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Kingies After Work


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As is usual for a Friday I went out for an afternoon fish. Finished work and got the boat to the ramp at Roseville at 3.30pm. The wind was up and WHite caps were all over the place. I had my father with me. He is hooked on catching kings. Been out with me now a few times as he loves going out in the Noble...the Blue Frog

We went to get some squid. The wind makes it a bit tougher to catch them and it was the middle of the day but we got enough for bait pretty quickly. The squid were larger than average so I knew we had a good chance at a larger fish.


Started with the downrigger to prospect around some spots. The wind made trolling a real pain but within a couple of minutes we had a hit. I got my Torsa repaired so it was good to have it back in its rightful place. I now have a slightly different tactic to landing these kings as they have been bricking us regularly. Also I have the braid issue sorted out.

The slow head shakes came down the line....Not a rat!! It was an OK fish at around 90cm.


Now it was my father's turn. He is a rank novice at fishing. Just learnt how to bring up a downrigger. He didn't have to wait long as the strike came within a couple of minutes.


What ever you do...don't copy this technique!!!! The fish was also a good one and he landed it with a bit of coaching. Wasn't as big as the first but a good fish over 80cm. If you have a look at the background, this is no secret spot!

The action was pretty continuous as long as there was squid in the water. As we were quickly using up our supply of squid so I decided to anchor up and fish strips. There is a real art to fishing squid strips as these bits aren't alive, you have to turn the kings on. It can mean you get a double hook up after double hook up or get NONE!!!

ON the sounder, there were fish everywhere!. It was only a matter of waiting a few minutes before we would get a hit. It was a case of double hook ups all around.


Have a look at the sounder full of fish!!! ON the strips the fish were a bit smaller but made up for it in numbers. They were 60-75cm. We landed about 11 or 12 before running out of bait. Kept 5 for friends.

The good news is that we landed every fish we hooked. Didn't get bricked. We packed up around 6pm. I met some people at the boat ramp and they were surprised that you can catch such fish in the harbour. Just goes to show! Cheers Kelvin

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still love reading your reports Kelvin, and this one is another beauty but the evil part of my brain is waiting for the report titled FISHED ALL DAY FOR NOT A BITE :1prop: Make us mere mortals not feel so bad about our lack of fish catching ability.


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HOW did u end up 2day mate did u end up turning a reel?

things wernt as easy as the past, wind was a real bitch out there today...

we ended up with a few fish to the 70cm mark and a heck of a load of squid :thumbup:

but that wind was just a pain in the bum to say the least...


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HOW did u end up 2day mate did u end up turning a reel?

things wernt as easy as the past, wind was a real bitch out there today...

we ended up with a few fish to the 70cm mark and a heck of a load of squid :thumbup:

but that wind was just a pain in the bum to say the least...


The squid were a real pain. Dropped 8!!!!! My fishing partner ophet also dropped about the same number!!!!! Took forever to get enough squid.

Tried a few spots early on to chase down a hood...but no action.

Went to the wedding cakes and cleaned up . Caught about 12. Lost a HUGE strike. THe fish came up to the surface pretty quickly unlike a king and then bit us off. Probably a friend of jaws. No really big fish however. All were 60-70cm. Tony got a beauty of 80cm . WIll be out tomorrow ..always next time. Cheers Kelvin

What about todays effort Kelvin? Talking on the mobile while trying to boat a king!!! That was quite a bend it had put on your rod !!!


It is always the case, you get a call then a hook up! Happens all the bloody time. Got used to pulling in kings with a phone stuck to my head. Many a time I had a call on the phone then the sound of a screaming drag going off!!!

A funny story was when Barrykrocker called me once and as I answered the phone my rod goes off with the Torsa screaming. As I was getting the rod out of the holder, my phone was in my hand and all that Barrykrocker got in his ear was a screaming drag. Had to apologise... the same thing happened numerous times to several different people. My lawyer Adrian has had this happen 4 times!!! John Mcgill also got this treatment from me......bewarned don't call me while I am fishing..you may go deaf!

Those kings really do pull hard. It was a call from my wife telling me to bring a few fish and not let all of them go!Couldn't hang up on the boss :wife: Was trying to do the softly softly approach but the fish didn't read the book and he just pulled! It's good exercise... my left bicep is looking good.


This was me today....no matter how many of these things you have caught- it always puts a smile on your face!!

By the way Ross-did you like the bananas I was eating???? :biggrin2: CHeers Kelvin

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nice result as per usual kelvin

we got sharked at the wedding cake on a big squid last week as well.. went to the surface and took both hooks \

seems there are afew around there

THere is so much bait around it is only natural for the larger predators to snoop around. There is a permanent school of small white bait around the pylons of the cake. THey have been there for several weeks now and look so nervous ...constantly balled up!!!

The good thing about fishing the cakes is that it is relatively snag free. I take my boys there all t he time and they can let a kingie run and run without too much fear of a bust off. Just hope it stays there unlike the western one! CHeers kelvin

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still love reading your reports Kelvin, and this one is another beauty but the evil part of my brain is waiting for the report titled FISHED ALL DAY FOR NOT A BITE :1prop: Make us mere mortals not feel so bad about our lack of fish catching ability.


Haven't had that in a few years but you never know..it could be the next trip! But with the Noble I'll travel anywhere where there is water to catch a fish and not go home with a donut! CHeers Kelvin

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Yes I do flush out the motor and clean up the boat everytime. Is a routine that I am in.

WIth the squid....put ti down whole for BIG fish. I use a 2 hook slider. 7/0 or 8/0 tow hook with a 1/0 or 2/0 treble stinger. Cheers Kelvin

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Thanks for the reply. Will use 2 hook rig next time.

You must have good neighbours, but I suppose a 4 stroke doesn't make much noise. I always feel a bit guilty hosing/flushing in the street. Though no ones reprimanded me to date.


I do my flushing with the water attachment in the motor. Don't have to start it to push fresh water through. Works great. Cheers KElvin

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Great report Kelvin. Really inspiring to read with enough detail for fellow Raiders to follow in your footsteps.

Just a quick quistion - you mentioned that you had your braid issue sorted out. What have you done? I recall reading in a few posts that the higher rated braid lines were snapping way below their capacity. Did you change brands?

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This year I had busted off my braid more than once on good fish. This had never happened to me before. I have been rubbed off on the bottom but never busted on a straight pull. I routinely use 24kg ( 50lb ) braid or more on my reels and set my drags at 10-15kgs. With the drag set at this level, the line should not be stressed to breaking point.

However, in the last 2 months I have lost a dozen or so good fish to the braid parting. When I did some testing some of the so called 24kg braid was breaking at 10kgs or less! :1badmood:

The word soon got around as some of my mates were being busted up as well. We all started to scratch our heads and tested our lines. THe results were almost unanimous in that the braided lines were breaking way below what was stated on the packet. It was very disappointing to lose such good fish due to crappy braid. Most were big enough to pull drag set at 10kgs or more. This type of fishing only comes around very rarely and we blew it. Haven't hooked a fish that big since.

Anyway we soon sorted out the braid issues by only buying the brands which at least break at what they state on the packet. I use 60lb daiwa sensor braid in 8 ply weave and iron braid in 50lb. Also found the daiwa 8 ply IGFA 60lb to be good. THere are others but I stick to these.

With the testing that I did along with others, the knots we were using also had a huge impact on the breaking strain of braid. Bimini twists were making the braid weaker while plaits didn't. Soon figured out that when you tighten the bimini the line twists above it. THis twisting weakens the braid. So I routinely untwist my line and it has been OK...also use super glue on tag ends. Also troll my lines to get rid of line twist as this can weaken your braid.

There is a whole section on it in the chat section started by kingf1sher. Cheers kelvin

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