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Broughton Island Weekend


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Fished Broughton Island on Saturday for what was probably our last shot in the area before it becomes a Marine Park Sanctuary Zone.

The fishing was pretty quiet by its usual standards but this beastie came to the party. We also fished Sunday for a handful of rats and a lone sambo.

Broughton Island and Port Stephens in general is such a fantastic location it will be such a shame to see many of the best fishing locations become a no take zone at the expense of recreational anglers. The draft map appears tailor made to suit professional fisherman.

Now is the time to have your say, it only take 2 minutes and can be done online:

Visit this page: http://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/psglmp/psglmp.htm for info on the proposed boundaries for the park, including maps etc.

Visit this page to make your submission: http://www.mpa.nsw.gov.au/psglmp/submission.html

Fish like this are just a small sample of what is on offer at Port Stephens. This area is a recreational fishing paradise and it is about to be taken away from us. Speak up NOW while you still can!



Edited by Aero
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top kingie there mate gee all these big kings being caught and after watching xxxxxxxxxx this evening im starting to get a bit restless.

anyways well done mate and good luck with your cause

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Taken on a 6 inch camo sandworm! :074:


Just for the record this isn't just our cause!

Recreational anglers have a RIGHT to their fair share of this resource!!!

yeah i understand that and fished that beautiful island last december its going to be sad if they do turn it into a sanctuary as its so accessable to recreational trailor boat fisherman so i ll take back what i said and good luck to our cause

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unbelievable kingies there mate, must of taken some serious stopping.

hopefully we can get our opinions put into action on the marine park so we dont loose the chance to tangle with these great adversaries and others as well.


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What an awesome fish! :1yikes: Congratulations!

Thanks for revving the fellow Raiders up on the Marine Parks issue. It's been my pet hate since Jervis Bay was demolished :mad3::ranting2: Ladies and gents, we really NEED to pull our heads out of the sand on this issue. My prediction is that Sydney Harbour will be their next target and it will be the easiest of all fishing havens to screw, now the pros are gone and the fishermen have abondoned the place in droves. Time to wake up ppl.



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What an awesome fish! :1yikes: Congratulations!

Thanks for revving the fellow Raiders up on the Marine Parks issue. It's been my pet hate since Jervis Bay was demolished :mad3::ranting2: Ladies and gents, we really NEED to pull our heads out of the sand on this issue. My prediction is that Sydney Harbour will be their next target and it will be the easiest of all fishing havens to screw, now the pros are gone and the fishermen have abondoned the place in droves. Time to wake up ppl.



Mate, the plan is to have a joint marine park from the port stephens one down to the jervis bay one.

Check the Politics section of the forum, plenty of informative posts on the goings on there!

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Guest Big-Banana

Iam not sure about the political side of the issue, but Ive had some great sessions at Broughton Is. and its a damn shame this is happening.

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Guys this is the fishing reports section :biggrin2: Not the political pages

Please if you want to talk about fishing do it here and the rest put in the politics section

Cheers Stewy

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