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Clean Up Australia Day


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Hi Guys

Just wondering how many of you guys are getting involved this year

I went on to see if there was anything happening in my local area and to my surprise nothing so I have nominated my local creek and have become a site co-ordinator so any guys around the Currans Hill area and I know there are a couple if you would like to give us a hand to clean up Kenny creek just let us know.

I think it's a great initiative and certainly worthwhile nominating your favorite fishing spot if it's looking a bit worse for wear. I set a goal last year to do more for conservation and the enviroment so this coupled with the wildlife work I started last year is leaving me very satisfied that I am at least making a difference.



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yes i will involved again this year, im a member of a 4 wheel drive club and we participate as a club every year, we usually clean upm areas the in accsesible to others, we haul out general rubbish and winch out dumped cars etc. we usually get some good publicity out of it too.

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good to see ppl gettin involved

its got me thinking maybe we as fisherpeople should give back to nature

i cant think of a better way !

I'll be there puttin my hand up in my local area

just an idea, but maybe fishraider could get behind it too, perhaps a clean up of Botany bay and surounding areas, ie cooks river, i always see heaps of crap floating around the ramp
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The Kayak club up here always does a specific area of the lake (on the water) and it is amazing what you find floating or washed up on the bank.

Missed it last year due to being away - it is Sunday March 4 this year - bugger - will be awaiting some visitors to arrive from the US of A! However, I doubt they will get here before lunch, so should be able to be in it!



Edited by Roberta
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