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Juno Point


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Just a question for you all.

Is Juno Point and Flint and Steel in the Hawkesbury that good ??

Reason I ask is that I go past there most weekends on the way to my spots and it is always crowded. It's not uncommon to see 20+ boats at each of these locations. I know at Juno an eddie forms on the tides and all that, but are these boats there because there are heaps of fsh or is it that they have no idea and are just are attracted to the crowds ?

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Both are famous as big jewie spots - thus the crowds. With the river firing as it reportedly is at the moment I would expect that these locations would be getting hit pretty hard.

Intersting to theorise about where the fish would go, however, if they all got spooked by the amount of activity at these spots. They have to go somewhere . . . .


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Both are famous as big jewie spots - thus the crowds. With the river firing as it reportedly is at the moment I would expect that these locations would be getting hit pretty hard.

Intersting to theorise about where the fish would go, however, if they all got spooked by the amount of activity at these spots. They have to go somewhere . . . .


Totally agree Mondo,

Where would the go..........

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I've got no doubt that there are big jewies there, but I just can't stand the crowds, so I usually give those spots a miss. The way I see it the more boats there the less chance each one has of getting a fish. Might be different when going for say tailor where the more baits in the water the better.

ANyway conditions look great for tomorrow night

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I agree, chineese three course meal :1prop:

Perhaps a thought would be to understand why these spots are so good. Reefy areas where large eddies form perhaps.

In theory if you can find less populated areas that have the same geological formations you should find the fish - in theory. Look for areas that jut out and form an eddie, there are a few around.

Of course im certainly no expert but i remember the same topic in the past.

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Guest wayneo

the problem with junno is that everyone knows it is good fishing hole for big jews but the problem is that out of 15 boats that are there , there is only 3 or 4 boats that know how to fish junno, therefor boats that are there anchor anywhere and have absolutly no idea how to fish and are making it hard for the real fisherman.

i think everyone has the right to fish where ever they want but think about the people who were there first and most people get out there small rods fishing for anything. not knowing that they are ruining it for the jew fishermen

sorry for raving on but i get frustrated big time with people with little knowledge of where they are fishing

cheers see you guys next time on the water


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Guest wayneo


are you telling me that if im sitting in my boat for say like 4 hours chasing a particular fish and some guy that has no idea about the river he is fishing has the right to anchor wher ever he wants?

and thats because he has a fishing licence but has no fishing ettiquet he can just do what ever he wants ?

sounds wrong to me

if the average fisherperson is after just a feed maybe they should do a bit of research of the river they want to fish

just because i chase jews doesnt mean i own the spot im fishing but some people just dont understand what happens when someone anchors ontop of your lines

maybe 1 day you might be lucky to get a monster like that and you will only pray that no one is anchored to close to you coz you can say goodbye to your fish of a lifetime


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the problem with junno is that everyone knows it is good fishing hole for big jews but the problem is that out of 15 boats that are there , there is only 3 or 4 boats that know how to fish junno, therefor boats that are there anchor anywhere and have absolutly no idea how to fish and are making it hard for the real fisherman.

i think everyone has the right to fish where ever they want but think about the people who were there first and most people get out there small rods fishing for anything. not knowing that they are ruining it for the jew fishermen

sorry for raving on but i get frustrated big time with people with little knowledge of where they are fishing

cheers see you guys next time on the water



Understand your pain, BUT, everybody has the right to try a "spot" mate. As opposed to being frustrated by people ruining your fishing, have you considered if it'd be equally gratifying to impart knowledge to those that don't know enough? Not saying, you should do a Fishing 101, but, surely, you can share some of your wisdom, no??

Anyway, I don't intend to offend you wayneo, nor turn this into one of those posts that go nowhere. Just a suggestion.

Tight lines,


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Guest wayneo


im not having a go im just explainig that if i pulled up a particular fishing spot and seen 5 boats all in a line with equal chance of catching a fish without harming another fishos chance of getting one i would join the line

but then some dimwit will anchor right behind you and i always as politely as i can ask them not to and come up in the line and then everyone has equal chance. but the problem is then im a xxxxxxx for trying to help someone but its not just me he is harming its the other boats to

i cant do anymore then ask people but they dont listen i dont rant and rave untill they totally ignore me and anchor ontop of me then it is on


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Ash: Couldn't quite refrain from another post once I read this. Once again, no offense intended.

are you telling me that if im sitting in my boat for say like 4 hours chasing a particular fish and some guy that has no idea about the river he is fishing has the right to anchor wher ever he wants?

Ash: Yes, he does. Maybe he doesn't know enough, but he certainly has the right do so. Your post now begins to reek of superiority, because you "KNOW" what you are doing...

and thats because he has a fishing licence but has no fishing ettiquet he can just do what ever he wants ?

Ash: True, fishing etiquette is important, but how does one learn this etiquette? I haven't seen a recent post on etiquette, but am sure you can post one? Perhaps, one of the moderators would "pin" that in the forum.

sounds wrong to me if the average fisherperson is after just a feed maybe they should do a bit of research of the river they want to fish just because i chase jews doesnt mean i own the spot im fishing but some people just dont understand what happens when someone anchors ontop of your lines

Ash: Not wrong mate. I've spent the last 18 months "researching" where I should fish for jews and there have been a few times I've just anchored off a few "spots" and hung a line out. Just bear in mind that there is a learning curve for everyone, and not all people are blessed with you innate ability to find the big jews.

maybe 1 day you might be lucky to get a monster like that and you will only pray that no one is anchored to close to you coz you can say goodbye to your fish of a lifetime

Ash: Maybe not. If I lost it to a novice's lack of knowledge, I'd probably feel shitty about it, but wouldn't blame them.


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Guest wayneo


honestly mate if i get somewhere and there is already 15 boats there its my choice to do the right thing and anchor in a position where i dont harm someones chance or either just go somewhere else

mate since i started posting on here alot of people have pm me and asked for a few tips and i have answered honestly no bum steers and have offered that if they see me come say hi and i give some tips and look at what i do im not out to catch all the fish i love just being out there and the amount of friends i have now that i have just met on the water is huge coz we see eachother all the time out there.

its just a matter of respect thats all it is and i just ask for people to do some research of the river and of the fish they are hoping to catch



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Guest bluecod

i cant do anymore then ask people but they dont listen

That's about all you can do!

Education is the key, apart from letting out more anchor warp and lobbing sinkers at them from close range :wacko:

Then others take it to the extreme. How long does a chum slick have to be before you cross over it in your boat? If some idiots had their way it would be well over a couple of kilometres and even seasoned game-fishos would find it very difficult to see. :ranting2:

In a heavily populated centre such as Sydney I reckon a reasonable estuary stand-off zone is twice casting distance unless you're fishing in the harbour [Wedding Cakes] and then it would be 2 rod lengths :1yikes: Also depends on the size of the deckie and what he has in his hands :tease:

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Honestly i hate spots like Juno. There are people out their who think they own it and its the personal domain of the mighty Jew hunter.

I remember hitting it chasing Bream once and when i arrived there was only two other boats. I stayed way out of their way and all was good. Until i pulled out the flick stick and started to jig deep for Breambo's. I got the death stares !! I felt as though i was not welcome cause of what i was doing. Geeeez !!

Didnt worry me cause a landed two corkers !! :1prop:

I dont go there much anymore unless its vacant.

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Im with Wayne on this one,

Now ive been trying to catch that big jew for years now and it would kill me to lose my dream fish cause someone anchored right behind me, my mate lost a good fish at Juno a few years ago that ran towards the Steel and got caught on their anchor rope but this was no fault of theirs, just our shitty luck. Its pretty simple really, anchor IN LINE (side by side) with the other boats and not behind them and everyone will get on fine. Nobody owns the water but there is nothing wrong with being respectful to others fishing a spot. Jewfishos seem to cop a lot of flack when we ask that people dont anchor behind us but it goes for just about all spots and all types of fish really, everyone needs their space and it just so happens that Jews run more than most estuary species and at places like Juno they normally go straight for the point.

BTW Wayne, bombed out on Tuesday, struggled to livies even. Heard nobody did any good?

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Suppose its the same as LBG fishing. A small ledge can fish a suprising number of people as long as everyone knows what they are doing. Every one has to learn somehow, but most of it it common sense..of course the problem with common sense is that it is no so common.

If I am set up for the night at and heaps of other boats turn up who dont know what they are doing I will simply move. Nothing against them, but I dont like fishing when its like a car park regardless of the fish and there are plenty of other spots near Juno which are good without the crowds and the agro.

Anchoring side by side is the way to go, but on a weekend with the number of boats out there that would not be practical.

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Honestly i hate spots like Juno. There are people out their who think they own it and its the personal domain of the mighty Jew hunter.

Hey, it's not my domain :074: I'm shorebased.

The life of a Jew fisherman is never an easy one.Whether your in a boat & some one anchors behind you, on a rock & someone anchors 20 mtrs straight out in front of you or on a beach & fishos with light sinkers drift over you constantly :05:

You don't have to be happy about it but there's no use bitch'n either. What do you expect when you live & fish in close proximity to 4 million people?

I like the idea of do's & dont's thread but the people who don't no what they're doing won't be reading it!

That's my 2 bobs worth anyway.

Cheers, Grant.

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Guest bluecod

Myself if Juno was crowded I would look due south at a certain shoreline :biggrin2:

Nothing down there Ken except for shovelnose sharks and pike eels :(

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Nothing down there Ken except for shovelnose sharks and pike eels :(

I wouldn't say that at all bluecod.

I have been very succesfull in that region.



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:074: one could think i aimed my comment at you 'Jewhunter'. Na mate . :1prop: Yeah its bummer of a spot at times. Not having a go at jew fisho's, just the jerks who think they own the place.

I remember reading many threads on this topic where certain fisho's have been a real problem their and not the inexperienced boatie. Goes both ways i think.

A thread on etiquette may be interesting although most here are not the prob.

A nice big fat magazine artical on boat and fishing etiquette may at least reach a few more people. Maybe our new friends at Modern Fishing can have a look.

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Guest maraudingmado

I agree with the fishing etiquette "rules" being posted. I myself don't own a boat but would like to know the rule of thumb for anchoring in heavily populated spots(common sense aside). I have fished places like "The Tubes" when it was not HUGELY popular and have seen it elbow room only.

Definitely worth an article in one of the popular fishing magazines.

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heres my 2 cents worth, as mentioned in a previous post i dont go there much but have caught all my jews there, i dont go there much becuase everytime i do go there, i seem to get into an argument. if i do go there it is at night when there are not many boats.

Some Jewfishos (note i said some not all) seem to think they own the hawkesbury, thats why i have stuck with the harbour, harbour regurlars seem to be much more helpful and less territorial. And the same goes for the northern beaches for jew fishing, the regurlars seem to think they own certain parts of the beach, these idiots have to remember we live in a free country and everyone can enjoy rec fishing whenever they want and where ever they want (so long as it is a legal spot)

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Posting a thingo on etiquette is an excellent idea, and has been done entitled boating etiquette.

We need to ensure that we don't self-destruct by infighting when we have greenies and marine park loonies trying to destroy our sport. This is a general comment and is not directed any anyone in particular.

Have a good weekend all!

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