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Which Braid Or Fusion?


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Just seeing what people would recommend to use off the beach and rocks on a light overhead reel. I'm thinking of 8-10lb crystal fireline but was wondering if a true braid might be better suited? And if so which brands?



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I only use braid as backing on the overheads, then have 100 m to cast with. I found when pelting out lures that if it wasnt packed back on tight I had all kinds of issues. Seems to be ok on the baitcaster, but on the abu and slosh reels it was a nightmare. But at 8-10lbs you might be ok with straight bread and leader ..I was using 10 and 15kg braids, and another is spooled with 24kg. Also with no level wind was a pain on fingers on the big reels . I use either tuf line or platil ..didnt like fireline on the overheads - too wiry . Both those brands serve well.

Edited by squidgie
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I only use braid as backing on the overheads, then have 100 m to cast with. I found when pelting out lures that if it wasnt packed back on tight I had all kinds of issues. Seems to be ok on the baitcaster, but on the abu and slosh reels it was a nightmare. But at 8-10lbs you might be ok with straight bread and leader ..I was using 10 and 15kg braids, and another is spooled with 24kg. Also with no level wind was a pain on fingers on the big reels . I use either tuf line or platil ..didnt like fireline on the overheads - too wiry . Both those brands serve well.

Thanks for the info...

Just to clarify, you used braid for backing then 100 meters of what? mono? I'm using it on a calcutta 200.

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Yep...I spin lures like raiders and poppers etc..they are 50-60 grams plus...and off the rocks too. So, with mono I get less backlash when casting those out, and then also have extra abrasion resistance....then if a fish takes off a heap off line the braid gives more capacity. Thats with bigger overheads...eg SL50SH and torium 30. But my baitcaster I have braid and then a leader only and that works fine. But on the other outfits, the braid digs in on itself and you cant pack it on as tight . The calcutta has a level wind and is like my baitcaster. You can go braid all the way and use a twisted leader or stright mono leader I would say.

But on eggbeaters , I use braid all the way with mono leader as it casts better....

Confused...basically trying to say that with the larger overheads its harder to cast with a full braid outfit then pack it back on tight enough to keep casting without having it dig in on itself . If you have had this happen you will know as it all comes to a stop pretty quick.

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I put on just enough mono so I can tie to the spool and then do a double to connect to the braid. Most time only just a few metres, then pack the rest with braid. It also means that the working end (the mono end) can be replaced as often as you need and it doesnt get as pricey as cutting through braid. The braid is only exposed on long runs. Other than my abu7500c3 which has level wind the others dont. And high speed spinning with braid I found sucked on my hands and mono was easier to thumb and guide.

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no probs....forgot to mention how I connect to the spool. (also on the eggbeaters)

A few metres of mono, then 300-600m of braid then 100 or so metres of mono.....thats the setup on the torium and the sl50sh....works well like that....

You can connect braid to the spool by adding more wraps around it, or using that plumbers tape around the spool then put the braid on , and it wont slip. Personally, I just add some mono..if I get that close to the end I would be screwed anyway.

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I dont know what the difference between fireline and true braid is?? can someone please enlighten me?

Fireline and other fusion lines are as the name suggests, fused. This makes them like mono. Most true braids are woven so are multi strands. Bit like comparing 7 strand wire with single wire.

The fusion process makes the line stiffer so they aren't popular in the higher breaking strengths. The stiffness makes them better suited to spinning reels rather than overheads. The true braids are limp feels soft and smaller in diameter for stated breaking strength than fused lines. Fused lines also "fluff' with use.

Yep braid is a real pain if you haven't got a level wind. The newer overheads designed specifically with braid have very narrow spools. This makes it almost unnecessary to thumb the line. Hope this helps. CHeers Kelvin

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so I'm hearing that braid might be better on the calcutta than fireline...any particular brands in 8 to 10lb?

Definitely!!! There are numerous brands out there but the raw materials only come in 2. Spectra and Dyeema. Both are the same chemical compound. For the type of fishing I do...squidding and kingies, I don't find any particular brand to be better than another. Braid is so underated in its strength that the breaking strain listed on the box is totally wrong.

I buy for the colour and price. Recently bought some Tuf line at 50% off so I use this but ALL the reputable brands are good. Cheers kelvin

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Guest danielinbyron

Yesterday I posted a link in the Library under the heading UNDERSTANDING BRAID.Which has reviews on the difference in manufacturing techniques and finishes on the braid the pros and cons of each..

here it is...BRAID ONE O ONE


The calcutta has a level wind and is like my baitcaster. You can go braid all the way and use a twisted leader or stright mono leader I would say.

I found that the level wind was more of a hinderence then a help on the calcutta, when retrieving under pressure it doesn't stop the line from finding gaps or cracks and when firing out the line wraps around it..

I kept persisting thinking it was technique asI'd get away with it for a while and get some great casts off , Then big hang ups and birds nests..The braid finds cracks gets over laid which slows it up and loops over the level wind ..This might happen 1 in twenty casts , but when it does .. :mad3: you know what you'll be doing for the next twenty minutes ..

Much to my surprise though I found the distance lost by mono was fairly minimal...Therefore i would only reccomend using braid on and overhead for short flicking or off the boat , thumbing to the bottom for its minimal water resistance qualities.. lifes too short for birds nests...

I use tuff brand braid and get it fairly cheaply and have been really impressed with it compared to other bigger brand names..Like really impressed :thumbup: particularly with the longevity of the finish and its abrasion resistence..

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