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March - Fish Of The Month

Ken A

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Here we go with the start of the " Fish of the Month". The comp is open to any legal size fish taken by any legal method as of today. Please post your pictures here & at the end of the month the winner will be decided by a member vote. Good luck.

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Thought I would take the advice of some fellow raiders (cheers guys!) and enter this Flattie I caught today - March 12. It was caught fishing nice drop-off near some mangroves mid way through the run-out tide. It ate a 4" shad in a pink head/yellow and black tiger stripe pattern mated to a 1/8 oz pink 2/0 jig head, 12lb nitlon leader and 6lb braid bass weight baitcaster gear. The fish nailed the lure as it was pushed down over the drop with the current.

When this thing rose from the depths I couldn't believe just how big it was! We were guessing it for a port jackson or Wobbegong, before it came into full view. You couldn't have punched the smile off my dial when we realised it was probably our biggest flattie to date!! Sorry, we didn't have scales on the boat, nor a measure long enough for the fish. We estimated it at about 6kg or so kilos.

The fish was released in excellent condition. Seeing the big girl power off was a thrill in itself. Awesome fish!!


Fish Number 6


Edited by Ken A
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There will be a poll set up for voting on Saturday (1st) that will be open for voting for 1 week. All entries will have a number placed under the picture so you choose your fish of the month & go to the poll & select that number.

I have removed all posts in this thread except for actual entries to make it easier & quicker to view for voters.

This thread will close at midnight tonight so if there are any last minute entries get them in before then.

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