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Botany Bay 24/4/06


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Hi Raiders,

Went out on the bay late Monday morn(10am),the wind was blowing hard

and the water was so choppy,saw Crazy John and his crew as Bill and I were

heading out,we went over to say hello and see what they had caught.We were

greeted by one of the most hillarious sights I had ever seen on the bay,3 green

faced boys doin the ralph :puke: over the side of the boat,and John sitting in

his esky with his pants around his ankles,toilet roll in hand :badair::074::074:

I said,'' what r u doin?''.John replies''I couldnt hold on any more''.So I say'' so u

had to s@#t in your esky".He goes" im gona wash it".Bill and I had to leave we

were laughing so hard the tears were running down our faces.

After laughing all the way to the 3rd runway we dropped anchor and were

hammered by the wind and waves,it was near impossible to stand in the boat,

after about 20 mins we decided a move was in order.Went to the drums as

there was an oil ship nearby which gave us some protection from the southerly

and waves,we fished there for about 2hrs caught 1, 29cm Bream,and 20 Trevs,

had 2 good runs when drifting large peeled prawns under the drums but got

busted off on the anchor chain anchoring the drums to the bottom :05: .

That was it for the day,caught a feed and had a humungas laugh as well.

:1fishing1: penguin


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Hi Raiders,

,3 green faced boys doin the ralph :puke: over the side of the boat,and John sitting in

his esky with his pants around his ankles,toilet roll in hand :badair::074::074:

I said,'' what r u doin?''.John replies''I couldnt hold on any more''.So I say'' so u

had to s@#t in your esky".He goes" im gona wash it".

:1fishing1: penguin


ahh good post and it gave me a good laugh there would have been some good results for them after that burley trail. great feed and great report!!

cheers pk :1fishing1:

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guys i had the worst time ever :thumbdown:

head out to go fishing at 4am to then realise half way that i left the keys to the boat :ranting2:

i had to do a u turn n head back home to get the keys

we were finally off, we headed to the suckos at 5am to only land a descent size flattie,then headed off to the drums for cover.we caught shitty sized snappers which we tossed back n landed a descent size trevally until i had a turkey breast sandwich which 5 min later i started throwing up 6 times to then realise i had to do a mega shit


i couldnt hold it any longer

i scrounged around to only manage to use the esky i had burley in

i pulled my pants to my knees and started hanging a crap :05:

the boys put the radio up so they couldnt hear me :074:

came across penguin n u know the rest

anyway two tug boats were heading my way as i was hurrying to wipe my arse

managed to finish in time but they only said hello .

finished my deed ,washed the esky n decided to go trolling along the bay

had just bought new braided 30pound line n a awsome lure to then come across a bunch of old idiots cut across me n snag on line with their boat :ranting2::ranting2:

i screamed to them to stop but they didnt hear me so i lost all my line n lure

we called it a day at 10.30am

went straight to bed to wake up later n see my mate washing my boat so there i go to the sliding door half asleep n bang i walk face first into a closed sliding door


worst day ever

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guys i had the worst time ever :thumbdown:

head out to go fishing at 4am to then realise half way that i left the keys to the boat :ranting2:

i had to do a u turn n head back home to get the keys

we were finally off, we headed to the suckos at 5am to only land a descent size flattie,then headed off to the drums for cover.we caught shitty sized snappers which we tossed back n landed a descent size trevally until i had a turkey breast sandwich which 5 min later i started throwing up 6 times to then realise i had to do a mega shit


i couldnt hold it any longer

i scrounged around to only manage to use the esky i had burley in

i pulled my pants to my knees and started hanging a crap :05:

the boys put the radio up so they couldnt hear me :074:

came across penguin n u know the rest

anyway two tug boats were heading my way as i was hurrying to wipe my arse

managed to finish in time but they only said hello .

finished my deed ,washed the esky n decided to go trolling along the bay

had just bought new braided 30pound line n a awsome lure to then come across a bunch of old idiots cut across me n snag on line with their boat :ranting2::ranting2:

i screamed to them to stop but they didnt hear me so i lost all my line n lure

we called it a day at 10.30am

went straight to bed to wake up later n see my mate washing my boat so there i go to the sliding door half asleep n bang i walk face first into a closed sliding door


worst day ever

John I think U may need to censor some of your colourful



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Guest maraudingmado

Gee Crazy John that is a classic report :074::074:

I would check your boat for a hidden banana :banana: . Talk about bad luck :(

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Gee Crazy John that is a classic report :074::074:

I would check your boat for a hidden banana :banana: . Talk about bad luck :(

It had nothing to do with a banana but more so the priests

daughter he was with the day b4. :074:

Devine intervention perhaps.

:1fishing1: penguin

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Guest Sea Jay

we fished there for about 2hrs caught 1, 29cm Bream,and 20 Trevs,

had 2 good runs when drifting large peeled prawns under the drums but got

busted off on the anchor chain anchoring the drums to the bottom

Just wondering what bait you caught the trevs on and how, where you getting them off the bottom or floating baits??

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top stuff penguin as usual u never dissapoint mate,

iain, float peeled prawns out the back of the burley trail and bet ur life ull nail quite a few mate,

ask chris weve got'n sick of catchn trevs frm time to time....

but they cook up very nice,

if ne1 needs a hand to fillet and de bone

"CRAZEDFISHERDUDE" is ur man for that... :thumbup:

cheers steve

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thanks guys

i must say

i got a private message from a fellow fishraider asking me how did i clean the esky

i tipped it the water then i put my hand in a plastic shopping bag n washed it.

then when i got home i scrubbed it down with some heavy duty boat wash. :05:

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thanks guys

i must say

i got a private message from a fellow fishraider asking me how did i clean the esky

i tipped it the water then i put my hand in a plastic shopping bag n washed it.

then when i got home i scrubbed it down with some heavy duty boat wash. :05:


Why would someone want to know how u cleaned s@#t from your esky.

:1fishing1: penguin

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