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Guest fishrunner

That damn fish won't stop :thumbup: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz ping :(


Edited by fishrunner
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Commonly called WHIZZZZZZZZZZ BANGS :1yikes:


Cheers Stewy

Shite! how often does that happen? It must be exciting up until the BANG (if its a fish of course)


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i got spooled 2 years ago at south west rocks, i was fishing in the river with whole squid hopeing to catch a jew, shimano baitrunner 3500 with 125yards of 30lb fireline. took the bait near the jew bite and headed to sea at a great rate of knots, slowed down right at the bottom of the spool and i got 2 turns of the handle before it took off again and unfortunatly snapped off at the reel. much to the amusement of 2 fellos in a tinny trolling past. :05: shark, stingray, jew and cobia ???

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Its when that fish hits your lure or bait and you set the hook but that fish just keeps going faster than you can back up on him or retrive line. Push up the drag but it just keeps going till you have lost a few hundred meters or you then bust off having lost a few hundred meters.

Often it can be all over in just a few minutes.

Your left woundering what the hell that was!!!!


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I know fishermen tell tall stories but I have a witness with this one.

A few years ago now we were fishing off Bonna Pt Kurnell with a howling southerly behind us.

It was blowing that hard we could almost land our poddies on the airport runway.

One cast took off pretty high and was latched onto by a shag when it was still in the air.

Fought the bastard for a couple of minutes before he dropped it.

Just as the bait hit the water a windsurfer came out of quibray bay and picked it up on the centreboard.

Thats when I got spooled.

It was also the day I discovered what a numbray does but thats a whole other story.


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