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Narrabeen Suprise


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After my two little tuna from Kirribilli the other week I have been very keen on chucking slices around and seeing what chases them and this new found enthusiasm ended up producing a very pleasant surprise at Narrabeen.

On arrival at the beach last night I quickly flicked out the obligatory pilchard rod in the hope of snaring a Tailor or Salmon to kindly put their body on the line to provide me with some Jewie bait.

I then looked at my other rod which was set up for presenting lures and wondered if I could be bothered standing tackle deep in the drink looking stupid throwing lures into the surf, after all its only the Starlo type angling royalty fishing some remote beach in WA that catch fish on lures from the surf?

But with a couple of hours to go before the sun went down and the tide came in I decided to have a few casts. After two casts I had already come to the conclusion that standing in the sea now half submerged was indeed stupid idea and I should stop immediately wade in a resume normal service. However, immediately stopping angling has never been a strength of mine, from my parents telling me to pack up as a kid and the realisation that’s fishing over for another week I have never mastered the stop bit. So to me immediately stop means “just one more” or “lucky last cast”.

With that in mind I duly flicked my slice out once more but this time with a little less conviction. Halfway back the lure was hit not hard but something was hooked, the fish and I both had that 5 second of mutual confusion before we both clicked into gear. The moment when I am still not convinced it’s a fish still sure fish in surf don’t eat lures and the fish is not sure why the bait fish he has successfully captured is so sharp and how it seems to be restricting his movement.

With 5 seconds up we both know what is going on and the battle begins in earnest, no battle to be had really with 10lbs fireline and no rocks or snags for miles I’m confident with most things from the sand. As the battle continued there were no electric bursts of speed and no air show so tuna and Salmon was immediately discounted and I was sure I was doing battle with a nice Tailor. Great news I thought, my bait issue was temporary solved well at least until the other two turned up and I had a good story for the boys.

However as my ‘tailor” got onto the shallower water I noticed that he had a very yellowish tail? T that point I realised what was on the end of my line, the fish caught a glimpse of me and its was for young and old. After a couple of minutes of runs and reels in shallow water I had landed my first lure caught fish from the surf and surprise surprise a small kingfish!!!!!

Proof at this time of the year where every you go it’s always worth chucking a lure about before you tie bait on start the usual routine.

Incidentally, didn’t catch any Tailor, salmon and therefore no Jewies but did land a personal best flathead.

Please excuses the length of this report I just stared writing and got a bit carried away.



EDIT: photos added and WHAT A FLATTIE!!!! :thumbup::1yikes::yahoo:



Edited by crazedfisherdude
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Thanks very much for getting the photos up!! Much appreciated!

I was fishing a couple of hundred yards down from the chip shop entrance to the beach.

By the way – No fish were eaten during the making of this story. If I want sport I go fishing, if I want food I go to Coles. Simple.

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Thanks very much for getting the photos up!! Much appreciated!

I was fishing a couple of hundred yards down from the chip shop entrance to the beach.

By the way – No fish were eaten during the making of this story. If I want sport I go fishing, if I want food I go to Coles. Simple.

Fabulous report mate and good to see a man who likes fast food as much as me :074: .Fantastic couple of fish there as well.

Cheers Swordfisherman

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However, immediately stopping angling has never been a strength of mine, from my parents telling me to pack up as a kid and the realisation that’s fishing over for another week I have never mastered the stop bit. So to me immediately stop means “just one more” or “lucky last cast”.

Haha, that is just like me......and sometimes it pays off eh :thumbup:

Congrats on that Kingie from the beach and that flattie...Well Done!!! a great report

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Did you by any chance measure that Big Girl as it looks to be right up there with the largest Flattie caught record :1yikes:

Cheers Swordfisherman

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great report. :thumbup::thumbup:

fantastic to get a kingy of the beach,been fishing narra beach for years

and thats the first one ive ever seen caught there.man that flattie is a

beutie.did u get her in close.from the back ground of the photo the beach didnt

seem to have much waves breaking,so there must of been a nice drop off just behind the breakers.

was there many gutters along the beach.

submitt the kingy for fish of the month,i dont think we will

get any body else catching a kingy off the beach for a while

well done

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In answer to the questions:

Yes it was on the pilchard rod, nothing clever to report, I’d love to tell you about a piece of sublime angling genius but to be honest it was a pilchard on a pattenoster rig flicked out over the back of a sand bar at low tide. Nothing clever.

As for size, unfortunately I didn’t measure or weigh her at all, I just wanted to get a photo, minimise the stress and get her back ASAP.

Although I’ve just spoken to my mate who was there and he recons it is “bigger than the flattie in the fishraider records section” and that 92cm so I wouldn’t like to guess really. However everyone else is free to have a punt.

To give potential punters an idea of scale I’m 6 foot 2 or 1m 88cm depending on your preference.

Keen to hear your thoughts?

What is the fish of the month thing?

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G'day Jamie,

:1welcomeani: to the site and a great couple of fish. I love the "Stopping means one more cast". I bet we've all done that and found a couple of hours have flown by...oh well that just means a struggle staying awake at work :biggrin2:

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