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Bassin' Last Sunday

Steve Mc

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Went out early for a little bass session with my youngest last Sunday on the Nepean in the kayak.

The recent rains have cleared the surface weed completely so paddling was easy and enjoyable.

Scott managed his best fish for the season with a 370mm bass taken on the surface just before sunlight. All up we managed 8 good fish in 2 & 1/2 hours.

{as you are probably wondering about his glasses, I make him wear safety glasses to protect him from wayward hooks}



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Good going Steve, do you catch and release or keep a feed. Just wondering how the bass cook up and if so how do you like to cook them?

Cheers Jeff

No Jeff, the closest I get to eating them is a quick kiss and back in they go. The last bass I ate would have been 20 years ago. Nothing wrong with the taste as I remember, but the enjoyment of having one of these little power houses smash a surface lure is just too good, so I prefer to have no negative impact on the local numbers. Don't get me wrong, I love a feed of fish as much as the next bloke, but just not wild river bass.

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