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Our First Kings Of The Season


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I got a call from sea-jay mid week to see if i was interested in heading out on his new boat to run up a few hours on saturday, who could knock back an offer like that so plans were made and hopes were high.

the weather was looking less than favourable as we got to the ramp at about 5:30am and one person (big steve) had pulled out, but being the optomists we are we decided that conditions would get better as the sun came up so Iain (seajay) Brett (tunofun) and myself hit the water.

after getting a tankful of livies we headed out to see what conditions were like outside, it was sloppy to say the least but Iain's boat made it feel comfortable enough to give it a go so the spread was set and off we went trolling north.

now for the fun part :yahoo: over the next few hours we came across schools of kings that were busting up the surface in patches up to 80 mtrs wide and didnt care what was offered up they just smacked the lot.

they hit skirts, divers, bibless minnows and the bigger fish were slamming slow trolled livies (yakka's). double and tripple hookups were the order of the day and we even had a big sargent baker (Iain) a pike (Brett) and thumper salmon (myself) rise to the lures.

Iain was the man of the moment boating the two biggest fish, 76cm and 73cm. he also got his hooks into his butt and shoelace :074:

we're not sure how many kings came over the side but it was definately over the 20 fish mark with the majority going between 55cm and 59cm. with 4 kings over 60 being kept as well as the salmon (my wife loves them). all in all a great day on the water in conditions that were tamed by a fantastic boat that i am sure will see more than it's share of big palegics hit the deck over the comming months.

thanks for the invite mate and congratulations on the boat she's an absolute ripper :thumbup:

now heres a few pics of the days effort.






Edited by Outnumbered
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im sorry i dndt come along,

the flu has gotten the better of me in the last few days and getting up early and

spending a day out in the wind and rain kinda didnt really appeal to me

AWESOME boat iain looking forward 2 smashing more kings and definetly some dollies with u mate,

once again well done boys on a great day and sorry i dndt make it,

top fish+pics :1fishing1:

cheers steve

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