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Offshore Fishing - Saturday 14th April


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Hi all,

Went out fishing with the brother (Tim) and his mate (Ben) yesterday. Arrived at Balmoral wharf around 5:30am, and caught around 8 yakkas whilst waiting to be picked up by the bro.

Bro arrives around 6:30am and we head off the island to try and source some squid and yakkas. The squid were absent, and we could not see any other boats catching any. There were a few around the island. After around an hour, we gather another 8 or so yakkas and try a couple of other spots for squid. There was a lot of debris around, which made the squidding frustrating. After using up another half hour or so, we give up on the squid and head off shore with the yakkas, pillies and frozen bait shop squid.

Tried downrigging north head for zip, Bluefish Pt proved fruitless as well. No bait on the sounder.

We head off to the Sydney North FAD, where there are a couple of boats already. After a couple of drifts and berleying, we see no activity.

We decide to head to the FAD further out, and again there are a few boats already there. Our first drift I see a dollie come up our berley trail. I reel in my live yakka and throw it out into the middle of a school of dollies. They show interest and nudge the yakka, but the yakka is pretty tired and does not show much activity. I think this inactivity does not excite the dollies and they just swim around it . My brother throws in a cubed pillie in their midst and again they show no interest. Ben has the frozen squid on ganged hooks and he too cannot tempt them. This becomes frustrating. We reset our drift to try to locate the fish again, and we cannot find the same school.

We decide to downrigg the yakkas, as well as the frozen squid. Ben has a squid trolled out the back. First pass and Ben hooks up, woohoo, the first dollie comes in at around 45cm. Moments later the downrigged yakka rod gets a bump, I flick the line off the clip and we have another dollie onboard. The dollies are not strong enough to take the line off the clip. We continue to downrigg for the next hour and we eventually boat 6 dollies, caught on yakkas and squid.

Towards the end of our session at the fad a boat turns up, and a guy dons a snorkel and mask and jumps in the water, swimming towards the FAD. I ask his buddy what he is doing, to which he replies "he is having a look around". I think this is weird, and a somewhat inconsierate to the other boats around. The guy dives under the FAD and retrieves some tackle people had lost on the FAD. Getting back into his boat they motor away from the FAD start what looks like their drift, fair enough I thought. Then the same guy puts on his full wetsuit jumps in and attaches a underwater underwater fishing fishing buoy to his body. He heads to the FAD, with the buoy trailing !!! I could not believe it !!!! There was another boat flicking softies at the FAD, who cannot do this anymore, any fish that were around would surely be put off the bite !!! Sure enough, we did not get anymore bites and we head off. I wanted to have a few words to the guy on the boat, but he moved away from other boats, cause I think he knew what was coming, so we left the inconsiderate jerks to themselves and head back in.

On our way in, we decide to downrigg South Head. We locate a good school of baitfish and Kings. We spend the next hour or so going back and forth over this school. We boat 3 Kings, largest around 65cm. Although they are not large, they are a welcome addition to the days catch, and it is great to have a bitt of a tussles with the little powerhouses. I love the fight these little dynamos put up. We end up using up all of our yakkas and head back in, satisfied with the days fishing.

Went home and cooked up the dollie, very nice indeed.

Hopefully the dollies will hang around for a little while longer, I will surely be paying them another visit.

I am at my MIL's place at the moment, so I will post the pictures up later on.




Edited by 445F
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Good onya OP. Those dollies sure taste good on a plate. Brilliant colours. Good to see them around...finally!!! CHeers Kelvin

Thanks Kelvin, the dollies have got great colour. It was interesting that when I was scaling one of them yesterday, that it seemed some of the colour came off with the scales. Beautiful to eat, although they are not as meaty as the Kings.

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Good Feed of fish there 445f , we also had a diver join us at Botany fad Saturday , and i heard a report that same boys last monday had the hide to swim under a FRs boat and tangle all lines around his floating Bouy then proceeded to abuse the guys on boat for simply doing nothing wrong , u got to love em.

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Good Feed of fish there 445f , we also had a diver join us at Botany fad Saturday , and i heard a report that same boys last monday had the hide to swim under a FRs boat and tangle all lines around his floating Bouy then proceeded to abuse the guys on boat for simply doing nothing wrong , u got to love em.

Thanks Offtap. The hide of some people .... sad really.

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Good going 445F....

Could you let us know if the gps marks for that fad were 33 °35.554’/151 °34.607’

There has been reports of it going missing.

Tiger Shark, the FAD had moved from the co-ordinates that I was given. I marked the FAD at 33.47.168/151.24.706

They do vary in location, depending on current and wind.

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Can I just check - we are talking about the Sydney North FAD here, not the Sydney Harbour FAD - those co- ord look very close to the Sydney Harbour FAD (and its a long run from Bluefish to Sydney North).

Just checking - no probs if im wrong , just trying to find the bloody thing.



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Can I just check - we are talking about the Sydney North FAD here, not the Sydney Harbour FAD - those co- ord look very close to the Sydney Harbour FAD (and its a long run from Bluefish to Sydney North).

Just checking - no probs if im wrong , just trying to find the bloody thing.



Bennos, I believe the first FAD we went to (don't know the GPS co-ords - as we were in my brother's boat) was the Sydney North FAD. The co-ords of this one was given to me by a mate, and then I re-marked it cause it was a little off. I believe it is the Manly Hydrolics wave rider buoy - although when I look up the co-ords for that MHL the co-ords are different.

What ever this thing is called, I marked it with my handheld GPS...

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