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Santa Was Good / Not So Good To Me This Year!


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Thanks Santa!!

Well, after dropping hints for the last 3 months about the fishing stuff I wanted, I got the usual socks, shirt and aftershave!

Now the question is how to use these gifts while fishing.

I guess I can use the socks as burley bags, the shirt as a fishing shirt and maybe the aftershave

can be my new fish attractant on my bait! Ho Ho Ho.

Happy Christmas to ALL Fishraiders and I hope Santa brought you something useful in your fishing exploits.

(Unlike mine) :1crybaby:



Edited by MallacootaPete
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Gee , I must have been good this year!!

I got a new tackle box for the boat , full of tackle too !!

A proper fishing rod rack ,

A Fishing vest with lots of pocketses,

A lip gripper

A super flasho pair of fishing pliers

A book on Middle Harbour

Lots of packets of new plastics

And the day isnt done yet!! Still have to visit the 'lations !!

Hope you all get what you wanted !

Merry Christmas !


Edited by Flightmanager
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Guest danielinbyron

Ewan and I set out in a howling northerly yesterday eve to raise the steaks for xmas lunch...We deserved some cred for even going out in it .After working the water into a lather hooked up on a shallow diver ...big run then spat it...DETERMINED NOW...Took another hour or so to get another bump..Usually i put them back under 8 kg but when we saw a little 5kg school jew ...we new he was destined for the table... nice work santa.

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I must have been a good boy this year

I got a new bait cutting board for the boat

a soft plastics wallet and a couple of packest of soft plastics

still got the relo bash later this arvo so hopefuly more fishing stuff

Merry Christmas


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Guest danielinbyron


Santa was on song

A new Xrap 15 in bonito colour

a purple zuker feathered skirt

a jet head skirt

7lb downrigger bomb

3 packs of squidgie wrigglers

mate can you pass me your santas email :biggrin2:

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I must have been a good boy this year

I got a new bait cutting board for the boat

a soft plastics wallet and a couple of packest of soft plastics

still got the relo bash later this arvo so hopefuly more fishing stuff

Merry Christmas


I'll swap you my socks for the bait board!! I'll even pack 'em full of burley for you! :tease:

Not holding my breath though..

Have a goodun



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Ho Ho Ho

Santa brought a nice little Mini Downrigger kit (Attwood) that should work a treat on our 'portabote' next time we're on the bass & barra dams! Yeeha! Lots of edible bits & some art stuff, tshirts and books!

Busy afternoon coming up (I hoped!) However, it is raining here in Forster today - so that has put the kyber on our plan of kayaking & fishing & a picnic by the river! Had our hot dinner last night - may have to polish off the rest of it tonight! Lots of family turning up in the next few days - should be hectic!

It really is quite pleasant, being a cooler day for a change!

Cheers to everyone - hope you have a happy, safe festive season

Cheerio for now


PS I really didn't think I would be logging on on Xmas day!

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After years of getting things that end up taking up space in some dark corner, we have come up with a solution to the problem ........... I'm Santa's consultant for some of my presents :1prop: and leave a general list of other things to consider

:thumbup: so scored well this year some shorts, some shirts (Fishing and cars), fishing book, CD's, DVD of the old Samurai TV series from when I was a kid (way old lol - now how did we use to make those star knives) and a new Daiwa Laguna 1500 reel for my SP stick from :wife: AKA she who will be obeyed

Have a good and safe Xmas everyone - reap the Karma and catch a big one


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Guest claudia

Hi Guys

I must of been a good girl this year as i got heaps of pressies.

Santa gave me the following

ring, mobile phone, hair straightner, 2 perfumes, earrings, shoes, cds, bangle.

Also a gps for my car.

I was really spoilt and i love it



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Guest IFishSick.

Fish Teaser with 5 Bulb Squid daisy chain

Smokin' Feathered Skirt

Squid Jig (Good quality one)

But the real winner was my dad.

Duh duh dah dah!!!

A brand spakin' new Tiagra 50WA. Wishin to get onto some Marlin this season on the new boat.

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Hi all,

Our Christmas started off at 6pm yesterday when swordie begged to start opening presents :1yikes: . Those of you who know swordie would be aware of his persistance...........

After several hours of this I succumbed. At midnight I was handed a small neatly wrapped present ---- a 1gb sd memory card. I am thinking hmmmmm we already have a digital camera which is only a few months old.

Perhaps an upgrade???

A larger box was presented and I opened it up to find a DVD Camcorder :1yikes::thumbup::thumbup:

Woooohoooo what a bewdy. Onya swordie :wub:

Spent next 2 hours playing with it and preparing it for use.

Today to a restaurant for lunch with family members and friends which turned out to be an excellent idea. No cooking or hassle, just 4 hours of being waited on and dined on seafoods, meats and all sorts of fine delicacies.

A few more visits and picked up some more goodies - gift vouchers etc... and an Ipod wooohooo

All in all a great day.

Was fantastic to hop on here and read about all the nice gifts that you received from your families. I did get another special Christmas present - I had phone contact with my father who I have not seen for over 12 years. We will meet next week to catch up.

Cheers mrsswordfisherman

PS Chris those Samurai dvd's are insane - enjoy !! Go Shintaro :074:

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