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Botany Bay 28/4/06


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Fished the Third Runway from 8am to 1:30pm. Bites were inconsistent, but still managed a good bag of fish :biggrin2: . Seventeen keepers - 11 bream to 32cm, 4 trevally to 37cm, 1 snapper - 30cm, 1 flounder - 40cm. Pictures to come. All fish were taken on nippers or prawns. Also lost what I thought was a very big crab, didn't see it though :mad3: . The weather was beautiful with no wind (until we left) and a mostly-sunny day :thumbup: . I saw what looked very much like an albatross (yes - albatross! :wacko: ) flying around and sitting in the water. Has anyone else seen this? Shame about the "possible shower or two" forecast for the weekend. All in all, a great day out on the Bay.


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tops flattieman :thumbup:

that sounds pretty consistant to me :wacko:

great bag of fish

this bird,

was it big and brown?

looked sort of like an overgrown mutton bird?

i saw it last weekend.

ive only ever seen and caught (yes caught) one albatross before and it was out at browns a fair few years ago now... never seen another...

albatross's are big and white with funky shaped beaks and HUGE black wings... they are big bastards (like the size of a labrador)

would be pretty nuts to see one in so close i would think... but stranger things have happened



Thanks a million. It was big and brown. I didn't get up close 'cause that might've shut down the action at the time. I guess it was an overgrown mutton bird, I just thought 'albatross' due to its size. Wingspan looked to be easily 1m+.


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Guest johblow

Wasnt a sea eagle by any chance? They look like a wedgie (ie their tail has a distinct rear pointing wedge shape), but they are white to grey to brown in colour depending on age (juvinies are brown). They have a lovely whistling call too. Youll see em a lot around the hawkesbury. They are the second biggest flying Oz bird, behind the wedgie, with something like 2m+ adult wingspans and near a metre long.

Was in awe once as i saw one take a frozen pillie that we threw out of a boat in Waratah Bay once. Man, do they have thick wings - they are muscle birds!

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Wasnt a sea eagle by any chance? They look like a wedgie (ie their tail has a distinct rear pointing wedge shape), but they are white to grey to brown in colour depending on age (juvinies are brown). They have a lovely whistling call too. Youll see em a lot around the hawkesbury. They are the second biggest flying Oz bird, behind the wedgie, with something like 2m+ adult wingspans and near a metre long.

Was in awe once as i saw one take a frozen pillie that we threw out of a boat in Waratah Bay once. Man, do they have thick wings - they are muscle birds!

Good suggestion. I've seen my fair share of sea eagles, but this was quite different.


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Good suggestion. I've seen my fair share of sea eagles, but this was quite different.


Went outside on Tuesday at Broken Bay (came back in very quickly too rough) but while out on the way to West reef we came across a flock (20-30) Albertross, was a fantasic sight - they were all just sitting there in the water.

Edited by Aron
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Nice session Flattie! :thumbup:

Were you fishing from a boat? :1fishing1:

Yeah. Near the end of the Third Runway. Sorry everyone about the pics. They're currently trapped on a camera phone that can't send MMS at the moment or hook up to a computer. It tells me to check multimedia settings but there's no " multimedia" folder in "settings" :wacko: . I've looked everywhere. I'll see what I can do.


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