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What Would You Do Or Say?


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The other week whilst gathering squid in Sydney Harbour, myself an my brother witnessed what we thought was a better than average jew strike on another boat.

We had just set our jiggs for some squid an we noticed another boat at anchor an the guy on board asleep with a beer sitting on his console :1prop:

At exactly 3.42am we saw ie bend in the rod, an heard drag constantly but slowly stripping line off this guys reel, whilst he sleep all thorughout it. I wanted to wake this guy, as I thought he was onto a definate thing,,, whatever it may be,,, my brother thought it better to leave him asleep, at first light we we saw this guy wake up an pull all lines in,,,,,

What would you do? I know Id be very annoyed at being woken up, but to miss a jew,,,,,, anyhow what would YOU do?


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The other week whilst gathering squid in Sydney Harbour, myself an my brother witnessed what we thought was a better than average jew strike on another boat.

We had just set our jiggs for some squid an we noticed another boat at anchor an the guy on board asleep with a beer sitting on his console :1prop:

At exactly 3.42am we saw ie bend in the rod, an heard drag constantly but slowly stripping line off this guys reel, whilst he sleep all thorughout it. I wanted to wake this guy, as I thought he was onto a definate thing,,, whatever it may be,,, my brother thought it better to leave him asleep, at first light we we saw this guy wake up an pull all lines in,,,,,

What would you do? I know Id be very annoyed at being woken up, but to miss a jew,,,,,, anyhow what would YOU do?


hahah thats a funny story! i would yell out n wake him up jus to see his reaction! :1yikes:

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I think i might have gone over .hooked and landed his fish,kept it and cast his rod out again. I used to often sleep on my o/night trips but i used to hear even one click of my ratchet. Id say he was that drunk that you probably could have raided his boat :1prop:

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