with pilones, and moorings to deal with. hope that helps
  8. it was only a couple of weeks i had all but given up on that great river system. a mate promised me if i was to take him out on the boat he would show me a few almost gaurantee jew spots. with an abundance of poddys and squid in the fishing vacinity things looked bright, and bright they were, over the last 3 nights we have caught jews from 20cm up 12 kg with many big bust ups, quite thrilling to say the least, with only 1 dreaded eel caught the whole time. we also had some flathead as a bi catch.
  9. i was using yellow tail and squid in my burley trail, they seem to have been going nuts over it. i flicked at most of the nav markers but only 1 hook up and land, besides that a few follows. we then anchored at wk and burleyed up instantly it was on. it awesome.
  10. started off at balmoral bait grounds when we hooked two rats which were in our berley trail. went for a troll up to north head for zilch. on the way back had a flick at the quarantine yellow marker and picked up one 65cm king. then things went rather quite. finally headed off to the green light wedding cake marker started burleying up and forget yellow tails the place was infested with kings. it was quite unbelievable. they were taking all coloured slugs, squid, yellow tail(dead,alive), and even continously smashing this popped balloon which was tied off to our lines. the kings were very thick in numbers mainly rats but amongst them were some real monsters, in which we got smashed quite a few times, i would have to say the catch rate must have been 50\50. this lasted about an hour and a half until the rain came. things slowed down quite a bit after that. thats when i called it a day. overall we must have hooked 30 kings with 15 being landed. two coming home for dinner and the rest released to fight another day. also seen one of no no nos customers pull in a king at the moorings on your left hand side before you turn into the spit coming from roseville quite a distance up middle harbour which was very suprising as i was unawre they came that far up
  11. im heading out tomorrow morning launching from roseville. in the event that the swell picks up, was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers in regards to fishing locations in the harbour. besides, the channel markers, wedding cakes, and sour and pigs, that i would have a chance to pick up some kings. thanks
  12. James

    Hook Sizes

    had a couple of hard luck stories over the weekend live baiting, chasing jews. i come up with the conclusion my hook sizes were to small (4/0). i had two good runs on xxo yakkas. but come up loose both times. just wondering what sizes you guys use when live baiting thanks.
  13. a bitter sweet day day. can t complain though. well done and welcome mate
  14. those crazy port jacksons do some crazy things. nothing like pulling up a large port jackson. it kinda reminds me of picking up a bucket of water.
  15. James


    rapala cd 7. 3 of them. they seemed to be swimming ok close to the boat but very shallow. can you adjust the depth at which they swim at. also what is good trolling speed for salmon kingies etc.
  16. James


    just a quuick question tried some trolling on the weekend and my lures seemed to be jumping quite regularly. was just wondering if anyone can give me any hints to keep them in the water. was it my trolling speed, any adjustments to the lure thats needed or blame it on the 2m swell? thanks
  17. sisters boyfriend went out today to the peak and he said they picked up 10 legal snapper up to 4kg. caught mostly on floated squid. surpisingly enough he said the 4kg specimen was caught on the most ugliest smallest prawn you would ever see. good luck
  18. James


    thanks guys its just been confusing me for a while. cheers
  19. James


    i think it was a couple of summers ago a few raiders were dreaming about a few shopping trollies being "accidently" dropped into pittwater and turned into kingy heaven. does this have any connection with the so called supermarket peter talks about in pittwater.
  20. James


    after reading reports on this site about a few kingies still being caught i thought i would give pittwater a go. Saturday mornig it was and we were at west head around 7 am bearing a slight but very chilly nor easter. starting chasing my lb's with my first drop a succesful one with a yakka. after that it was a tale of which scraps from the sea i could pull up. so with one yakka and know squid after a good hour of trying, i knew we were in for another one of those tough winter days. now personally thats a first for me at west head. started trolling from west head all along the western shore line all the way to scotland island turned around and did this several times for one tailor on a lure. headed for newport for brunch. change of plan for the remaining part of the day fished amongst the moorings for only a couple of trevally which i don t rate that highly and three snapper 2 of which were just legal. all fish were released including that yellowtail which had been pierced the majority of the day. would love to know where this supermarket reef is. Removed reference to banned member (KA)
  21. times are tough at the moment. persistence will pay off though, one of the key elements of fishing is patience and persistence i believe. a couple of pj's at this time of year is quite common. don' t know where the reliable salmon are though?
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