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What Did I Catch?


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Caught this strange looking fish or shark on the weekend and can't find it anywhere in my Australian fish book. Anybody got any idea?



btw, those fang like things are actually soft. not as scary as it looks

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That's a Blind Shark (Brachaelurus waddi), M-L. The Australian Museum says:

"The Blindshark has a slightly flattened head, small eyes and a nasal barbel (glossary) projecting from both nostrils. It has two dorsal fins that are close together and located well back on the body. The small anal fin is located just before the long caudal fin.

This species is brown to black on top and yellowish below. It often has light spots and about eleven dark saddles across the back.

It is a harmless species that grows to 1.2m and feeds at night on invertebrates and small fishes.

The common name of this species arose from its behaviour of closing its eyes when landed by anglers.

The Blindshark lives in shallow coastal waters. Juveniles are often seen in high-energy surge zones, whereas adults are usually seen during the day in caves and under ledges.

It has been recorded from southern Queensland to southern New South Wales in depths ranging from the intertidal zone down to 140m."

Here's a couple of pics:



Edited by Flattieman
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Arent those things and Port Jacksons just the biggest pain in the ass....I used to get heaps of them when i used to bottom bash in the harbour.

As describe like the Port Jackson they have absolutely no fight in them, Just dead weight

Biggest pest inside our estuaries if you ask me

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