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Not Happy Jan


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Mate, just saw this post and sory to hear about the gear and bike being pinched...its the worst when anything that you have gets stolen, low lifes will pay one day...Karma will get them

great to see how the FR gang have stepped in to help out, all i can say to the Admin team and its Sponsors is you guys are the bomb ( meaning awesome) .......

Strange how this stuff always happens to the good people of this world.......

But thanks for bringing it to our attention as we are all guilty of leaving our rods laying around sometimes.

All the best Ross

Edited by netic
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Hi Ross, anyone in thier right mind who comes across these people with your gear should give them a good floggin, take the rods off them and organize to get them back to you. Try all the local Pawn shops as they will want cash quick if they are this desperate to start with. Hope they come up and get back to you.


SUFFO :beersmile:

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Thanks again fellas ( and ladies !) . #1 Son is now the proud owner of a Wattos Special baitcaster !! :thumbup: The rod it replaces was a gift for his 16Th birthday , and , as we all do , it had become his favourite rod. I cannot begin to thank Sean and Claudia enough for their generosity , you both are truly great friends , as well as great people !!

So the Flightmanager family is back in the fishin bidnes , com mid January , we should be back to the full arsenal , and looking to use all of it as often as we can !!

Id like to wish all of you , The safest and happiest Christmas ever , may the wind be at your back , and your lines always tight !!

Ross and Family

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Well done Wattos and the Admin Team.. :1clap:

That old saying "From adversity comes greatness" has never been truer.

It's that greatness from wonderful sponsors and members stepping up to the plate that makes Fishraider and the FR community so special.

Thank you! :thumbup:



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Wow, impressed is the word! What about this FR Aussie spirit - this type of support is what makes this country the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH !!! I doubt you would get this type of community help in any other country. Just goes to show that we Aussies ( read fishos) don't just think about ourselves, unless there is only one stubbie left in the esky, that is!!

Sad thing is ,these lowlifes that pinched you gear probably wouldn't know how to use it properly any way.

Anyway, Rossco, at least you're underway for Chrissy.


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Wow, impressed is the word! What about this FR Aussie spirit - this type of support is what makes this country the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH !!! I doubt you would get this type of community help in any other country. Just goes to show that we Aussies ( read fishos) don't just think about ourselves, unless there is only one stubbie left in the esky, that is!!

Gee , it looks like livin so close to us (NZ) is starting to rub off :biggrin2:

What a tremendous effort fom ALL of you and Wattos. What a heartwarming story this has turned into...........and just before Xmas.

Merry Chistmas to ALL of you and may you catch the one you've been fishin for :thumbup:

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