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Sydney Harbour


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G'day Raiders,

Made it to Sydney on Sunday night and thought to myself what have I done. The weather is just the pits. Here anyway so I put in at Roseville on Monday about 10.00am. Headed out for a bo-peep. WIND/RAIN/WIND. Really thinking, wrong week. Headed out to the Harbour proper and a huge swell, too big to stay out in for too long. One hook up on a salmon and then back into Middle Harbour and home.

On the water again at 5.30am, with Chappo (Fellow Fishraider), on Tuesday and out to the Harbour proper again. Set up on a good reef. Berley hard and into the best bream bite I can remember. Most fish over 35cm, biggest at 42cm. We could have bagged out on 20 each but called it quits at about 14 fish. Saw a few small kings come up in the berley but no luck with any.

Back into Grotto for a hit at the Salmon but could not get a hit. Any tips on what they are hitting on?? So frustrating when they're hitting the bottom of the boat but can't get a hookup. Can't find any squid. Tried Cliffton, Balmoral and over to Bottle and Glass. Into MH for a bait session. Nothing too interesting.

Out again today, straight to fish markets for some fresh squid then S&P's for some live yakkas. Had a few small kings chase the yakkas up to the boat but, on a live rig no joy. Just settled in and up came a gale. Really startyng to get :mad3: about this wind. GIVE ME RAIN ANY DAY. We braved the wind and decided to chase the Salmon around Dobroyd and over to Manly. Hooked 4 and landed 3. They're pretty standard but I'd still call them one of the best light gear fighters around, especially when hooked in the back. Gave up on the wind and headed for shelter.

I've got an old wind safe spot and decided to give it a lash as the tide started to run out. Hard berley and over with the livies. 10 minutes and Chappo's on. Hard running fish. (this is a heartbreak story and I'm lucky I'm still alive to tell it). On a 15kg outfit and this fish is heading out and around the corner/reef for clear water. I'm on the anchor and off we go in hot pursuit. We've got around the headland and turned this fish clear of any rocks. Next thing it's up on the top. THIS IS NOT A FISHY TALE. :1yikes: Estimate size 1.2m+ king. Chappo is in for long haul and we steered and chased this fish across about 500m of open water. Waving off yachts and all. 4 times to the boat and finally it seems done. :wacko: I should have known better. I've gone for a gaff stirke while it's still pretty green. Crappy little wooden handled cheapo gaff. The shank of the hook has twisted in the handle and the actual gape in the hook opened. I dropped it and it was gone. It's weird when there is this calm silence from your fishing mate. Your waiting for them to call you something. :mad3:

We're going back tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Chappo has a question!

I'm not used to hooking up fish this big. I wasn't sure if I had the drag too loose. Fought this fish for about 30 mins, on 15kg. In the end we just wanted it up near the boat. Should we have been more patient? In short how long to beat a fish like this??????????? Has anyone had a fish about this size out of the harbour lately?

All you Raiders who fish the Harbour are in for a long hard summer on BIG kings. You are so lucky the pro ban is in place.

Hold this page.

Brian P.

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Guys, congrats on the bream... But CONDOLENCES on the lost kingy. Damn gaff!!! :thumbdown: There's no real rule for how long you should fight a fish, but I'll let some of the kingie experts have their say.


Edited by Flattieman
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it gets the blood going hearing tales of big kings in the harbour hopefully there will be plenty more,

as for how long to fight a fish there is an old saying that you'll lose a fish when the fisherman loses his patience,

if you want to see big kings get played in the harbour watch xxxxxxxxxx fishing those guys hook up on some big kings on 50 and 80 pound gear and can't stop them!

at least you got a look at him!!

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Hard luck Brian and Chappo, a 1.2m+ king is amazing in the harbour !!!!

I prefer not to strike with the gaff whilst they are green, and keep it away from the line !!! Easier said then done, especially when you see a big beast like you had.

Go get them next time..

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Gday Brian!

unlucky bout the kingie mate. I think we met you down at the ramp. We were putting in yesterday when u guys were coming out. Do you remember 2 aussie blokes and an asian guy? Im the asian guy. We didnt make out to the reefs, bit too much chop.

Good luck again today!


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What a bummer to loose a kingy of that calibre. At least you tested your gear and got a look. In terms of time to land you probably had him done and did a great job. I have lost way more kingies than ive got into the boat so i feel for you mate. All the best.

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30 minute fight in Sydney harbour, that's fantastic! did you actually sight it? as it could of been a big Cobia, always rumours of them around.... can you give us a clue where we might see (insert catch) said beast?


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Gday Brian!

unlucky bout the kingie mate. I think we met you down at the ramp. We were putting in yesterday when u guys were coming out. Do you remember 2 aussie blokes and an asian guy? Im the asian guy. We didnt make out to the reefs, bit too much chop.

Good luck again today!


G'day Mate,

Yep, remember seeing you guys at the ramp. I'm not surprised you didn't get out. THE WINDDDDDDD!

is the pits.



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30 minute fight in Sydney harbour, that's fantastic! did you actually sight it? as it could of been a big Cobia, always rumours of them around.... can you give us a clue where we might see (insert catch) said beast?


Hi Mate,

Yeah got plenty of good looks at him. No doubt he was a real bandit/hoodlum king. Had the band on the eyes and the lovely green and gold colours. Made plenty of good hard runs and then strangely, ran on the surface for a length of time. To get some line back we drove onto him and had a real good gander at him while he crusied along broadside to us.

For my mind this fish was caught because Chappo did everything right. Took his time and gave him his head when he needed to. I dropped him. :( Live and learn.

As for where. You can see the ocean!! Just kidding. We stopped near Dobroyd out of the wind. I think we just got lucky as this bloke was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The real shame is, I know it was damaged from my gaff strike and probably shark food not long after :thumbdown:

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