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Me,the Kids, And Those Flamin Fad's


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Well, there I was stuck in Canberra, finally heading home for the first time in 3 weeks, and it's all happening.Thanks to the Raiders reports, the Fad's were on for the Dolphins, and the :wife: gave me royal permition to take them out Saturday morning.Cool!

I left the ACT late arvo and sat on $1.30 all the way.(It's funny how stupid we become when we know we're going fishing!)

Anyway, the following morning started at 4.30 with both girls pestering me to get up. A quick cigarette and we hit the road, launched and went to the bait grounds and scored a quick 20 livies inside 20 minutes.Its amazing how well cat food acts as burley.Sunrise was upon us and we were allready 5 mile out.

Now, this is where Murphy started to play with what I thought was a definate Royal Flush. The reported calm water was extremely rough, however the kids took their tablets before leaving, I thought that was all we were in for........ About an hour later, we were 9 mile outside Terrigal.The dolphins and a few MASSIVE baitballs kept the kids interested in what was a bloody slow trip.The GPS sounded"arrival" and they were keenly looking for their first "soocerballs" in the water.Now.........., this is where Murphy had me almost crying.Who moved the flamin FADS?? I haven't been there for a while, but I have located them 4 or 5 times in the past. This other boat passed by and we hauled him up and he stated that they were another 5 mile out further.Without deffinate GPS, I sadly turned the boat and headed in.

So, we rounded Lion Island and Jess suggested Juno Point. We pulled up and I set the rods with some great livies the kids caught. I was still trying to talk it up when zzzzzzzzzzzzz, off went my baby Abu.(With a sad dead squid on it)Beck saw it first so I said that she could wind in. What do you know, A baby Jew(42cm) and it was her first! The kids were so happy.The final count for the morning, 20 livies, 1 Taylor and THE JEW

I'm also proud to say that after a quick picture or 10, Beck was shown how to run it along the water to help it revive, and then with a release of the tongs, the fish went to live another day.(I thought there was going to be a fight about letting it go, but she seems to be a true Raiders Fisho! )

Not the story we were hoping to tell, but the end was worth the effort.


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Sounds like a fun day on the water. good to see some people out there throwing the little ones back. One day hopefully the same fish can make your Abu scream for longer.

And about the catfood, Ill have to try it next time Im out :1prop:

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Sounds like a fun day on the water. good to see some people out there throwing the little ones back. One day hopefully the same fish can make your Abu scream for longer.

And about the catfood, Ill have to try it next time Im out :1prop:

Get the ring pull catfood.......say the sardines or pilchard variety and steal your girlfriends old stocking. Cut one leg off , tip the food in and hang it off your boat.I actually give the stocking a little stab here and there aswell. Quick, clean and efficient.At the end of the day, toss it.You still have another stocking leg for the next trip.

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Broken Bay FAD is currently situated about 22 kms due east of Box Head. The Terrigal FAD is about 8 kms north of that. There are also other fish holding markers out there but wider. When I was at the BB FAD a month ago there were also two fish traps real close. The Fisheries coordinates took me straight to the Broken Bay FAD within 20 meters.

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Excellent report Stumpy.

GO BEC! I was so excited for you when your Mum txt to tell me and I can only imagine how loud the excitement was in the boat at the time. Glad to hear there were many pics taken.

WOW Stumpy, what a top Dad - did Cam go to? I was naturally happy for you all but really jealous and wished I was there when I heard you were out fishing on such a beautiful sunny day - how was that heat? Did you jump in?

Great tip regarding the cat food - will definitely try that - wonder if my hubby has any stockings????? :wife:

I've been dying to file a report but unfortunately life hasn't been as flexible to let me get out there. Will try for sometime over the weekend and definitely hope to have a good story from our camp up river over Easter with the two families. Got an excellent rod for the Stumpy reel and rigged it up tonight all ready to go. Can't wait.

P.S. Can you teach me all the fishy lingo?????

P.S.S Can Nick and I come next time, love to try open waters????

Cheers Marg

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Excellent report Stumpy.

GO BEC! I was so excited for you when your Mum txt to tell me and I can only imagine how loud the excitement was in the boat at the time. Glad to hear there were many pics taken.

WOW Stumpy, what a top Dad - did Cam go to? I was naturally happy for you all but really jealous and wished I was there when I heard you were out fishing on such a beautiful sunny day - how was that heat? Did you jump in?

Great tip regarding the cat food - will definitely try that - wonder if my hubby has any stockings????? :wife:

I've been dying to file a report but unfortunately life hasn't been as flexible to let me get out there. Will try for sometime over the weekend and definitely hope to have a good story from our camp up river over Easter with the two families. Got an excellent rod for the Stumpy reel and rigged it up tonight all ready to go. Can't wait.

P.S. Can you teach me all the fishy lingo?????

P.S.S Can Nick and I come next time, love to try open waters????

Marg, of course you can come............ but you have to be quiet !!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers Marg

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mate well done.

but just a question.

why not stick a livey down next to those bait balls?

been quite a few marlin around of late.

always worth a try :)

Mate, I had the kids running for the flick stick and allready had the eyes on the 10kg line with the8'0 hook set up(with our livies in mind). Unfortunately the dolphins, birds and most probably those dancing penguins that I saw at the movies had them so worked up that they would dive and come back up 100metres away from us. We couldn't get within 50 metres of them.The swell wouldn't allow a slow drift up to them as the action was that fast, I feel the the preditors were calling all the shots.Mind you, when I saw the bait ball and started barking orders to the kids (like Adolph Hitler) you should have seen the rods come out and the kids scurry to their positions!

It was good fun though as the kids went from saying"are we there yet" to "look dad, more bird action over there"!

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Hey Murray - alias HOT TOPIC

What's the point of fishing if you don't get excited about it - I never refrain from expressing myself verbally when I've caught something big or small!

Cheers Marg

Marg, the best thing you ever caught sleeps beside you.

Good catch.

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