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Sydney Harbour Easter Sunday


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Hey guys,

I havent done a report in a while because i have been too busy to get out fishing. But today with the rains clearing my brother and I headed to our favourite rock for a quick fish.

We popped open the freezer and luckily found a a few old frozen pillies... Thats all we needed!

So we headed down to our local spot a little late at 11:30am. Chopped up some pilly and threw it in to stir up some yakkas! once the frenzy started we popped in the live bait rig and had about 10 little yakkas in about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile my brother Chris was throwing some SP's around to see if anything would take, I grabbed my rod which already had a big shad SP from a flattie session a while ago... so what the heck, we throw then around for about 30min and nothing.

So its time to burly up some of those pillies and see what comes... we chop up most of the pillies and throw out a few livies... another 30min goes by and nothing! the yakkas were just pleasantly swimming around with their mates! All of a sudden they all scatter! I thought for sure something was hunting, so i held my rod firmly waiting for a big tug or run... but again a big fat nothing.

Then chris yells out "Holly Mullet!" I turn and look beside our rock and saw something I havent seen before! A MASSIVE school of big mullet! Tons of the bloody things and each one looked around 50cm + (see pic below!) Being the usuall stupid mullet they wouldnt touch anything, lures, bait etc and we had no bread. We even tried foul hooking them but to no avail...

After they dissapeared I decided to use another yakka but this time dead. So I cast it out unweighted.

I got a few little pecks and then it went dead... I thought some little pickers had cut it to pieces and pulled it from the hook, when all of a sudden WAM! and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my rod buckled right over and fish started diving straight down! I thought "yes kingie!" as i still havent popped that cherry, but then is started heading out and i could feel headshakes, so i thought maybe not... Jewfish maybe! there were alot of mullet around and jewfish love them... again another fish i havent caught before. then it started heading back for the rock and i gained some line before it busted out of the water and gave a big jump... Salmon! i was happy, but dissapointed at the same time. It gave a great fight but i was hoping for something else! anyway chris did a brilliant net job and we landed a very nice fat sambo.

We burlied the rest of the pillies we had and decided that dead yakkas were the go now... so out went a few more. I managed two flatties, so i started winding the baits in after that to keep them off the bottom. Chris gave up on the bait and went to a nice flick bait SP and2nd cast saw a nice fish chase it right to the rock... maybe a bonito or frigate, we couldnt really see. So i threw out my dead yakka and saw it circle the bait right on the surface... Com'on! eat it! it kept swimming around my bait but wouldnt make a move, it lost interest in chris' plastic so he switched to bait. I wound mine in and cast out a little further this time. within a sec the bait was slammed and the fish was powering! it only took a few seconds and it was in with a mate chasing. chris drops his bait in front of it and bang! its on then all of a sudden its off and the bait and hook comes flying out of the water and almost hits me in the face! haha anyway i landed the fish and I think its a Watsons leaping bonito?

Pics below. sorry for the long post i got excited again! I love fishing :)






Got this one last time i was here.


Edited by bbenny
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great report, lovely fish, great pics and them mullet look nice u should've put a three hook thingy and foul hook them ive seen a guy to it b4. is that cliftom gardens on the rocks?


Edited by sambo1
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Great report and very nice pics too.

Glad you scored a few decent fish and those mullet sure were in abundance. What thumpers they were too.

Those Watson's Leapers are a very nice looking fish.

Looks like that rock is going to get another workout soon as it looks the perfect spot.

Great read and comprehensive report fellas...Well done.



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