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Harbour Kings For The Social


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Hi raiders- I went out fishing today with a charter operator who is also kind of my mentor when it comes to kingfish in Sydney harbour. He guided me to my first kingy in Middle Harbour. The main aim of today was to seek out the kings . As you know I have been pretty successful with the kings but for the social I wanted a good feel for the rest of the harbour. What better than to go with a mate who is also a guide!

The day started early at Roseville. The water temps have been playing up lately so things have been a bit erratic outside but the harbour has been a steady 20C plus. The action was on straight away with kings on the surface. We cast stick baits to the kings for consistent hook ups. My 6 year old son was with me and he was onto the kings immediately. There were tailer and bonito mixed with them. The kings were not large but were great fun. We released all of them.

Kings are very fast moving creatures and they were busting up here and there. After catching a few, we decided to try for some flathead. I have been after some flathead for a while. Changed to weighted soft plastics to work the bottom. Guess what, I got a few strikes but missed. Then WHAM! a fish hits my son's lure! The reel screams and we land yet another king. Can't manage a flattie!

Deciding that flathead are a waste of time we went searching for more kings on the surface. They were spread out but were basically everywhere. :thumbup::yahoo: There is also a bream comp that is held here in Sydney at the moment and there were guys everywhere casting for bream. We had some kings busting up around a boat chasing bream. They were oblivious to the kings but when we hooked up, the screaming reels kind of made them notice!!!

By now the sun was up but the kings were still up on the surface along with tailer. I can't remember a time when the kings were so active on the surface for so long. It wasn't till about 11am that the action died down.

The next tactic was to bait fish for kings with squid. So it was to the squidding grounds. When the sun is up the squid are a bit shy. However, I had my box of yozuris and my squid spray. We decided an experiment was in order. To cut a long story short, I caught ALL the squid. Point made!!!

We went into middle harbour and found everyone fishing there. Not catching much at all. So we decided to try one of the wrecks. I downrig here with great success but we decided to anchor and fish as most people in the social won't have downriggers. Using cut squid ( which is what most people wil do in the social ) we sent the bait to the bottom and then pulled them up a few meters. Within a few minutes we get our first hit. I land the king and set the baits out again. The action is continuous and another fish is boated but is accompanied by another kingie. This fish was burlyed up with squid pieces and my 6 year old son hooks him. The fish makes it to the wreck but somehow my son gets him out. We land this fish and call it a day.

I kept 3 fish for friends and released the rest.


A happy angler. Fish this size are EVERYWHERE at the moment so it is looking real good for the social. Cheers Kelvin

I am off to Perth tomorrow morning...no phones, computers...just Rand R!

The kings at this time of the year are very prolific but are not in the areas that most people expect so this little recon of the kings in the harbour has given me a good feel. It would be great if all the participants in the social catch atleast 1 kingie even if it is a rat and at the moment this is looking REAL good. Cheers Kelvin

Edited by namesay
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Hi raiders- I went out fishing today with a charter operator who is also kind of my mentor when it comes to kingfish in Sydney harbour. He guided me to my first kingy in Middle Harbour. The main aim of today was to seek out the kings . As you know I have been pretty successful with the kings but for the social I wanted a good feel for the rest of the harbour. What better than to go with a mate who is also a guide!

The day started early at Roseville. The water temps have been playing up lately so things have been a bit erratic outside but the harbour has been a steady 20C plus. The action was on straight away with kings on the surface. We cast stick baits to the kings for consistent hook ups. My 6 year old son was with me and he was onto the kings immediately. There were tailer and bonito mixed with them. The kings were not large but were great fun. We released all of them.

Kings are very fast moving creatures and they were busting up here and there. After catching a few, we decided to try for some flathead. I have been after some flathead for a while. Changed to weighted soft plastics to work the bottom. Guess what, I got a few strikes but missed. Then WHAM! a fish hits my son's lure! The reel screams and we land yet another king. Can't manage a flattie!

Deciding that flathead are a waste of time we went searching for more kings on the surface. They were spread out but were basically everywhere. :thumbup::yahoo: There is also a bream comp that is held here in Sydney at the moment and there were guys everywhere casting for bream. We had some kings busting up around a boat chasing bream. They were oblivious to the kings but when we hooked up, the screaming reels kind of made them notice!!!

By now the sun was up but the kings were still up on the surface along with tailer. I can't remember a time when the kings were so active on the surface for so long. It wasn't till about 11am that the action died down.

The next tactic was to bait fish for kings with squid. So it was to the squidding grounds. When the sun is up the squid are a bit shy. However, I had my box of yozuris and my squid spray. We decided an experiment was in order. To cut a long story short, I caught ALL the squid. Point made!!!

We went into middle harbour and found everyone fishing there. Not catching much at all. So we decided to try one of the wrecks. I downrig here with great success but we decided to anchor and fish as most people in the social won't have downriggers. Using cut squid ( which is what most people wil do in the social ) we sent the bait to the bottom and then pulled them up a few meters. Within a few minutes we get our first hit. I land the king and set the baits out again. The action is continuous and another fish is boated but is accompanied by another kingie. This fish was burlyed up with squid pieces and my 6 year old son hooks him. The fish makes it to the wreck but somehow my son gets him out. We land this fish and call it a day.

I kept 3 fish for friends and released the rest.


A happy angler. Fish this size are EVERYWHERE at the moment so it is looking real good for the social. Cheers Kelvin

I am off to Perth tomorrow morning...no phones, computers...just Rand R!

The kings at this time of the year are very prolific but are not in the areas that most people expect so this little recon of the kings in the harbour has given me a good feel. It would be great if all the participants in the social catch atleast 1 kingie even if it is a rat and at the moment this is looking REAL good. Cheers Kelvin


Another great report. You are the kingy king. I'm in the office and now all I can think about are Kings.

Who did you go out with as I'm looking at going out with a guide to get some help and advice.



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Another great report. You are the kingy king. I'm in the office and now all I can think about are Kings.

Who did you go out with as I'm looking at going out with a guide to get some help and advice.



I got into a bit of bother the last time I mentioned names so send me a PM Cheers Kelvin

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good work on the kings mate.

that boat looks familiar.

i have been on that boat before hehe.

the owner of the boat doesnt happen to have his hair tied back does he. :biggrin2:

You know the one! I go fishing with him a couple of times a year. We swap yarns, techniques and stuff that fishos talk about. I meet him all the time. There is a kind of a grapevine service for those in the "know" I guess.

Had a bit of a squidding contest today and I came out on top. I caught ALL the squid! Never happened to me before when fishing with this dude!!!!

The surface fishing was quite exceptional today. It was all visual for the whole morning. The kings were up for over 5 hours. We caught a WHOLE HEAP of fish. Interestingly the kings started to go off the sluggos we were using so I sprayed that squid spray on mine and it got monstered everytime. Even when it was just sitting still in the water!

During the social we won't get the kings like this on the surface due to the weekend boat traffic but it just means that they will sit a little deeper. The harbour is indeed looking good for sheer numbers and that is fantastic news for the social. Cheers Kelvin

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Well done yet again on the Kingies Kelvin :thumbup:


I am getting really suspicious of you. We found MORE prawns in the kingies. Now I am convinced. The next time I am out, I will have some prawns. There were HEAPS of kings following hooked ones to the boat. We kind of had a tag team approach at one stage as I kept one kingy on for several minutes to attract another to the boat. I reckon the prawns would have been really deadly when they are like this. Penguin, bring them to the social as I want to do a forensic investigation on these prawns. :074::074: CHeers Kelvin

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Well done on another successful King session, can there be any doubts as to the effectiveness of the spray?

Good luck in WA and I expect you to come back with Gorilla arms.

I got WHOLE lot of this spray today. As our local stores are getting them in. The squidding session was an eye opener as they were hard to get and I was squidding using "charter" equipment. I really missed my daiwa certate and shegake rod but none the less I caught all the squid that came into the boat today. Got to thank mr yozuri and egi.

The word seems to be getting around as the tackle store owners are starting to stock this stuff. Thanks Netic once again!

Got to get some sleep for the long flight tomorrow. The kingies in Syd Harbour will get a break from me for the next few days. Don't catch them all 445F!!! Cheers Kelvin

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Mate very well done, great report

The squid spray is really becoming popular...i have had phone calls from some tackle store owners on where to get them from.....Didnt think of it for kings though....you could have discovered the new kingy attractor.

Good luck in WA...im sure you will land some monster Samsons

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