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Hornets - Grub Killers

Ken A

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Here's a pic I got yesterday afternoon of a Hornet taking a grub from my Tomatoes. They sting them to disable them & then take them to the mud nest & seal them in a chamber with an egg. When the hornet grub hatches it has a great supply of fresh meat :D

Love seeing Hornets hanging around the backyard when I'm growing Tomatoes.

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Eco gardening is right :D There's 2 reasons I grow my own tomatos & that is

1. Flavour

2. Systemic insecticides

If you saw how much poison is sprayed on commercial crops you would never eat a supermarket tomato again. Due to the resistance developed by insects against the poison the growers admit to using 5 to 10 times the recommended dose of poison to control them.

I'd rather let Hornets feed them to their grubs than spray poison on my plants. The only thing I spray with is a home made chillie spray.

Nothing like a vine ripened home grown tomato for taste :ohyeh: :ohyeh:

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